Zigzag Idiot

Zigzag Idiot and the ladder of Objective Reason

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Donkeys and Bulls

Managing and caretaking of Bulls on a ranch can really be a pain sometimes. Inevitably they fight and develop a pecking order of hierarchy in regards to who is the alpha male. I’ve had bulls who were similar in body weight and bad ass attitude who fight and head butt one another through multiple barbed wire fences and even out onto a state highway. With no regard for traffic or anything outside their fury these two bulls in their fight went right down the double yellow line for a ways at times going off to one side and then back. They weighed well over a ton each and both in ill  temper. 
Now, how do you break that fight up? Yeah, that was an interesting day.

A hilarious and interesting trick I learned years ago was introducing a donkey into this mix. In essence, a six hundred pound donkey will absolutely establish his dominance over a group of bulls each weighing more than a ton each. Not all donkeys are alike though. Generally the more cantankerous the better for this particular role. 
Ive had bulls end up with deformed ears because of a donkey who would latch-on and have a good chew. The right kind of donkey will also balance on his front legs and like a professional boxer, ‘machine gun’ with his hind feet into the face of a stubborn bull. There will be times when the bull with his enormous weight and size will just barrel through the donkeys efforts but the donkey will not tire like the bull and dancing around with his ears sticking up will prevail by the end of the day  and establish himself as the alpha male.

Domestic dogs gone wild or those poorly cared for are much worse than coyotes when it comes to killing calves. Unless the cows group up in their efforts against dog attacks, the dogs can easily kill a calf and chew up some damage on a cow trying to give birth.  Introduce a donkey into your cow herd though, and you will have zero problems from packs of domestic dogs behaving badly. If a dog comes into a pasture within a donkeys sight, you’ll see the donkey lay his ears back and make a beeline towards the dog. Even if it’s just a friendly dog, the donkey don’t give a shit and will go after any dog like the infamous honey badger might. Again, I must add that not all donkeys are created equal for such tasks. Among jackasses (male donkeys) anyway. I never tried employing a Jenny (female donkey). An  Instinctual intuitive guess is that on average, Jacks would be best for bull management and Jenny’s would be good for running with the cow herd.

As stated previously, I no longer have any management responsibilities with the family ranch.  It is now seen over by my niece and two nephews.  I shared the existence of this journal with my niece a while back. I can see her rolling her eyes if she were to read the opinions of those here who espouse veganism. In ways, she has attributes similar to those of donkeys in that, although she is small in size, she self initiates and shows no fear.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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@Zigzag Idiot that's the best thing I've read all week especially for a towny like me, who knows nothing about this sort of thing. I wonder if the donkey idea can be applied to other areas of conflict, say, relationship counselling?

57% paranoid

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@LastThursday  ? Well maybe if a couple were to work together in taming or getting work out of a donkey which in my view could represent Carlos Castenada’s Petty tyrant. Something along those lines maybe.

I’ve read the symbolism of Jesus riding a donkey into Jerusalem was that Donkeys represent peace and humbleness where the horse represented an animal of war. 
I’m just not seeing it,,,, .Not with the donkeys I’ve known. They were nothing at all close to peaceful or humble.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Offering Freedom
by Dr. Jim Rosen
©2021 Dr. Jim Rosen

    I’d be willing to bet that the world is not what you thought it was supposed to be and not what you wished that it were.  Changing the world out there is a very daunting, if not sometimes impossible task.  But there is a task you can actually do for the world quite easily.  You can offer it freedom – freedom from your assumptions, from your pre-conceived ideas, from the “needs” you think you have, from your judgements of who’s good and who’s bad.

    Remember the law of karma.  Whatever you offer to your brothers and sisters is what you receive in return.  When you honor other people where they are at in their lives, wherever they are at, you’re not just accepting them for who they are now.  You’re honoring and accepting the child of God who is within them.  You are choosing to see the love and goodness within them, no matter what their behavior looks like.  Even if their outward behavior appears abhorrent and ugly, you are deciding to look past it and instead to have faith in the beautiful being that you know is inside of them.

    You are now offering freedom to your brothers and sisters to be who they really are.  It feels good inside of you – freeing and relieving – because at this same moment you’re offering freedom to yourself to be the love and goodness that reside in you.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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@Zigzag Idiot Reading your post on bulls really made me miss having cattle around. My favorite animal I'd say, but we got rid of them about 5 years ago and just focused on sheep. It's basically impossible to have cattle here unless you've got 1000+, we used to have about 200 back 10 years ago and it just wasn't sustainable. 

This is when I decided to take one of my boys for a stroll. He wasn't too happy with that so he started to run ahead, and let's just say I had absolutely no control over him. xD




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@fridjonk ? In that second picture looks like he’s got that neck bowed up. That’s usually not a good sign,,,

I appreciate the pictures. That’s a unique and beautiful part of the world.

With you running sheep. I take it that there aren’t any predator problems there,,,, Can goats be raised there very well?

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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@fridjonk Wow sweet farm. How many acres do you have?

Do you only raise cattle or do you grow crops too?


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In my I CHING reading this morning I got

Hexagram 13; Associating with People lines 3 & 5 creating a 2nd - hexagram; 21 Biting through.

This is the commentary from line 5 of hexagram 13-



"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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@Raptorsin7 wasn’t sure if you were asking me about cattle and crops or @fridjonk . We still raise cattle but it’s hilly and mountainous country where I’m at which equates with thin and mostly poor soil. Crops are near impossible to grow around here.

Good to see you actively posting again,,,,

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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@Zigzag Idiot I was asking @fridjonk but I know you have a farm too. 

@Zigzag Idiot How many acres are you on

2 minutes ago, Zigzag Idiot said:

Good to see you actively posting again,,,,

Thanks but honestly I want to cut it back. I'm too radioactive

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About 700 acres. My niece and 2 nephews are in charge of it now,,,

Couldnt resist, ?

