Zigzag Idiot

Zigzag Idiot and the ladder of Objective Reason

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Using the retroactive three coin method (rtcm) I asked the Oracle- 

Can the Science of Idiotism be a relevant tool for learning in contemporary times? +++ A firm yes was the answer.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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If you want to look at Will Mesa’s contribution to the science of Idiotism just click on the link at the bottom.

This is a sampler I took out about what he says about Zigzag Idiots,,,,,

The zigzag idiot moves in all directions but never around like the round idiot but rather in a zigzag manner. In the Work he goes one way, learns something useful, and then moves in another direction learning something else. He is always trying to learn something new by moving in different directions but the only problem is that he cannot choose one path. He finishes a book in Hinduism and then goes for another one in Jung psychology, and then to another one on Zen, and so and so. There is nothing a zigzag idiot loves most than a living room full of books with a small flower in a center table as a little reminder that there is such things as Life and Nature. A zigzag idiot in the Work is always quoting from books about the Work he had read. I know a young woman dear essence-friend of mine, the personification of the zigzag idiot, who is always quoting from Work books. “Oh, yes, I saw that in Commentaries.” “Well, that is in the New Model of the Universe.” “You telling me, I saw the same thing in The New Man.” One day I asked her not to quote anymore and to use her own words as a way to develop her own individuality and that what she was doing was a sort of eternal recurrence and she responded: “Well, now that you mention it, I saw that in The Strange Live of Ivan Osokin.” At the end, the zigzag idiot has read so many books that he does not remember any. But he is without doubt a high class of idiot because while he is moving zigzagging he always learns something. If he dies as a zigzag idiot he will have enough knowledge for at least ten successive reincarnations.

What kind of Idiot are you?


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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At one point I had to quit feeling guilty for shitty thoughts that really weren’t mine anyway. Maurice Nicole said an interesting thing.-“You have a right to not be negative.” 
Freedom is found there. My Automaton’s cranial receiver was picking that junk up from the ether combined with the minds’ thought by association word mechanism. It was stupid of me to continue feeling guilty for those negative thoughts when all I had to do was proclaim - That’s not me. My mind produced that toxic soup but I could disclaim it. That’s not me. I don’t want to be like that so therefore I refuse that thought. It can go. That automatic guilt that usually hung around was gone.


The Trap which simultaneously restricts but potentially liberates this ego is its focus on Seeking. The Way of self-realization of this ego is the Way of Self-Awareness, which is “immensely mystical” and which entails becoming aware of one’s “internal inner clarity”.

The Holy Idea which acts as a catalyzer for the transformation of this ego is Holy Love/ Divine Love. This can lead to the Virtue (energy) of Action.

According to Ichazo, Divine Love is “The awareness that though the laws which govern reality are objective, they are not cold, because these cosmic laws inevitably lead to the creation of organic life, and Life itself, like all natural phenomena, fulfills a cosmic purpose. As soon as the mind’s word mechanism is destroyed, love, the natural condition of the mind, appears. Love begins the moment man contemplates the Creation and says, ‘Thank you, God.’ All men feel this somewhat, no animal can feel this at all. Man alone can know that all comes from God.”

taken from; https://www.the16types.info/vbulletin/showthread.php/48274-Oscar-Ichazo-s-enneagram-descriptions

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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On 27.12.2020 at 5:49 AM, Zigzag Idiot said:

Using the retroactive three coin method (rtcm) I asked the Oracle- 

Can the Science of Idiotism be a relevant tool for learning in contemporary times? +++ A firm yes was the answer.

If you take Sage's answers seriously, that's a very bold question to ask :)

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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 @tsuki I agree and it WAS a bold question to ask which is uncharacteristic of my previous interactions with the Sage for the most part. The decision to ask came in a flash and with a good deal of clarity and inspiration right upon awakening out of sleep. Despite receiving a positive answer, it humbled me to a degree.

