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I feel like I don’t know how to help others

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I’m not trying to save others. But as I pursue the truth, I tend to reduce all problems to “it’s the ego” to the point where I don’t know what other advice to give people other than telling them they need to realize that it is the ego. Although it may be true, it is not practical or useful for someone who is not at the stage to grasp what it means. I tried once telling one of my girlfriends and they all said “this is so deep” . I could tell that they think I’m like philosophizing and being deep for the sake of it.. even though I was just trying to dig the root and it wasn’t that deep.

similarly when I work with patients with anxiety and depression, I can’t just tell them “you need to realize the truth” when they just poured out for hours about their work and family problems. Anyway, I just feel like the more I work on myself, the less I am helpful to others in terms of giving them advice and help them with their problems. 



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I personality think it is pointless, best you can do is be positive around people and people will lighten up, it takes allot of time and effort to deal with people problems if they are not interested in it  them self, they might even get angry at you for trying to change them by pointing their flaws, etc. 

It can be done, but it takes just way to much time and effort just to deal with one person.

Edited by purerogue

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People tend to understand 'the ego' as real because psychology and psychoanalysis make a big fuss about an alleged 'ego'. But since there never has been an 'ego' and never will be an 'ego' giving advice like “it’s the ego” is similar to saying “it’s space”. Where should people look to find 'ego' if they're told “it’s the ego” ? They do not have any chance to see the root of their issues. Look into space, Can you see the root?

So what to do? you have to pick people up where they are and give advice only if they are asking for it. If they are asking for advice and If they believe 'I', 'me', 'mine' too be true then why should one try to persuade them of their truthlessness? Instead cherish the 'I', flatter the 'I' and motivate the 'I' to do what is conducive. Activities and effort are necessary for every 'I'.

Edited by ground

Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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Matt Kahn helped me a lot. He has a way of talking that doesn't blame the ego for everything, he has a more love oriented approach. 

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13 hours ago, lostmedstudent said:

I’m not trying to save others. But as I pursue the truth, I tend to reduce all problems to “it’s the ego” to the point where I don’t know what other advice to give people other than telling them they need to realize that it is the ego. Although it may be true, it is not practical or useful for someone who is not at the stage to grasp what it means. I tried once telling one of my girlfriends and they all said “this is so deep” . I could tell that they think I’m like philosophizing and being deep for the sake of it.. even though I was just trying to dig the root and it wasn’t that deep.

similarly when I work with patients with anxiety and depression, I can’t just tell them “you need to realize the truth” when they just poured out for hours about their work and family problems. Anyway, I just feel like the more I work on myself, the less I am helpful to others in terms of giving them advice and help them with their problems. 



Don't try to help others, unless you are THERE. Otherwise you will get crushed vibrationally, trust me, is not easy. 

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I think just share what works for you, and to the degree that you can live that, that's the degree to which they can see proof.

But if you try to preach more than you can live, it's perhaps just one frustration telling another frustration to be less frustrated which just creates more frustration ^ ^

But there are many things in live that can be relatively helpful that are not Silence, like positive thinking, exercise etc.

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You can't just teach a new trick by telling them. You gotta break it down. The steps to get to that final result.

Ultimately that will lead to them breaking down their own psychology, but that is a hard thing for many to do.

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