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Healing from an illness

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Hey guys, I just want to ask you - can someone heal from a stomach problem via fasting?

I mean, I am slowly healing, but sometimes I feel like I am not hungry at all, but still, my dad is telling my to at least eat some bread with ham, pasta etc., which is only making it worse for me. (according to my feeling)

My dad is literally telling me to not be interested in health. I understand, that he works as a graphics designer and he designs book covers for all the bullshiting diet books, but then he is just too skeptical. My doctor, who's advice he trusts, had cancer twice in her life.

How do I overcome this? Is it a good idea to maybe have a 1 day water fast?

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Lol. Bread with ham and pasta :D

You have a terrible diet bro.

And be careful with fasting. You can damage your body more then you can benefit from it.

I'm not saying fasting is bad. Just be careful. It takes a lot of understanding about the human body and diet.

My reccomendation. Just eat 2 times a day. In the afternoon and evening. Don't be snacking in between. If  you do this you won't need any fasting in your life. Body will be healthy all the time.

Having some exercize would help aswell.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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You can heal from any illness, condition, if you awake. Breath, Kundalini, etc. 

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do you know what exactly is wrong with your stomach in the first place? 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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1 hour ago, bejapuskas said:

Hey guys, I just want to ask you - can someone heal from a stomach problem via fasting?

I mean, I am slowly healing, but sometimes I feel like I am not hungry at all, but still, my dad is telling my to at least eat some bread with ham, pasta etc., which is only making it worse for me. (according to my feeling)

My dad is literally telling me to not be interested in health. I understand, that he works as a graphics designer and he designs book covers for all the bullshiting diet books, but then he is just too skeptical. My doctor, who's advice he trusts, had cancer twice in her life.

How do I overcome this? Is it a good idea to maybe have a 1 day water fast?

Start with Colloidal Silver to remove any parasite, next Haritaki, Curcuma/curry, spirulina/chlorella, garlic, etc.

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@Salvijus  I wouldn't eat it, but I now know, that I cannot eat fruit as the first meal, because the fruity acids damage my stomach. (my problem now) I wanted to do that, but my dad told me to forget about intermittent fasting, he doesn't know what it is, but says, it's a scam. :/ He claims that you need to eat 4 times a day to keep the stomach running, because it needs to run all the time. Also, my doctor prescribed me Hylak forte, which has to be taken 3 times a day before or during food, so I probably shouldn't mess that up... I am quite confused really

@Hellspeed Breathing definitely helps me :) I do a breathing exercise regularly and I can feel the difference. I already take chlorella and quite a lot of garlic in my meals.

@Michael569 Actually, I don't know exactly. I just know that it!s been caused by me eating too much fruit in the morning, which damaged my guts and then I ate out for quite a lot of time, because I had absolutely no time to prepare my food, nor did my parents (we are repairing the house), so that was quite a bad combination. Also my doctor said, that it's nothing that serious, and told me to get a blood test, but I still didn't get its results.

When is it ok to fast then? :) I feel like I have been asking about diet for a long time, but I haven't experienced any stomach problems till now (I could always eat more than my friends and be ok), but only when I experienced this pain, I have enough motivation to do some change... I just don't know what change, because after this fail, I am quite scared to experiment.


Edited by bejapuskas

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23 minutes ago, bejapuskas said:

I just know that it!s been caused by me eating too much fruit in the morning, which damaged my guts and then I ate out for quite a lot of time,

How long after you eat the fruit till it starts to hurt? 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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I can't help with this specific problem but having cancer twice could be a beneficiary, meaning that it may have forced her to study cancer and having gone through it gained a lot of lessons. But knowing the average person in society, she probably is very unaware of a holistic way of looking at it 

To disregard health and nutrition is silly advice... Food affects you on many levels. You can even tell when you eat something how it affects you. Whenever I eat junk food I feel like shit but whenever I eat fruits or veggies, I notice my mood and energy levels higher. 

listen to 1:16:02

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24 minutes ago, bejapuskas said:

Probably like an hour or two, it depends on how much I eat. 

An intestinal problem then, not stomach, especially because fruits leave empty stomach within 30 minutes max, some even earlier.

My guess is that you have very sensitive intestinal walls perhaps even leaky gut (intestinal wall that lost some of its integrity). All the fibre is scratching the sensitive walls and causing mild local inflammation that's why there is all the pain. (but it could be something completely different) 

There is a guy on youtube called "Gojiman" he is relatively new but he has Masters in nutrition so prob knows a little bit about it. He is always bashing on SIBO, IBS and leaky gut of having same causes. Have a look at some of his videos and see if it resonates with you. 

If you can afford it, maybe consider hiring a nutritionist in your area and see if they could help you by doing some stool testing, sibo testing etc..

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Michael569 Ok! I can afford it probably, my mum told me, that she can buy it for me on Christmas ;) I will also check out the videos...

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If I have an intestinal problem (which makes sense from what my doctor and you were saying), what should I eat/avoid? 

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@bejapuskas you will need to get tested to see what you react to. Probably oxalates and maybe some histamine rich foods. They will need to take stool testing and maybe check for antibodies in the blood...hard to say. I am sure they will know best :)

I would first try to push on your doc and tell them you want stool testing done. (means you poop in a tube and they send it to the lab). You should be entitled to that. And if the public health care system does it, you don't have to pay any extra. 

One more kinda gross advice. The next time you go to the toilet, look back afterwards and check for blood or mucus in the stool, those could be indication of something deeper going on. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Michael569  I started eating less sugar and I immediately started feeling better, I am probably almost healthy by now :) I will still see the nutritionist and do the testing if necessary, but it's getting good again quickly :) 

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@bejapuskas glad to hear that :) just make sure you are not just masking symptoms by avoiding particular foods.You should be able to eat any amount of fruits at any time without any pain, if it hurts something is not right. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Michael569 Hm... I see. Maybe I am still not completely healthy. My doctor prescribed me the stool testing by the way, so I will get more insight about my guts. :D My blood testing went really well, there are probably almost no other problems in my body.

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stomach or gut? it’s a little bit different - first locate the problem. it sounds a little fuzzy what intestines are involved. then you need to discern if it is a burning sensation or what quality the pain has. a good diagnosis is always based on a good description of what and where exactly.

too much acid is most of the times the stomach.

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