
Akashic records

35 posts in this topic

Anyone able to access them?

Really want to get into this.


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Yes, i do. 

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43 minutes ago, Hellspeed said:

Yes, i do. 

You really like 2-3 words answers don't you? Just in your post history there's 5 of them :






Keep it up! This forum needs more of your high-quality content :)

On another note, I'm really intrigued about akashic records, I would really like to learn more about them!

Edited by FredFred

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3 hours ago, Tistepiste said:

@Hellspeed how would you describe it? What have you seen? 

Each and all of you. Each and all humanity, animals, etc. I can tap in any source of energy, any info on what i focus on. Anyone can do this with transcendence. 

Is complex, is beyond what you can see in movies. 

One can do this if the rabbit hole is unlocked and the gate to DMT in the body/system. 

You can see anything, really, from your own life and all humanity, all is intelinked. 

What do you want me to say? It cannot be taught, only discovered by awakening or initiation. 

You cannot even understand if discovered. The subconscious is infinite times more vast than deep web. 

One can simply learn by knowing how to breathe, how to channel, how to select frequencies. 

As i said in previous posts, no AI will ever be able to do this. The organic has a technology that taps direclty in the space/time, anywhere, with instant results, no matter the distance. Is way beyond what quantum physics teaches. 

It can be so real as you are afraid of :)

Edited by Hellspeed

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2 minutes ago, Hellspeed said:

Each and all of you. Each and all humanity, animals, etc. I can tap in any source of energy, any info on what i focus on. Anyone can do this with transcendence. 

Is complex, is beyond what you can see in movies. 

What did you see about me ?:D 

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@Hellspeed So you would be able to read me and my life? Could we put that to a test where you say something about my past or so on Skype

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2 hours ago, Tistepiste said:

@Hellspeed So you would be able to read me and my life? Could we put that to a test where you say something about my past or so on Skype

You are not prepared for this. This is not a circus, go watch Leo's videos or meditate. You don't know what your are asking. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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The thing is i don't have the need for mere demonstration, only if one is commited to see the truth, because there is no turning back and not everyone is prepared. 

The Movie Matrix? I can tell is more complex than that and more simple at the same time. Awakening intails insanity, so few are prepared for that realm and get what is happening. See Leo's basic videos on what he saw during DMT trips. Imagine having that RL all the time, how would you handle it? 

Edited by Hellspeed

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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@Hellspeed From some reason I don't like watching Leo's video's. Nothing personal against Leo, but I don't find him charismatic and I am not drawn to his content.

Probably I am not prepared like you say either, but these days I am experimenting with some psychedelics, and am committed to doing daily meditation routines as well as reading more books about it and watching documentaries / reading papers.
But there's not much information I can find.
A lot are self-proclaimed spiritual gurus. If you search for akashic records on YouTube you can't really find anything apart from video's with robotic voices, people offering 'services', or some vague description of something.

The quality I am looking for isn't really there yet, or maybe I should grab onto older literature.

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14 minutes ago, Tistepiste said:

@Hellspeed From some reason I don't like watching Leo's video's. Nothing personal against Leo, but I don't find him charismatic and I am not drawn to his content.

Probably I am not prepared like you say either, but these days I am experimenting with some psychedelics, and am committed to doing daily meditation routines as well as reading more books about it and watching documentaries / reading papers.
But there's not much information I can find.
A lot are self-proclaimed spiritual gurus. If you search for akashic records on YouTube you can't really find anything apart from video's with robotic voices, people offering 'services', or some vague description of something.

The quality I am looking for isn't really there yet, or maybe I should grab onto older literature.

Real info is not in books. Is on meditation experience. :) 

Read as much as you like, will not lead you anywhere. All the info about this is written with double sense. One can understand the hidden with Meditation, relaxation , etc. The info out there is not to awaken yourself, is just info. Awakening entails insanity and knowing to manage that realm. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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9 minutes ago, Tistepiste said:

@Hellspeed Ok. Still interested in what you gather of info from the Akashic Records though.. Haha

All the hidden secrets of humanity per example. 

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@Hellspeed But thing is, you can't just "say" those things without explaining or giving examples. Otherwise you just throw some seeds without doing anything really

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Is up to people to do action, i've done my part :)

People want sensation and they don't know what they ask for. 

So if you are prepared to die, message me in private :) 

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@Hellspeed I understand that. But there are examples of people writing books about their knowledge they found in the Akashic Records.
Doesn't require people to die necessarily, unless you'd want to access them yourselves ofcourse.

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What you want to know? @Tistepiste

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