Times when I’m at my boldest, I feel childlike and with little to no fear. In general and for the most part, I feel like I’m 53 going on 15. It feels right and good and if given the choice I wouldn’t want It to be different. 
Just going to let the stew simmer for now,,,,

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Thinking on Three Levels
by Dr. Jim Rosen
©2020 Dr. Jim Rosen

    There are more than 3 levels or ways of thinking.  But in the matter of judging or assessing the goodness of what you think, it's useful to look at three levels: (1) the passing thought; (2) the rehearsed or repeated thought; and (3) the intention to carry it out.  If we talk about sexual thoughts for our example, it's easy to see these three levels.  Suppose you're married or you're in a committed relationship of another sort.  When you see an attractive person, it's common and normal for you to have a passing sexual thought.  If you rehearse or repeat (in your mind) a sexual fantasy with that person, you're taking your thinking to the second level, and you're starting to play with fire.  If you have intentions of carrying it out and going to bed with that person, you're taking your thinking to the third level.  The point at which you choose to stop or alter this thinking is your responsibility.

    Of course you can also use the three levels in positive ways.  Suppose you’ve been telling yourself something that has caused you a lot of emotional pain.  And suppose you recently learned that the negative something probably isn’t true, and that a much more positive belief is worthy of your thinking.  So you try it out – first as an occasional idea, then as one you repeat to yourself frequently, and finally as a more firmly held belief that you take into your daily life.  Now you have a newer and healthier thinking habit.  That’s the way to be!

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Gurdjieff called man a three brained being referring to The three centers

  • Intellectual
  • emotional
  • instinctual.

 He also referred to the four bodies,.three of which are metaphysical in addition to the physical body.

Different schools refer to them by different names.

The astral body, spiritual body, Divine body

These are only concepts for the most part, that I’ve learned. I really don’t know KNOW.

There is a bit of intuitive and some circumstantial evidence that I’ve experienced in relation to these ideas The notion of everyone consisting of a multiplicity of ego structures. Also the need for emotional purification which is pretty much our largest task here on this painfactory of a planet, as Maurice Nicoll calls it or this prison for drunks, says Rumi.

In purifying the emotional or feeling center we observe how we become identified with ideas, feelings, or perspectives. These identifications are the glue which binds us to the dreamworld of spiritual sleep. Do you see the value of non attachment? Of equanimity? This is different than being detached. Being detached is similar to our mutually shared common downfall of seeking perpetual dissociation from reality. Most of us want to stay asleep because the truth hurts but it also liberates. If we remain asleep, the dream can become a nightmare. I think it is somewhat “normal” at times to become overwhelmed or depressed in trying on these ideas in relation to working on oneself. That would explain in part why esoteric knowledge has never become widely popular. At times it can definitely feel like a lonely path and maybe why Castaneda quoted Don Juan Matus saying that one has to choose a path with heart. To endure the loneliness and periodic terror, the necessity of becoming a peerless warrior. What poetry!


Gurdjieff used the allegory of the Coachman, horse and carriage in describing the four bodies. 

  • Coachman is the intellectual center.
  •  Horse is the emotional center.
  • The carriage is one’s physical body or automaton.
  • Master in the carriage is the observer, the essential or Higher Self,,,, witness consciousness.






"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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It's Not Time that Does the Healing
by Dr. Jim Rosen
©2021 Dr. Jim Rosen

    Time does not heal.  The healing process heals.  Your willingness to do a little learning starts the process.  It’s a process of releasing you from your past (things you’ve done, things that have happened, and things done to you) so you can be free of that stuff now and in your future.  It’s a process of acquiring new choices and moving forward.  It’s about reaching up and reaching within to your better self.  Sometimes you have to shed untrue, hurtful beliefs and attitudes that have caused pain for yourself and others.  Sometimes you need to learn to alter your behaviors so you can show that better self to the world.  Sometimes you need to be guided to face and let go of old emotions that no longer serve you and your relationships.  And sometimes you need to develop the sense of purpose and meaning in your life.  All of it is walking a path that brings you more peace, more fulfillment, and makes you more alive.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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.The level or degree of ones being is always fluctuating. On some days, I’m as dumb as a claw hammer. Just ask Marc Schinkel. He could probably verify this somewhat.

We’re two natured beings. Having a planetary body and also an energy or astral body. It is said that Feelings are the blood of the astral body  I like the description that when we are thinking dominated, we radiate from the head and when our centers are balanced, we emanate from the heart center. I’ve made peace with being especially dense from time to time on certain days. Years ago this caused me a lot of insecurity and further confusion. Through understanding, I was able to let most of that just go. Maybe it was the other way around? I let it go and then achieved some understanding. I don’t know. Understanding comes about through beginners mind and maybe vice versa.,,,?

