Zigzag Idiot

Zigzag Idiot and the ladder of Objective Reason

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@fridjonk It feels great to connect with kindred spirits. ?

I LOVE those pictures! Thank you! ??‍♂️

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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It's been an interesting day.

Ive been reminded how reaching conclusions (judgement) about others can make one miserable. Sometimes it's difficult to remember to just,,, let go...

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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On 2/14/2020 at 4:27 AM, Marc Schinkel said:

Take a step forward


[Image is hyperlinked]

Take a step back

 ❤️ the hyperlinks

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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I can't remember which talk it was but in one of his talks, Almaas, who was several minutes into it said. - "Now I would like to invite you all to leave yourselves alone."

That statement shifted my awareness to where I was able to suddenly let go all of my internal dialogue and taste a deeper, new level of inner quiet and peace. It didn't last. Very rare is the individual who does this in one fell swoop. Actually, I can think of no one. In some way, we each get a crucifixtion of emotions in being pulled back and forth over the threshold of Heaven and Hell. Thinking then being and then back into neurotic thinking and then waking up into being, again. On and on,,,

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Dianetics and Scientology produces results in people processing out their endogen engrams. The e- meter is basicly a lie detector.


An Engram is the hypothesized physical memory trace, either biophysical or biochemical, that that is produced when information is stored in the brain. Although the actual existence of memory "engrams" is still unproven, some theories exist using the engram hypothesis that seem to explain how memories are stored in the brain and persist. The exact means, mechanism and location of this type of memory storage continues to be a subject of study and controversy. 




When I was in Scientology i wasn't allowed to be audited because I had taken lsd a couple of times as a teenager. I got felt results though just using the book Self Analysis everytime I did it a few days in a row. 

Its really simple. You just rotate this wheel across the statements given a situation given in the book. In the recall or picturing of the situation, you focus on whatever the wheel indicates. This book had a place in my escape from a severe depression in my early twenties. They're Was at one time, a lot of people, mostly in California, who left Scientology and formed unofficial/heretic groups out away from the Cult. They would get together with their old emeters which cost over $1000 if I remember right and audit one another.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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I should have added that The Psychological shadow is what is gone after first in Scientology Auditing. Everything in an auditing session is  written down. Somewhere there is a file in Scientology that contains the shadow material of 'you know who and ole what's her name'. 

So that's what a prospective Scientologist is facing,,,, if there are any out there who are reading this or if you know anyone,,,

Naturally they get big results in processing out shadow material.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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In ACIM, it says somewhere that any attitude other than either peace or joy is egoic. 

Im going to try to find this place and see how wrong I just paraphrased it.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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I haven't found it yet.                                                       

                                                               Is Mercy not the highest law?

C-2.9. Your questions have no answer, being made to still God's Voice, which asks of everyone one question only: "Are you ready yet to help Me save the world?" 2 Ask this instead of what the ego is, and you will see a sudden brightness cover up the world the ego made. 3 No miracle is now withheld from anyone. 4 The world is saved from what you thought it was. 5 And what it is, is wholly uncondemned and wholly pure.

C-2.10. The miracle forgives; the ego damns. 2 Neither need be defined except by this. 3 Yet could a definition be more sure, or more in line with what salvation is? 4 Problem and answer lie together here, and having met at last the choice is clear. 5 Who chooses hell when it is recognized? 6 And who would not go on a little while when it is given him to understand the way is short and Heaven is his goal?

from: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/course-miracles-clarification-terms-ego-miracle/



"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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The overall process for me in regards to Actualization has been one of waking up and then learning to stay awake. Continuity of Consciousness.  

It's one thing that's so valuable in the practice of not expressing negative emotions,,,,, In catching myself 'asleep' or reactive. Complaining is sleep as well as being self congratulatory. One of my defense mechanisms at times has been grandiosity. Putting on a big front,,, out of fear. Counterphobic grandiosity.

Its ongoing. Work in progress,,,,


Some biographies I've enjoyed and some are just biographical stories,,





IMG_0993.JPG IMG_0994.JPG







"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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I was thinking that in the last week, we've gone through a major stress point of some kind astrologically.

I enjoyed Emerald's latest today.



Enjoyed this older one on self deception also. So true. Great stuff!

It's still an ongoing issue with me.

Watched this one while I was at it. ??‍??‍♂️

I still try to read everyone's journal. I usually have my I phone playing everyone's songs and videos that they've posted while I read text with my I Pad. Got good quality sound through a Visio sound bar. 

