
Does Prayer to God Work?

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I, as a Muslim who has stumbled upon this non-dual realization of reality find myself asking the following question.

Does Prayer work?

I mean sure, all is a dream and different story and content within those infinite dreams...

but the direct revelation to the prophet and many others from God with his infinite wisdom where God says to ask him for anything no matter if it's the tip of your shoelace which goes missing...

So while knowing that what I am is outside of this world/dream and merely watching this all - can my character/ego in the dream pray to God and believe that it will be fulfilled? prayer answered? 


also, i feel within the dream itself... someone who is fully enlightened speaks from the NOW and the present with the knowledge limited to their experience in that life... eg. a computer scientist who becomes enlightened will not magically know things about space or medicine upon enlightenment... sure they will understand the human mind as that's a common factor for all enlightened beings

now someone within the dream who gets direct revelations from God is much more profound and deep...

for example Prophet Muhammad was told about how exactly a baby is formed in the womb... and about facts of the world unknown at the time...

We created man from an extract of clay.  Then We made him as a drop in a place of settlement, firmly fixed.  Then We made the drop into an alaqah (leech, suspended thing, and blood clot), then We made the alaqah into a mudghah (chewed substance)...

He has set free the two seas meeting together.  There is a barrier between them.  They do not transgress.

and this was discovered as a body of two seas that do not meet.


so revelation is truly the direct word of God within the dream of reality and is the most powerful


sure all of what i am saying is technically the happening and the word of God and also the words of an enlightened being but revelation trumps all 



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It works if you stand in the mind. And live by the mind rules. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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How exactly baby is formed was known to Greek even before Muhammed ? and what is said in quran is not even close to how it is.  

And about two seas meet here is what Aristotle said 

The drinkable, sweet water, then, is light and is all of it drawn up: the salt water is heavy and remains behind."

It is clear that at the time of Aristotle, people knew that waters of different density and salinity do not mix. Obviously the sailors navigating in that sea must have noticed the difference of color between the waters. So it was also known to Greek folks even before God's revelation. ?

Prophets dosent know any better than Enlightend masters.

 (A messiah is the one who leaves a mess behind him in this world. U.G Krishnamurthy).

So prayer to God work? Yes If it is meant to be ?

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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@Harikrishnan sure all of that might be known

but it wasn't known by Muhammad who was illiterate


anyhow. i get what you're saying...  

my main thing was about prayer working or not


the rest just got typed somehow in the post lol





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@SoonHei within Maya, I see prayer as a form of law of attraction. Simple as that. But it's also nice to think that paying to God (higher self or whatever) could somehow sway its mind on completing karma or something like that. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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God is much more internal that what you think.


But remember brother, do not have beliefs. Especially spiritual ones about god and truth. We are removing beliefs, do not be tricked into believing the truth. Only observe it, don't touch it. Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The one and absolute ONLY teaching you need is this:

There is no teaching. You are only here to find out who you are.

Anything more than this, will trick you

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8 hours ago, SoonHei said:

@Harikrishnan sure all of that might be known

but it wasn't known by Muhammad who was illiterate


anyhow. i get what you're saying...  

my main thing was about prayer working or not


the rest just got typed somehow in the post lol





Maybe Muhammed was not illetrate. Maybe he was. Maybe he only talked about how great God is rest like science are addition by people who knew science then.

Lol i was playin with you, since you are into non duality i was checking wether u still hold religious beliefs once u holded dearly. This beliefs are really hard to go as a practising hindu it was very hard for me, even now sometimes it keeps on coming subconciously. But to TRUTH is our journey and every belief must fall to find it. 



I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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Yes, it does. The higher your state of consciousness is, the better and more certainly it works.

Check out Bending Reality by Vishen Lakhiani ...It is free and you can google the name.

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As Ruper Spira would say, the highest prayer(or mediation) is being aware of being aware. You feel God's infinite presence(aka your own presence) so deeply, that you are just basked in silence; unable to desire or ask for any superficial stuff.

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@Harikrishnan yup

Letting go of the beliefs wasn't that easy but then again, it's still kinda part of my life.

And that's ok


Non-duality allows me to understand the basics and foundation of religion and understanding brings about a deep Knowing about its mechanics which feels good for the mind


@Shadowraix thnx. Recently found Tom das also, i like his teachings.@Preetom rupert is ma man... Except i can't hold the being aware feeling of the I for more than a second 8( 



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4 hours ago, SoonHei said:

Except i can't hold the being aware feeling of the I for more than a second 8( 

The "I sense" or the aware feeling of I, is attuning to "the space of inner silence' or "space of awareness", you just don't hear the term "inner silence" very often. "Inner silence" is a distinction that needs to be known. It is not "quiet mind". There's a subtle energetic quality to this "inner silence" that differentiates it from just quietness or quietness of mind.