When the emotional center is purified and we are free from guilt and also don’t overthink everything, we perceive accurately with our feelings. Feelings become intuition and eventually become clairvoyance.  The energetic (astral) body as well as our planetary bodies have signature vibrations. Almaas describes us as fields of impressionability. For me, this aligns with Conscience being defined as the intelligence of the universe

Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. Most everyone knows where that line came from,,,

When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is just too full to talk about.    Sounds like non-duality.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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 I woke up about an hour ago . Thinking it was predawn morning  I made and ate a nice breakfast and did the check-in journal. I now realize it’s evening.  Lol,,,?‍♂️ 

Im going to look now for a little book I have in which a student of the Gurdjieff work in Europe has ovelayed the enneagram personality types onto the Astrological wheel.

In my life I’ve seen a lot of Libras who were enneatype 1’s sometimes 9, Cancers who were type 4, and Sagittarius who were enneatype 8. 
If anyone would care to. Leave your astrological sign with your enneatype here as a kind of survey, please do.

Zigzag Idiot - Virgo and enneatype 6 of the counterphobic kind.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Don't Worry About It
by Dr. Jim Rosen
©2021 Dr. Jim Rosen

    When you tell yourself, “don’t worry about it,” here is why that’s the right thing to say.  When you worry, you’re not dealing with what is.  You’re not even accepting whatever it is.  Even if the thing you’re worried about does happen, the worry has gotten you nowhere.  Even if you're in the middle of it right now, the worry leads not to progress, but to distress.  Worry, of course, is a form of fear.  When you’re tied into fear, you don’t make progress.  And progress is what you really want.  And it comes from accepting what is, allowing that whatever it is, it’s a part of your life right now.  So instead of being afraid of it and trying to avoid it or pretend it isn’t there, you look at it honestly.  Now you can look within yourself and find the helpful ways to move forward.  You’re not moving forward because of worry.  You are now moving forward due to trusting that the answers are within you.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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                     Practice for inhabiting the body with I am and cultivating 3 Centered awareness 

These are some instructions I got from a Fourth way Course about 4 years ago.Doing this correctly over time helps one to distinguish the difference between sensing and feeling.

Become aware of the natural flow of your breathing for a few breaths, noting the sensation or presence of the physical body as the air comes in and goes out. Relax the body as you breathe out.

Let a feeling of gratitude or wonder arise. Relax into a feeling of gratitude or wonder for life or for whatever you may feel gratitude for. Do this for a few more breathes.

For the next few breaths, say inwardly “I”, as you inhale, breathing with the intention of taking in finer energies or substances in the air and feeling a connection to Higher help. When you breathe out say inwardly “AM”, with an awareness of your whole body physical presence.

The exercise itself is a form of self-remembering — returning from “all these other things” back to myself.  Its aim is to practice three-centered awareness — observing (seeing), sensing, feeling. Engaging all three centers and having a sense of whole body awareness is essential. Activating gratitude, wonder, our being, or our own inner poverty and need for higher help — all are good catalysts for self-remembering.


The inner exercise should only take a minute or two (or less) once familiar with the steps.

After you get used to doing it, start feeling from the heart with the in breath and saying I

And then sensing the body with the exhale while saying am, silent or inwardly.


I recommend the book Silence by Robert Sardello for those who take this up as a practice or for anyone who has tasted any true appreciation for solitude and silence. This is a book which will take one deeper into that territory.


Some relevant quotes from the Ridhwan school glossary-


Grounding Awareness in Bodily Experience is Important

Inner support implies that we need to be in touch with our experience. Inquiry is not a mental exercise, disconnected from ordinary reality. We have to be rooted in our everyday personal experience and in touch with our own thoughts, feelings, body, and behavior. Inquiry does not require us to leave our body or try to reach unusual transcended heights of perception—and we will not feel our inner support by doing so. Instead, we need to become more concrete, more down to earth, by delving into our own everyday experience. It is the embodied soul that is the entry to all the treasures of Being. When you are inquiring, it is important to keep sensing your body—to stay in direct touch with its movements and sensations. This includes the numbness, the dullness, or the tensions you may feel. To ground your awareness in your bodily experience is important because your essential qualities are going to arise in the same place where you experience your feelings, emotions, and reactions. They are not going to appear above your head, they are going to arise within you. So your body is actually your entry into the mystery.