Tried some toad venom today for the first time.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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I love Keyserling/Losey's Chance and Choice.

About holons and self similarity over scales and getting into the flow state through the strange attractor. " To animal man we seem like Strange attractors indeed. On the surface, and in the moment, our actions may appear haphazard and foolhardy, but over time the wisdom and beauty of the Human Man will be apparent to all." -  from chapter 3 - Cosmology which follows;

Microcosm and macrocosm are not causes, but parameters of evolution. The world of Man between the macrocosm and microcosm is called the mesocosm. Here living consciousness evolves into progressively higher levels of complex Self Organization. It proceeds from the mineral world, to plant, animal, Man, up to the Great Singularity, the subject of the Universe, God. These are stages of expanding integration of consciousness into individual being. The stages parallel the involution of energy according to the dimensions.

The ability to organize comes from within the conscious being itself, and is not imposed on the being from outside forces. For this reason scientists call this the Self Organizing principal or Auto Poiesis. Although the inherent ability to self organize is not predetermined, or governed by outside forces, at each level its evolution follows the patterns of one of the four chaotic attractors.

Point like Attractor - Crystal.

Circuit/Cycle Attractor - Plant.

Torus Attractor - Animal.

Strange Attractor - Man.

The four attractors create cosmos out of chaos. God is both their origin and aim. The quantum after reaching the molecular stage is a parcel of God. Thereafter it incarnates as a separate self organized entity on the Mesocosmic level.

Self organized consciousness evolves upward on the mesocosm. It starts in the crystal form with viruses and the genetic code. Then it ascends to greater degrees of conscious integration. Entities organize themselves into ever more complicated and ornate systems. Life forms evolve, adapt, and bring coherence to larger systems in new ways. Thus the Universe continues to evolve and change. With each stage of the evolutionary ladder of self organization one direction of symmetry is lost and freedom gained.

(4) - The crystal in the fourth dimension has complete symmetry. The Point Attractors allow the energy in inorganic molecules to self organize as organic molecules. In this way they cross the bridge from the microcosm of lifeless molecules and energy, to the mesocosm of living crystals. With crystals, both organic and inorganic, everything is attracted to a single point, all line up in perfect order. All three axes, up and down, right and left, front and behind are the same. The molecules are in perfect symmetric order. The microcosmical geometric structure is balanced by the Moon, the weather it produces, and the four states of matter: solid, fluid, gaseous or fire. At the crystalline level the essential code controlling all further life formation is created, the DNA/RNA life structure. Life then uses these crystalline forms of amino acids to grow in size by cellular division, by scaling and multiplication.

(3) - The plant looses one symmetry: the vertical, up/down symmetry. The cycle attractors allow the simplest crystalline life forms to self organize to a higher form of consciousness where greater freedom is possible. The top of the plants, the crown, differs from the roots, and the two are connected by the stem. Now, only the left and right and front and back axes of a plant remain symmetrical. This is called radial or cylindrical symmetry: two axes of symmetry. Trees alternate between seed and gestalt, with the axis of all plant life pointing to the earth, and its energy received directly from the Sun through photosynthesis. There is also a vertical flow back and forth, from the leaves to the roots and visa versa, according to the cycle attractor.

(2) - Under the influence of the Torus attractors the next stage in the evolutionary ladder was reached: the animal. The animal has again freed itself of another symmetry, the front/back symmetry, with front as nourishment and back as excrements. The front and rear of animals are different, as are the top and bottom, but the right and left of animals remains symmetrical. This is bilateral symmetry with one axis of symmetry. The animals feed on plants and each other, and are directed by the four drives: nourishment, fear, aggression and reproduction in the double frame of survival and species instinct. Animals follow the Torus attractor, they engage in complex behaviors and are dependent upon each other and the environment in multileveled ecological systems.

(1) - Around 11,000 years ago the first Neolithic Man evolved from Paleolithic animal Man. From that time on we have had the potential to shed the last right-left symmetry by taming the Strange attractors. (2)

Since the human life stage is so relatively new, we are still born with the animals right-left axis of symmetry and must strive to attain true Humanity. Although there are some differences in the symmetry of the human face, overall we are as left-right symmetrical as the other animals. But with our neocortex abilities, our capacities of language and number, we can self organize out of this last constraint.

