Zigzag Idiot

Zigzag Idiot and the ladder of Objective Reason

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"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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“The repetitive motion of finding oneself through Identification (even true and worthy descriptions) keeps the being energy just below the critical velocity needed to escape the gravitational field of narrative selfhood.” - Cynthia Bourgeault

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Reaching Up   
  "Put Your Self in Big Shoes"
by Dr. Jim Rosen
©2022 Dr. Jim Rosen   

    If you were God, would you give human beings life so they could make themselves look sexy?  Would you put them on the earth for the purpose of making lots of money and padding their portfolios?  Would you breathe life into them so they could gain prestige and impress each other?  Would you make them strive to win and triumph over one another?  Of course not.  You would give them life so they can learn and grow; so they can experience and develop deep loving relationships; so they can use their talents to create and to help each other; so they can come to enjoy Your gifts, even in the face of adversities and difficulties; and so they can come to treat each other as they themselves want to be treated.  You would want us to use our lives for these Higher purposes.

    Dr. Jim Rosen is a PhD Clinical Psychologist.  He is an experienced psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and couples counselor.  He offers treatment for anxiety disorders, panic attacks, depression, relationship problems, self-esteem issues, assertiveness training, anger control, stress management, and overcoming the effects of sexual, physical, and emotional trauma.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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It's not that complicated and it's been called the universal language

but the language of the smile is the best deal that there is and it would be a really really good deal

that only if it were understood it could really stop all vicious wars,,,,,,

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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If I were an asperger's asshole who was never any good at talking code

I would probably always be alone all of my life and would and not have a wife

but would have quite an interesting life

but if that aspergers asshole kept trying to learn to talk code 

but if I couldn't it would probably be too late to learn pig latin either 

so I don't know I'll just go for being here now and I will try to be a man who  will try to not hate .....

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Reaching Up   
  "Send the Anger Back"
by Dr. Jim Rosen
©2022 Dr. Jim Rosen   

    Each and every one of us needs self-esteem.  If someone is trying to control you, and you cave in to their control, it feels like your self-esteem is being taken away.  Indeed, you've given it away.  So you're going to get angry.  By lashing out with the anger, you're trying to push away the other person’s control and regain your self-esteem.  The anger gives you a sense of control in a situation where you think you lack it.  But anger provides a false sense of control – an illusion.  It’s not the anger or the striking back that really gives you control.  The strong feeling of being in charge of your own life (and to a certain extent, your self-esteem) comes from your ability to make your own choices.  When you are the one who makes the choices, and you are the one who stands by those choices with appropriate action, the anger melts away.  By not caving in, you send the anger back where it came from.

    Dr. Jim Rosen is a PhD Clinical Psychologist.  He is an experienced psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and couples counselor.  He offers treatment for anxiety disorders, panic attacks, depression, relationship problems, self-esteem issues, assertiveness training, anger control, stress management, and overcoming the effects of sexual, physical, and emotional trauma.

    Dr. Rosen works with his patients primarily over the phone.  When needed, face-to-face therapy sessions can be scheduled in his home in Magnet Cove, Arkansas.  Because he does not accept insurance, his fee is only $65 for a full 50-minute hour of treatment.  He can be reached anytime by email at drjrosen@ipa.net or by phone or text at 501-623-2050.

    If you like Dr. Rosen's Reaching Up column, you are free to share it with other people. There is no fee for this column. It's free. If you're not on the list to receive it, just send an email that says "Please Send Column" in the subject line. You will receive a new column each Sunday.  If you are on the list and you don't want to receive Dr. Rosen's column anymore, just send him an email that says "Stop Column" in the subject line.

Dr. Jim Rosen
Clinical Psychologist
Magnet Cove, Arkansas
Ph: 501-623-2050
Email: drjrosen@ipa.net





Edited by Zigzag Idiot

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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The older I get

the less unsure I am about not knowing anything at all ?

about whatever ?