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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58 minutes ago, Zigzag Idiot said:

With you running sheep. I take it that there aren’t any predator problems there,,,, Can goats be raised there very well?

The only "predators" we have are foxes and the American mink, they tend to kill small lambs so they must be looked after. 

And yes goats can be easily raised as well, we've thought about getting goats but to no avail. 

I'm curious, what state is your farm located in? I feel like I've heard you say around Vermont but I may be wrong. 

56 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Wow sweet farm. How many acres do you have?

Do you only raise cattle or do you grow crops too?

The land is 1700 acres with about 13 small islands outside it and about 400 acres of it is cultivated grass fields we use to feed the sheep. The farm is actually a quite big part of the Icelandic Viking sagas which took place around the year 900. We only have sheep and horses right now.

If you ever want to visit. ;) 



Edited by fridjonk

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@fridjonk Wow that's insane. My family has a farm here but it's like 100 acres total across two farms.

Did it pass through your family? How much does it cost for that much land jesus. You could start small kingdom with that much land haha

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@Raptorsin7 Anyone who has access to a farm I'd consider lucky, no matter the size. Getting away from the loud city life is always nice. 

Yes, it's passed through our family, probably back to around 1600. 

I'm not sure what its value would be estimated at, probably around 20-40 million, but it will never be sold. A lot of it is also rough terrain and would be hard to cultivate so that brings the price down a lot. It's split between my family after my grandpa retired 10 years ago yet it's run as one big farm.


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@fridjonk That's really cool. And yeah when I go out there in the summer it always lights you up a bit just to be in an open area with some nature. I have a great view of the mountains too. 

We are the 3 farmers haha

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                             "A hair's breath of difference and Heaven and Hell are set apart.


Kundalini = Prana = Kundabuffer = imagination 

Kundalini + 3 Centered Awareness = Holy Prana = The capacity for objective Reason


Imagination in the human population is an example of a gift also being a curse. As I’ve stated before, to me anyhow,this at the heart of George Gurdjieff’s message in his magnum opus All and Everything: Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson. An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man.

Kundalini energy is actually the culprit. It’s the cause of people becoming all big eyed and start spouting off what’s what. As if they’re the only one who actually knows. I’m not exempt from this either. I had a worse than average case of this beginning twenty years ago. The two Giants that march ahead of us, One’s own pride and vainglory clear everything ahead so we can lay down our customized bullshit born out of imagination as we stroll through. The intensity of one’s own life as it’s been lived provide the parameters and motor fuel  for this highly customized roadshow. I’ve watched myself do this and it’s painful. It’s so undeniable though, that there is no place to hide. Everyone is this way. It’s behind that phenomena that shows itself as my guru is better than your guru. Or, these are all the books I’ve read and it all makes perfect sense. I don’t give a shit about the books you’ve read because the profundities that struck me in reading the books I’ve read is proof positive. But this is never stated outright. Our inner used car salesman knows better. In our own way, we’re all just a bunch of imaginary experts running around pontificating and spouting off like a roomful of drunks where everyone is talking and nobody is listening.
What’s the answer? Just keep plowing on ahead but quit bullshitting yourself and observe one’s own lived life with brutal honesty. In the end it has to come from each of us anyway. The expression one’s own individuality data from one’s own Self completed Causal body.
To quote Ocke de Boer:  “Whatever I say about this will never be enough, but I will tell you what I think about this from my own experience and you will have to make your own disparity with that. To make your own disparity with something is to reconcile something from Reason-of-knowing to Reason-of-understanding. You need the Reason of knowing to receive an idea. You need your own individuality-data to reconcile it into your own understanding. Your understanding and real I are one, according to Orage. The expression of your own individuality needs to be third force of your life. The result of work is that knowledge becomes understanding.  To learn to get our two-natured system (planetary and astral bodies) accustomed to higher states, we have to learn to become collected.”

So there’s a possible road sign. The capacity for becoming collected and having inner quiet. Whenever you observe someone who can at least produce this in themselves occasionally, they are on the way. And everyone else? They haven’t truly stepped onto the path yet. They’re still starry eyed and drunk from the earth shaking, yet exquisite subtleties of their own imagination drawn out of everything which comprises their personal history.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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On 25.4.2021. at 11:08 PM, Raptorsin7 said:

@fridjonk Wow that's insane. My family has a farm here but it's like 100 acres total across two farms.

Did it pass through your family? How much does it cost for that much land jesus. You could start small kingdom with that much land haha

I have 20 acres. Which I am renting pretty much for free. 

1700 acres hahaha wtf. 

Agriculture in Europe is topic of it's own. 

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Even though I’ve lived out of both camps and understand their perspectives It seems I unintentionally find a way to where both the SD Orange materialists and the SD Green environmentalists  both eye me with suspicion. Watched this YouTube yesterday and found it more than a little interesting. Being someone who has sprayed a lot of herbicide, especially Roundup. It was disturbing even though I’ve been aware of the claims in the last couple of years against Monsanto because the herbicide seems to be more of a carcinogen than previously thought.

In my I CHING reading this morning. I just got one hexagram 14- Possession in Great Measure. Here’s just a small price of it.



"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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To get an understanding of the pre trans  fallacy while learning the Spiral Dynamics model helped me to have an understanding that truly felt like resolving several disparities at once. It grew my Worldview and stretched my frame of reference. 

It seems that the impersonal aspects that come into play in the trans personal stage and states are often misinterpreted by others as being cold and uncaring. Just one more aspect of the pre trans fallacy.

Thunderstorms have knocked out my electric. I’m pecking away on my cell phone with not a whole lot of battery left. 

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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