One of the keys to self organization is the coherent application of chance to ride the strange attractors. In this way we can use both the brains we are born with, the left and right hemispheres of the neocortex. The left hemisphere, turned to the cosmos and structure is digital, linear. The right hemisphere, turned towards chaos and chance has its origin in the nine numerals, the archetypes of fractal scaling. Each should be allowed to develop fully, to be different and totally asymmetrical. When the right brain is as strong as the left, a higher identity is created. The higher self follows the Strange attractors, epitomized by Mandelbrot set, z z¾ + c, and also corresponding to the musical octave and the Tao symbol.

Most of us are still right left symmetrical because our left brain so totally dominates the right. We have to shift our emphasis from cosmos to chaos, from left brain dominance, to right brain balance. Then the right is not just an imitation of the left, it is different, unique. The last symmetry is gone and now the two asymmetrical sides can cohere in a new singularity. The ego, subject of the left hemisphere, becomes the organ of the Self in the right hemisphere. It attains this by establishing true contact with the Other. 

Right brain coherence comes through receptivity to the workings of the Strange attractors, to constrained chance. In the moments when this is realized, when we are in a coherent flow with the unpredictable turbulence of the World, we have attained the birthright of Man. We have realized the potential to self organize to a higher stage of evolution. As a whole being, in touch with both sides of ourself and others, we transcend the left-right animal symmetry. With two fully developed, yet distinctly different brains, we are autonomous, asymmetrical, truly free from outside manipulation. We have attained a higher inner coherence, a self organization in the midst of chaos. To animal man we seem like Strange attractors indeed. On the surface, and in the moment, our actions may appear haphazard and foolhardy, but over time the wisdom and beauty of the Human Man will be apparent to all. 

(0) - The highest stage, beyond even the higher Man, is merger with God, the great singularity beyond name and form, as the real subject of Being, through synchronicity, love, and illumination: reaching the eternal moment.

The five stages correspond to the dimensions and mind layers:

Zero dimension Awareness makes possible integration of the four dimensions and the four states of consciousness. It allows Man to enter the fourth dimension and gives him access to the fractal forces of the Strange attractors.

By moving from the left to the right brain in regression you can relive past lives, past evolution, back to the origin of the Universe in the Great Singularity, and the exploding force of the primal Fire-Quanta. This regression back to the original primal Quanta puts you in touch with the source of Self-Organization, the Power of CHI. This opens you to the energy and force needed to maintain coherence in the fractal chaos of the fourth dimension.

Now let us look at all of the energies together which can be understood as an energy field of Cosmic Mind. The following correspondences appear in Cosmic Mind today to make up the basic Myth of Science. Myth is not used in a derogatory sense, as just a myth, but in the sense of a true belief system which gives meaning to life. Science has largely replaced the old religious myths which were in tune with the feudal and ideological structures of the past. The following chart summarizes the overall cosmology of the myth of science and shows the relation of the five layers and the seven constituent parts.


The radiation of the photons is awareness through seeing and sensing. The electromagnetic energy of the electron allows awareness through smelling and thinking; the thermodynamics of the atom through tasting and feeling. The fission of the Galaxy becomes conscious by the power of speech, of the spirit creating new entities out of entropy. The fusion of the sun is the basis of the synergy of the soul, interpretation and reading, the creation of meaning. The gravitational energy of the earth is accessible through the sense of touch.

The mathematics of the molecular forces represents the basic structure of the Will. With living forms Will is the capacity for growth and reproduction through the genetic code. The subject self organizes and grows based on the strange attractor. New beings arise through fractal scaling according to the overall structure of the Cosmic Mind using the energies and mathematics of sound, the molecular vibrations or movement of matter, soul and spirit. With Man this process of the growth of being using free will was described by Buddhists as the creation of the immortal Diamond Body or the Golden Flower. By using free will in tune with the Strange Attractor and the energies of sound, our associative consciousness can change into Cosmic Awareness. The subject moves like a fractal in scales from the lower self imprisoned in deep molecular sleep, to the transcendent light of zero synchronistic awareness. This is the final aim of evolution, making sense of life and becoming co-creators of the manifoldness of the Universe.


From: http://www.chanceandchoice.com/

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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John Lennon was so impressed with Alejandro Jodorowski's film - El Topo - that he bought a theater in New York in 1970 just to have the movie played every night. Thus began the phenomena of 'Midnight movies'.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Is the "Omega Point” , a term coined by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin to describe the evolution of our universe the same thing as Terence Mckenna's Transcendental object at the end of time. Could this also be what's spoken of in ACIM as the "Sonship".

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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                                                              Poem by Red Hawk


The Teaching 

It is as old as the stones.