and that's just alright with me

This is really how I feel

and it's just as simple as that

 As you can see, it is only me

and it should be obvious that this I am

that I am is both you and also me

Our days on this planet that we are on

are numbered and that is for sure 

but the vast openness that waits for us beyond the yawning grave

has yet to come

So please forgive yourself for anything and everything

that you may have done

and just enjoy yourself as best as you can

but if you feel sad 

that is okay too

Just feel it fully and stand right in the middle of it 

and don't be afraid

 but if you can not feel courage in this single moment

It is okay if you can admit it to yourself

But never doubt that when the time comes and your back is to the wall

You can have your Being and you can have your Will 

But never hold back the tears if you start to cry

It is completely normal and

it is more than okay to not be like the others

or to not be normal or be missunderstood

It is all for the good

But if the pain is still there

remember if you can

that letting go can be the single thing that can bring relief 

and the forgiving attitiude that exists within your heart

can bring in the grace that has never left you at all

but has only been hiding behind the forgetfulness that everyone of us has

and that experience of grace can be yours once more as well as the lightheartedness

that coexists with the always courageous heart




"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Reaching Up   
  "Moving Forward Without Worry"
by Dr. Jim Rosen
©2022 Dr. Jim Rosen   

    When you tell yourself, “don’t worry about it,” here is why that’s the right thing to say.  When you worry, you’re not dealing with what is.  You’re not even accepting whatever it is.  Even if the thing you’re worried about does happen, the worry has gotten you nowhere.  And even if you're in the middle of it right now, the worry leads not to progress, but to distress.  Worry, of course, is a form of fear.  When you’re bound up in fear, you don’t make progress.  And progress is what you really want.  And it comes from accepting what is, allowing that whatever it is, it’s a part of your life right now.  So instead of being afraid of it and trying to avoid it or pretend it isn’t there, you can look at it honestly.  Now you can look within yourself, and ask the right questions of others, and find the helpful ways to move forward.  You’re not moving forward because of worry.  You are now moving forward by being open minded and by trusting that the answers will be available to you.

    Dr. Jim Rosen is a PhD Clinical Psychologist.  He is an experienced psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and couples counselor.  He offers treatment for anxiety disorders, panic attacks, depression, relationship problems, self-esteem issues, assertiveness training, anger control, stress management, and overcoming the effects of sexual, physical, and emotional trauma.

    Dr. Rosen works with his patients primarily over the phone.  When needed, face-to-face therapy sessions can be scheduled in his home in Magnet Cove, Arkansas.  Because he does not accept insurance, his fee is only $65 for a full 50-minute hour of treatment.  He can be reached anytime by email at drjrosen@ipa.net or by phone or text at 501-623-2050.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Unconditional Love is unattainable as a station of consciousness. IMO ,,The way I see it is that the state of consciousness of unconditional Love is a state that can be tasted, so to speak. When I state "I",  the lie is in place because of our inherent multiplicity, Hence, my ship of fools and yours too if your brutally honest. I am sometimes. I lie twice in two short sentences and I have to live with it and that makes three lies? No, just two if I'm in witness consciousness if my self observation is objective. I think,,, that may be another lie. We can try and try again, All of my ship of fools.



Quotes about Shame

Shame and Vulnerability

As we have seen, the main reason we engage in meddling, resistance, and defense is that we’re afraid that if we’re vulnerable, if we’re open, if we allow ourselves to just simply be where we are, we will not be safe. Many people these days blame their insecurity on terrorism in the world. But the actual lack of safety is more a result of the terrorism that is inside your mind—the internal saboteurs. Our primary fear is that if we are open and let ourselves be where we are, we’re going to be belittled. We’re going to be rejected. We’re going to be humiliated. We’re going to be attacked. We’re going to be judged. We’re going to be criticized. We’re going to be shamed. We’re going to be made to feel guilty.

We’re afraid that other people will do these things to us and sometimes that actually happens. But more often, we do these things to ourselves. Have you ever said to yourself, “If I really let myself be vulnerable, I feel so delicate, sweet, and innocent. If people notice that, they will judge me as good for nothing”? Or maybe you’ve thought, “If I feel that sweet innocence, I’m going to get embarrassed. I’m going to be humiliated. It means I’m not strong. Somebody is going to reject me or shame me.” These worries are usually a projection onto other people of our own inner terrorist that’s scaring us.

