
unexcpected reaction when approaching

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So ive dabbled in pickup before. Ive started again and am getting girls thinking im weird or crepy right off the open. Ih ave no idea whyyy. I always get rejected right off the open. i hear that mean im incongruent but i never feel like im being incongruent. Ive been getting rejected so fast i cant understand. Maybe i just need a bootcAMP.  i know that once they gtet to know me theyd either like me or atleas know im just a normal dude. I alwyas get blown out before i can display my personality. Its kinda dissapoiinting. Any suggestionsss? 

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Make each approach different. Until you find one that works. And then keep doing that. And if rejection gets to you just stay busy. If you do nothing your mind will dwell on the rejection.

Black is white. Down is up. Bad is good. -Eric Tarpall

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I hear you, doing the approaching is kind of a thing for itself and very much different from the getting to know each other phase.

And you are right it points towards being somehow incongruent. How do you approach? Maybe you are doing or assuming something funny/strange we can point out. How do you feel yourself, do you feel needyness or something in you resisting/not feeling right with the approach?

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When i approach i say hi or make  a random statement and they usually get creeped out. I have been rejected so many times that i might give off  hesitant vibe that they find creepy. I need to fix this though beacause im actually a normal nice person. IM far from creepy or weird. I do resist the approach sometimes cuz ive been rejected so much. Im also young and good looking soo iknow i must really be approaching wrongg. Ithink i need a bootcamp

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Maybe they dont know what your intentions are or how they can adapt socially to you. Try approaching with a normal question, with something that you observe about her or want to know about her. Just like a normal conversation.

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Probably what you are doing is acting indirect like you just want to talk platonic, but women can see right through that, and it's inauthentic. If you are going to approach, your attitude is 'yes, I obviously like you, deal with it,' never trying to hide your interest, it's implied subtext. Seeing it as a learning experience, not at all invested in her reactions. Its the current year, when women get approached, they know exactly why.

What can make you look like a creepy weirdo is if you appear unnatural, like going out of your way to talk to someone, rather than spontaneously when you just happen to be in the same place as they are. Don't be that guy saying excuse me excuse me excuse me to a chick wearing headphones staring at her phone.

As you will find, some women will feel annoyed and just ignore you or at worst tell you to fuck off, but others will actually appreciate being approached, be amused by it, since they are feeling the decline of masculinity and miss getting male attention in public. 


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