It came with Humans to the Earth

and it offers them a way out

of the web of sorrows

but at a price:

we must observe ourselves,

our behavior, our

inner and outer responses,

objectively. This means

without taking a personal interest

or doing anything about

the horror

which self observation uncovers:

like a bad boy with a stick

overturning a stone

and finding mass of crawling things

beneath, but

he refrains

from stomping on them.


(Red Hawk, THE WAY OF POWER, 67)


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Synchronicity for me is nearly always an affirming kind of experience. Even when the circumstances are dark.

As a teenager, I was sitting out in the car after church waiting for the folks to get through shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries. Like always, I turned on the radio to listen to Casey Kasem's Top 40 Countdown. It ran 3 hours every Sunday from 10:00 - 1:00. This particular day Casey Kasem told a story about James Taylor and his writing the song Fire and Rain when he was in rehab for Heroin addiction and his life was just a wreck. For some reason the story just stuck with me.

Fast forward about 3-4 years.

I feel completely out of control and couldn't keep myself away from alcohol. In a turbulent state of anxiety, I more or less begged to be locked up somewhere. I got my wish. The facility was in a larger city about an hour and a half away. From a small admissions office, I was led into the lockdown area where shoestrings weren't allowed and everyone in this section was more or less on suicide watch. Going through the white big metal locking door made it feel like a prison. A short walk down a hall in this lockdown section with a nurse and we stopped at a nurse's station. I'll never forget the weird feeling I got when I heard the small radio tucked away behind the nurses desk as it was quietly playing  James Taylor's - Fire and Rain.  So, in a way, this song has always held a special significance for me.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Please ignore me if I begin to infuriate you.

We can become tortured by the mind.

When the locus of my experience shifts down into and emanates from the belly and especially the Hara, I feel as though I have my will and I have my being.

When the locus of my experience radiates from the head brain, then, I'm just a poor bastard who thinks too much. Especially when the heart center is buying into the whole narrative.

Becoming grounded in the body is like going through the quiet door.

Being is in the - I am of the heart. The essence of Being is presence without the conceptual mind putting name tags on everything.


Escaping the Trap of the Mind

Ultimately, everybody loves absolute absence whether they know it or not. You know you love it when you become aware of pure consciousness. Before pure consciousness you are trapped within the differentiating consciousness, discriminating, rejecting, and prizing one aspect of consciousness over another. You want essence or are angry because there is pain; you reject this person because they don't like you, judge that person because they're different from you, and so on. Within the differentiating consciousness, you are busy within the knowable world, trapped within your own mind. To go from consciousness to absence is to break out of the cycle of birth and death, to escape the trap. 

Diamond Heart Book Five, pg. 137

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Just now, Zigzag Idiot said:

When the locus of my experience shifts down into and emanates from the belly and especially the Hara, I feel as though I have my will and I have my being.

When the locus of my experience radiates from the head brain, then, I'm just a poor bastard who thinks too much. Especially when the heart center is buying into the whole narrative.

I would like to throw few cents into here, yeah the heart center is a tricky thing. Especially with this notion of attraction, fantasy and love thing and also wanting to enjoy the creation as a limited being. I know there is some intuintive sense of my left side of heart center i have noticed. Something is there. Its like a chord with some other people i fancy i guess and i can feel how they are feeling. If i get too intense in my spiritual practice and start dropping things then that region really hurts, like a pain of breakup, like a pain of seperation is there. And this very focus on that region and fantasies blocks my throat chakra, so i am very eager to drop these fantasies to an extent i can, last night i before i went to sleep i relaxed so totally from that tought current also i could feel like life is a dream so solidly and from within my pineal gland becoame so active i tought i am going to have some kundalini awakening or something. But then i fell asleep. I know i feel intense love and admiration from somebody, but i don't know who. Idk the whole human interaction even in the energy level is interesting, they potray one picture, feel the other and think the third thing. xD But what you said is true, its a waste of energy and time to entertain things like that i totally agree. And these fantasies will become stronger and stronger, yeah, no wonder why some people just cant let go of somebody they fancied. And you tend to think about these people too constantly, sometimes if they focus on me, their picture projects in my head. It feels like they are thinking about me. But again, all of this is nonsense, and just another trap, the feelz trap. You look at somebody, you like what you see, now you want to take them somewhere, you discover some segment of peolpe react blissfully inside you so you know they are hiding their feelings for various reasons. Anyhow, what if there is substance to it and what if this is an illusion and its time to put in a basket of other illusions. :D

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