The Unfolding Now, pg. 64

The Most Painful Affect of them All, Shame

Narcissistic Shame: The narcissistic emptiness and its associated feelings are difficult to tolerate both because of its own phenomenological properties and because of the reactions to it. It is difficult for the student not to take it as an actual deficiency of the self and react accordingly—with judgment and rejection. We always find the student struggling with painful reactions to the emptiness as it is exposed. She feels deficient and inadequate, worthless and unimportant, weak and inferior, a failure, a loser, a nothing. She feels fake and unreal, lacking substance or value. She feels that she is a liar and a deceiver, an impostor. She feels her life has been a hoax, a waste. These feelings and reactions bring up the most painful affect of them all, shame. The student feels ashamed of herself, embarrassed about herself; she wants to hide. The shame is a specific painful feeling of deficiency, exposure and judgment, all related to a sense of inadequacy in being oneself. What makes this shame specifically a narcissistic manifestation is that one feels inadequate in being oneself, or judges oneself as such. She judges herself as unable to be real. She feels also the emotions associated with the “great betrayal”: she is a traitor to herself, she has sold out; she has been too weak and dependent to stand her ground. Narcissistic shame is an intense pain related to social failure, failure to be a true human being. It is a sense of being an inferior human being, exposed to social judgment in the midst of severe disintegration of the self. When experienced fully, the affect is very painful. The affect itself has a disintegrating effect on the self.

The Point of Existence, pg. 334

Working with Shame

Let's suppose a man feels ashamed every time he feels tenderness toward another person. The superego attacks him with shame and belittling, according to the judgment that tenderness in a man means he is weak and feminine. To begin work on his superego, first the man needs to be aware of the attack, its content, and the content of the judgment. Then he needs to understand the judgment psychodynamically. For instance, he might remember that his father had the attitude that men should be tough, that tenderness belongs to girls and women. Here he understands that he introjected his father's attitude and made it part of his superego. He usually responds to this attitude, which is an attack on himself, with shame and repression. Now, in applying this method, he envisions his father and tells him, in his mind: "Daddy, go to hell! Who cares what you think of me?" Here he is dealing with his superego in a way he could not have dealt with his father in his childhood. He was not able to defend against his father because he believed him, was scared of him, and needed him. This method might not work the first time, but if it is done repeatedly, it will bring out the man's aggression, and he will be able to assert himself and separate from his father's attitude.

The defense needs to be intelligent to be effective. For instance, if the man responds with: "Father, it's not true I am feminine and weak. Tenderness is good and does not mean weakness or femininity," then he is being reasonable with a superego that is not really rational. Also, he probably has tried this response many times but without success because in this response the man is on the defensive; he is trying to justify his feeling and to account to somebody else for its being okay. Any justification already implies some guilt, and so it won't work. The response of "Daddy, go to hell" is effective because there is no attempt at explanation or justification and thus no implication of unconscious guilt. The man just throws back the attack and refuses to listen to its content. He completely disengages from the superego and does not give it any power over him.

Essence with the Elixir of Enlightenment, pg. 138

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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"Judging What's Right for You"
by Dr. Jim Rosen
©2022 Dr. Jim Rosen   

    You are very often the best judge of what's right for you.  That other person may tell you different and may sound very persuasive, but nevertheless, you probably are the best judge for yourself.  If you take a close look at the ways the other person tries to reshape you, and you decide that your way is OK for you, then you are going to be a lot calmer on the inside.  You're going to have a lot less anxiety.  Anxiety is created when you embrace the idea that "there must be something wrong with me... who I am is not who I should be."  But the point is this: the person who you are on the inside is OK, and you are who you should be.  The things that you think and feel and believe and do -- these things may be right for you, even if they're not right according to that somebody else.  Other people cannot experience your life for you.  They can’t think your thoughts or feel your feelings or experience life in just the ways that you do.  So they don't really have the data to judge what's right for you.  You have the data - you have that information.

    Dr. Jim Rosen is a PhD Clinical Psychologist.  He is an experienced psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and couples counselor.  He offers treatment for anxiety disorders, panic attacks, depression, relationship problems, self-esteem issues, assertiveness training, anger control, stress management, and overcoming the effects of sexual, physical, and emotional trauma.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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 The value of letting go

An empty auditorium stage is a metaphor for a healthy mind. When you have an inner quiet, the stage is empty. You can look at the stage with witness consciousness and have your being. A mind cluttered with constant internal dialogue is a neurotic mind. Having a neurotic mind makes you a poor bastard. A quiet mind is peaceful and you have no problem with people but they often have a problem with you. The difference between you and them is that you can let go of things. A metaphor for this is having a clean atmosphere in the  environment of your astral (energy} body. 