Spacecruiser Inquiry, pg. 294



Our Heart Produces One Feeling – Love- and From that, All Its Derivatives

We can say that the basic feeling of the soul is love. This means that all other feelings, all other emotions of the heart, are derivatives of this basic feeling of love. They are reverberations of love, reflections of love, and sometimes distortions of love. They are reflections on reflections on reflections on reflections of love. So our heart produces one feeling—love—and from that, all its derivatives. That is why, if we want to remain connected with the energy of love, we need to allow ourselves to experience all of our emotions, whatever the feelings are that arise in us. We cannot experience love without experiencing our other feelings as well. And because all of those feelings are derivatives of love, if we close ourselves to those feelings we will close ourselves to love. 

Love Unveiled, pg. 55


Mixing Our Consciousness with Our Experience

The nature of the soul is such that when a feeling arises, we can experience that feeling from within the feeling itself. We can intimately mix our consciousness with the specifics of our experience and recognize directly what the experience is. This is the ground of knowingness, which is direct knowing, and it is necessary in the process of understanding. Without this kind of knowingness, this gnosis, there is no possibility of real understanding; understanding remains only a mental operation, which is good for mathematics but is not enough for spiritual transformation. 

Spacecruiser Inquiry, pg. 333


Feeling Free from the Conceptualizing Mind

But what is feeling free from the conceptualizing mind? If we suspend our conceptualizing minds for a moment, we realize that the only thing we know for sure about our inner experience is that sensations arise. If, for a moment, we do not use the mind and do not say this sensation is anger or hurt or fear, if we just forget about these names for a while, we will have the chance to see what “annihilate mind in heart” means. To see what heart without mind is, we need to be willing to let go of our sense of being an entity. When we do that and simply look at our feelings, what we actually experience is nothing but sensations. The conceptualizing mind singles out certain intense sensations and labels them as various emotions. This is the ordinary way our experience happens, and there is nothing wrong with it. This is how human beings have always operated, what we have always known. However, if we want to meet the guest, if we want to leave the realm of the day and have a glimpse of the true night, we need to go beyond this normal experience of things. We need to see the mental quality of what we call our feelings and emotions, and allow ourselves to suspend the conceptualizing mind that distinguishes and labels them.

Diamond Heart Book Five, pg. 161



"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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                                                                           A poem by Red Hawk





"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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This is a sheet of paper I had on my refrigerator. It’s dirty and stained because it was on there for roughly 15 years.

The quote from Lao Tsu speaks for itself.

The sentence at the top - ‘Beware of psychic entropy’ -was especially important for me to remember for quite a few years. The two phrases right below it was my reminder of method. This was some knowledge I received out of reading Fourth way material. I found it to be so true that when my attention was dispersed it would get spread thin. But worse than that,, things and people out in the world would grab my attention. The result usually meant that whatever grabbed my attention would mess with me according to whatever it’s nature was.

On the other hand, if I remained in control of my attention. I then possessed more will. That’s just one way of saying it. It’s not easy to remain in control of one’s attention with the ability to direct it where chosen. The payoff for me I realized eventually was staying free of psychic entropy. All of this is still relevant for me in the current day but it was my path out of personal hells I would sonetimes find myself in years ago. The term psychic entropy if I remember right was picked out of an essay written by Jonathon Zap. https://zaporacle.com/card/dealing-with-psychic-entropy/#gsc.tab=0  Yeah, there it is. I found it again.

’Content to process shift’ written in the middle of th page was a concept that hit home for me reading one of David Hawkins books. If I were to elaborate on this I would juxtapose content to context. If I can direct my attention away from content and towards context while falling into psychic entropy, It can often keep me out of psychic entropy because it is usually a larger frame of reference.

Another trick I found was to put a larger percentage of my attention into my peripheral vision. This has the effect of moving my attention away from content and more into context.

I wanted to explain or expand on why I posted those Red Hawk’s quotes the other day Just above. Maybe in a little bit if I don’t fall asleep.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Self-Respect is for the Dogs
by Dr. Jim Rosen
©2021 Dr. Jim Rosen

    He was really asking about himself when he raised this question during his therapy session.  “What is self-respect?” he said.  Seeming to dodge the issue, I asked him if he liked dogs.  “Yes,” he did.  Then I asked him to suppose that he had too many dogs, and that he needed to get rid of a few, how would he do it?  Would he shoot them?  “No!” came his strong emotional reply.  I asked why not.  He answered that he had "some tender feelings."  What if he didn’t know these dogs?  What if they were somebody else’s dogs?  More strong feelings surfaced.  He couldn’t shoot them, “because they’re living, breathing creatures!”  “That is self-respect turned outward,” I said, “now turn that toward yourself.  You already have the feelings.  It’s a matter of learning to develop them.”