Being aware of being Aware ,is the same as abiding and/or being in the inner silence or space of awareness. It is also the same as "just being". A chattering,active mind affects the minds ability to stay in that space of awareness. You will have to effort,be patient and keep coming back to it over and over. The same as any meditation when starting out. Be consistent, and gradually you will be able to hold your attention there until it becomes effortless. Effortless abiding awareness.

"Silence is the language of God"
“Silence gives answers.” Rumi

"Enlightenment" isn't without an expanded,permeating space of inner silence. It is"the peace that passeth all understanding".

Edited by who chit

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11 hours ago, Preetom said:


As Ruper Spira would say, the highest prayer(or mediation) is being aware of being aware. You feel God's infinite presence(aka your own presence) so deeply, that you are just basked in silence; unable to desire or ask for any superficial stuff.

This too. :)

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4 hours ago, who chit said:

The "I sense" or the aware feeling of I, is attuning to "the space of inner silence' or "space of awareness", you just don't hear the term "inner silence" very often. "Inner silence" is a distinction that needs to be known. It is not "quiet mind". There's a subtle energetic quality to this "inner silence" that differentiates it from just quietness or quietness of mind.

Being aware of being Aware ,is the same as abiding and/or being in the inner silence or space of awareness. It is also the same as "just being". A chattering,active mind affects the minds ability to stay in that space of awareness. You will have to effort,be patient and keep coming back to it over and over. The same as any meditation when starting out. Be consistent, and gradually you will be able to hold your attention there until it becomes effortless. Effortless abiding awareness.

In my experience, I've found that this 'state' doesn't come if I search for it or try to reproduce it on demand desperately.

It's rather when I continue to see what I am NOT and as the attention starts to loose it's grasp from phenomenal experiences; 'I' just fall back into 'myself'. A holistic being takes place. The first time I experienced it, it was unforgettable. I literally felt like a little rabbit caught by it's neck in the jaws of a lion. The ocean of Being is so vast, it just floods and annihilates everything; leaving only itself...

Edited by Preetom

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2 hours ago, Preetom said:

In my experience, I've found that this 'state' doesn't come if I search for it or try to reproduce it on demand desperately.

It's rather when I continue to see what I am NOT and as the attention starts to loose it's grasp from phenomenal experiences; 'I' just fall back into 'myself'. A holistic being takes place. The first time I experienced it, it was unforgettable. I literally felt like a little rabbit caught by it's neck in the jaws of a lion. The ocean of Being is so vast, it just floods and annihilates everything; leaving only itself...

Yeah,the "seeing what I'm not" way is negation or neti-neti(not this,not that).
I spent close to a year doing Kriya yoga and mantra meditation before taking on inquiry. Those practices cultivated the inner silence to where the self inquiry,direct path way could be done with minimal friction. 

Vedanta or self inquiry is notorious for being one of the more difficult ways because it uses only the mind/intellect to get liberation. Even Ramana stated "Nevertheless, Self-Enquiry is not for the faint hearted—it is for those who truly wish to go all the way home: “It is intended only for ripe souls,and Bhagavan conceded that some devotees need to adopt less direct methods more suited to their spiritual development."

Edited by who chit

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2 hours ago, Preetom said:

I literally felt like a little rabbit caught by it's neck in the jaws of a lion. The ocean of Being is so vast, it just floods and annihilates everything; leaving only itself...

Lol. The void scares the shit out of people. After all,It's basically a black whole ready to swallow whatever comes near it.
It was go time for me.There was too much work put in to turn back.

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7 hours ago, who chit said:

Lol. The void scares the shit out of people. After all,It's basically a black whole ready to swallow whatever comes near it.
It was go time for me.There was too much work put in to turn back.

Came upon the void during a meditation. Had been meditating for about a year and never came upon it,then one day it was just there. What is odd is it feels like it's looking back at you.That's probably what scares the shit out of the people who don't know about it. Doesn't help if you do know about it. Can't prepare for something like that. Then the next thing you know you're in it and you are it.  A vast, formless, dark, infinite,boundless,empty,aware,space,lol. Just you. Hell of a thing to experience. Wasn't a permanent merging, but a game changer for sure. 

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Guess I should clarify that when you're it, there's no you-Ego of course. But there's the return back to the body and obviously the ego part we all know and loathe,Lol. First thing is to claim "I' experienced it and, it happened to "me", when it wasn't there at all. For me, the void is what exposed the ego as false. Definitely changes the relationship to  it. The connection get's weakened quite a bit,which also drops a lot of "karmic" baggage/attachments that were being held on to. Also realize ego's writing this post,lol. What a weird little game.  Haven't experienced the void since though.

Edited by Big Guru Balls

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@who chit

Can you describe or link the particular form of self-inquiry that you found to be most helpful for you?

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