These quotes go well with what I've written,


Participation of the Heart Center as Inquiry Deepens

So as our inquiry deepens and becomes more powerful, it will require our ability to sense our experience to become subtler, deeper, and more penetrating. Not only do our physical senses need to become more vivid and intense, we need to bring in subtler senses as well. We need to sense our bodies and our inner sensations more deeply and clearly. We also need to open the heart center so we can feel our emotions and our feeling states more intimately and vividly. And we need to have greater clarity, spaciousness, and quietness in our mind to be able to perceive thoughts and their processes.

Spacecruiser Inquiry, pg. 315


Distinguishing Physical Sensation from Essential Substance

The capacity to sense oneself must become so refined that the individual can discriminate between physical sensation and the sensation of essential substance. It is not enough that the mind be quiet. It is also necessary for the body to be sensitive. The mind can be quiet while the body is deadened. The body has to be awakened so that the center of sensing, the belly center, can be activated. The belly center, or what Gurdjieff called the physical center, is the center of sensing for all parts of the body. Its deepest function is the subtle sensing, the sensing of essential presence, that the Sufis call the organ for touch. Touch is, in a sense, the most intimate of the physical senses. The skin must be directly against an object to touch it. There is no intermediary medium, like sound for hearing or light for seeing. So this subtle capacity is a very intimate one. Accurately speaking, it is sensing essence by being essence. It is the most direct way of perception. This capacity of touch, connected with the belly center, is very intimately connected with the embodiment of essence. It is the body center; its mode of perception is embodiment. Here, perception as touch, and being, are the same act. So this capacity is the most important one.

Essence with the Elixir of Enlightenment, pg. 130

Functioning of the Essential Self in the Belly Center

Yes, usually the belly center has to do with embodiment, with the capacity to sense oneself. However, the belly center is also the will center. In a sense, the ultimate function of the will is to surrender to what happens, surrender to the now. And surrender to the now means not to hold on to something. The true function of the will is complete surrender to what’s happening without holding on. That is will. The essential self, like all essential aspects, can function in any of the subtle centers. When one is being the essential self its location is usually the heart center. However, when the essential self is functioning in relation to identifying or disidentifying from any content of experience, it becomes associated with the belly center. The essential self is more like a potential for experience, and it also manifests as a capacity for identification. One of the results of that capacity for identification is embodiment. Embodying something means you are identified with what’s happening. An essential state is present. You are embodying it if you are it. The true self has the capacity to identify with something you are experiencing, but it doesn’t have to. It has a choice; it has the freedom.

Diamond Heart Book Three, pg. 79



Edited by Zigzag Idiot
rejiggered quoted quotes

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Spontaneous disco.

It's a most difficult attainment. That's why it's a valid practice for embodiment and letting go. . Especially for introverts.

Don't give up trying to do it. Another suggestion is try to do it right after you've thrown a mad fit. 

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Solar and Lunar coating

You can't escape suffering by avoiding it. The truth often hurts. Dissociating from the everyday world is pretty much the status quo. Whether it's  escapism through tv, internet, spectator sports, intellectual one-upsmanship, sport fucking. gossiping, shopping and acting snooty, drugs , alcohol. golfing, alligator hunting, playing chess, various forms of do-gooderism  ie., self righteousness, being a know it all, always being a victim. Perhaps being a bully and acting grandiose to mask insecurity. The avoidance of suffering will often just make  the suffering more intense down the road. Don't bully yourself either through discipline and denying yourself pleasures of the world. 

What you often find offensive in others is aspect of one's own personality that is a part of one's shadow. This is a message that most everyone needs to hear and take to heart. You're all a bunch of assholes and liars in varying degrees. Observe it  in oneself to see how much self deception you've engaged in. Don't self criticize. That's a very difficult thing to not do. Be yourself though because you are all beautiful too. Some are just hotter than others. Life's not fair. As a friend of mine would say, " No shit man,,,,

Accepting one's own multi-dimensionality and integrating various aspects doesn't happen overnight. Friend said, "No shit man". Don't fall into the trap of being some form of a lifelong zen devil. 

It's my opinion one can say "no shit man" and it not be coming from a negative emotion. Again, in my opinion, a person can curse and it's possible that there is no negative emotion present. It's a fine line though. I used to have a very large cynical streak that ran though my different personalities. Eventually I saw the suffering it brought to me through different forms and levels of guilt. 

Conscious or intentional suffering for a definite aim or a higher purpose falls into the category of solar coating. Carlos Castaneda wrote about the struggle of overcoming self importance. There are many forms and I've seen many kinds of self important attitudes in self-observation.