    “How can I develop them?” he asked.  Getting there is not so hard.  It just takes a lot of practice.  You follow the principle that changes in your thoughts and behaviors always lead to changes in your feelings.  So you make the choice to practice thoughts that promote your self-respect.  They are called “affirmations” and this is the real purpose of them.  You say kind and appreciative things about yourself to yourself.  You won’t believe them for a while, but you say them because they are true.  And you follow this up with self-respecting, self-loving behaviors.  You do lots of small nice kind things for you.  Each of these little things (that you really want to do) get you a bit closer to your goal.

    If you really desire to love and respect yourself, you will practice these thoughts and behaviors.  You will walk the way that leads you there.  These are choices that you make.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Whenever one fights or opposes something, it only makes what one is fighting more powerful.  In the Fourth Way it’s stated as - To oppose second force increases second force.iME, this is what Red Hawk was getting at, in the quote I put up above.

As humans, we have the tendency to either dismiss, explain away, or make excuses for our discontinuity of consciousness. It might be called a change of moods or perhaps the activation of a sub personality, the result of temporary stress, etc.,,
Terence McKenna pretty much dismissed the contemporary diagnoses of schizophrenia. In a roundabout way, his view aligns with a core element of the Gurdjieff Teaching.

Earlier in this journal I metaphorically labeled myself as a ship of fools. This metaphor I borrowed from Robert Deropp, a biochemist of the early 20th century and student of Ouspensky. He authored a book about the path to higher consciousness and enlightenment called The Master Game which became a classic in the early 1970’s. The Fourth Way teaches that we’re more fractured psychologically than the majority of contemporary psychologists and academia will allow. Transpersonal psychologist Charles Tart coined the phrase “cultural consensus trance” . A beautiful description of the result of the fracturedness prevalent in  modern humans which creates the collective ego This element of fracturedness is susinctly delineated in an article written by Ralph Losey called The Problem of the Subtle Sybil effect.


It’s very difficult to change our habits but it is possible to transform our habits of mechanical behavior over time. It’s why in the Work, it is advised to not try and change ourselves but to just objectively observe. This observation will allow Conscience to awaken through remorse. Remorse of Conscience will make transformation of our mechanical behaviors much more possible than the route of self criticism, blame and guilt. It makes our transformation of lower self and lower chakra energies a conscious endeavor by way of awakened conscience. Awakened conscience is the same in everyone unlike acquired conscience which changes over time and from culture to culture. Awakened conscience is called by some, the intelligence of the universe. Jesus Christ and the Buddha taught non-violence and forgiveness through letting go and not judging or keeping accounts. The path of awakened conscience. By awakening, we leap out of our graves, as Ocke deBoer humorously puts it. Awakened people are not over burdened with false seriousness, they’re light hearted.

Edited by Zigzag Idiot

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Ive always wanted to get a propeller beanie. Maybe just to get a reaction from my redneck friends. I can talk about rednecks because I’m one still. I can’t speak for all rednecks, though. They’re not all belligerent, racist, homophobic, numbskulls. There’s certainly a variety. Some are quite progressive, even downright liberal in their views.

I was remembering yesterday how God sometimes allows me to read people’s minds. If I forfeit the use of power, I’m even bestowed the power of putting thoughts into another's mind. It’s that old Jedi mind trick that Barack Obama referred to in jest while at the podium one time.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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@Zigzag Idiot What do you think is the essential quality of being a redneck?

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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Not so.

I was expressing myself in hyperbole. I come by it honest on my Mother’s side of the family. If anything, I was alluding to Gladrial in lord of the rings. She was givin the highest honor because she refused the power of the ring. I intuit that universal justice is like that. Maybe not. I’m just full of beans anyway. It was nothing toward you.

I was going to say though that I got rid of black mold in my house with just a spray bottle of bleach water. 



Edited by Zigzag Idiot

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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9 hours ago, tsuki said:

@Zigzag Idiot What do you think is the essential quality of being a redneck?

Get with you later with a possible answer. I’m still pondering that one,,,

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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