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In theory, are stage Blue and Green people "closer" to Turquoise than Orange/Yellow?

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Communal stages: Blue, Green, Turquoise 

Independent stages: Red, Orange, Yellow

Therefore, it seems like stage Blue and Green are "underdeveloped" Turquoise, and Red and and Orange are "underdeveloped" Yellow. So ironically, if you look at it from the communal perspective, Yellow is farther away from "Turquoise mentality" than Green, right?. What are your thoughts on this?

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It's like you're saying that 1st grade is closer to 3rd grade because both are odd, while 2nd grade is even. So what? 2nd grade is still closer to 3rd grade.

In a sense Green is further away from Turquoise because in its own mind it already thinks it is Turquoise. The similarity actually makes it more self-deceptive and therefore harder to ascend. At least Yellow understands that there is a Turquoise above it. Green often doesn't. There is a big difference between Tier 1 and Tier 2. In this sense Yellow is much closer to Turquoise because they're both Tier 2.

The biggest thing Green lacks is the meta-perspective of Tier 2.

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@Leo GuraAgreed, fair point. Assuming Yellow fully embodied Green, their perspective would include the best of green, plus. I was just sharing an observation I was making from the communal standpoint.

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From a communal perspective, Blue and Green value community very differently.

My parents would be considered Blue in this respect. Community to them is their white, Catholic conservative community. Green has a much more expansive community. To Blue, the thought of loving LGBTQ, multiculturism, muslims, immigrants and hippies as members of their personal community is repulsive. Green is not “community” to Blue. Rather, it is a threat to their contracted idea of community. 

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Blue LOVES to hate Green.

Green LOVES to hate Orange.

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