Unnecessary suffering, sometimes called useless suffering falls into the category of Lunar coating. Complaining, being offended by others attitude or actions is unnecessary. 

What is this coating? Plain and simple-  Suffering. What's being coated? One's energy body or Astral body. If your an observer of human beings and behavior, you may have noticed a coorelation between the amount of suffering one has endured and a persons depth or presence or their degree of being.

This isn't a very well thought out post. It;s just a paraphrasing of the teaching I've observed.  

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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We radiate from the head brain. That just makes one a poor bastard.

From the heart brain we emanate. We then become as little children. No grievances are held onto. But being a little moody as most of us are. We'll often turn red in the face and cry out like an angry politician if someone offends us in some way. There's the value of eating crow while it's fresh. This situates one back at Ordinary Idiot. From there beginners mind let's us start again. It's Heaven on Earth. It's at hand or better yet, just look down and there it is!

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Ruprecht loves Oklahoma


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Reaching Up   
  "Getting Unscrambled"
by Dr. Jim Rosen
©2022 Dr. Jim Rosen   

    She's off the anti-depressant medication now, and she's glad.  Here's what she emailed me about her two years on the pills: "To still be in horrible pain, but sedated and numbed down to the point that you lose the ability to reach outside yourself for help.  You give in to dragging yourself through the day and then sleeping the rest off.  It doesn't stop the dreams or nightmares; it just scrambles your reasoning ability to make any sense of it.  You can feel so detached that you lose the ability to latch onto any coping skills that you have, and then you are alone.  I am not exaggerating the fact that I had every intention of killing myself.  Before I took the medication, at least I had enough anxiety and nervous energy to keep me looking for an answer.  But after I got started taking it, I didn't have the energy to think.  I am thankful beyond belief that I met you and I know you know what you are doing."

    Dr. Jim Rosen is a PhD Clinical Psychologist.  He is an experienced psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and couples counselor.  He offers treatment for anxiety disorders, panic attacks, depression, relationship problems, self-esteem issues, assertiveness training, anger control, stress management, and overcoming the effects of sexual, physical, and emotional trauma.

    Dr. Rosen works with his patients primarily over the phone.  When needed, face-to-face therapy sessions can be scheduled in his home in Magnet Cove, Arkansas.  Because he does not accept insurance, his fee is only $65 for a full 50-minute hour of treatment.  He can be reached anytime by email at drjrosen@ipa.net or by phone or text at 501-623-2050.

    If you like Dr. Rosen's Reaching Up column, you are free to share it with other people. There is no fee for this column. It's free. If you're not on the list to receive it, just send an email that says "Please Send Column" in the subject line. You will receive a new column each Sunday.  If you are on the list and you don't want to receive Dr. Rosen's column anymore, just send him an email that says "Stop Column" in the subject line.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Lateral versus vertical consciousness,,,,

Riddle me this Batman,,, Is being on the vertical scale of consciousness and personality on the lateral plane of consciousness? Does that make any sense?

When I lay on the bed my consciousness feels different than when I'm standing upright. There's a subtle but distinct difference in the quality of my consciousness.

Edited by Zigzag Idiot

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Wisdom starter kit

  • Commonsense cannot be taught.
  • Quiet discursive thought (internal dialogue) Be the watcher - Discover witness consciousness and the subsequent inner quiet and its connection to understanding
  • BS = Bullshit    MS = More shit     PHD = Piled higher and deeper - more often than not
  • Ironically,,,, Let go of cynicism,,,, Wish people well
  • Try not to judge,,, Reaching a conclusion most often makes one miserable
  • "Falling in love" is an unconscious activity. Infatuation feels wonderful but it never lasts,,,,,
  • Don't force things,,, Let situations unfold
  • Cultivate the capacity for sitting with difficult situations and unavoidable suffering
  • Complaining is unnecessary suffering 
  • Stupidity is its own punishment
  • Learn the value of detachment- the value of letting go
  • Don't let others make your decisions. Think for yourself.
  • Let go of thinking too much. Thinking too much = neurotic suffering
  • Cultivate your 'feeling center' - It will open the channel to your higher Self which is inner,,,,, not outer
  • Purifying your 'feeling center' takes time. It doesn't happen overnight or with just a few psychedelic trips.
  • Use Love as a perceptual filter to examine this world
  • Be your light hearted Self and the curious power of non-violence

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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