Zigzag Idiot

Zigzag Idiot and the ladder of Objective Reason

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LIstening to this short clip, it felt like a realization. McKenna said the world is made of language. In The Oracle of the Cosmic Way, Carol Anthony says basically the same thing. 

What Terrence describes here sounds like a Holon. He uses the phrase Superego synonymous with Overmind.  He also says his Overmind is the higher collective mind. I contend that as long as we're coerced by the Superego we will endure the phenomena of guilt. Conscience doesn't awaken in ourselves until we've individuated and have become free of the Superego. 

The awakening of Conscience marks the arrival of the beginning stages or the birth of the Pearl beyond Price. Guilt will not be experienced after this but the feeling of Remorse then becomes a part of our inner barometer.

Perhaps the global awakening of Conscience is the shift to a higher vibration or density that others speak of. It would also fit very closely as well to Yogananda's description of the Second Coming of Christ.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Ocke de Boer describing Conscience as the "intellegence of the Universe" fits into this quite well.


There are a certain percentage of those who are reading this that will have 33/6 a their Life Path number vibration. Have you already determined your numerology? If not,  Just add up and reduce down all the didgets of your full birthday in the Pythagorean method. 







I welcome hearing of others Numerology or Life Path number.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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                                                              More about 3 times 4    

                                             from R.C.L., a Spiritual Lawyer

                                 About integration and Individuating 


These three levels we now call the realms of Body, Soul and Spirit. The realms follow the classic tripartite division. Body is the realm of the material world, Soul the realm of energy, including psyche and personality, Spirit the realm of ideas, qualities, cognition and mentation. In space our consciousness always emphasizes one of these three. This is the basic law of three the trinity which is found in all cultures of the world as a kind of spatial hierarchy.

Like the four time-like functions, the three spatial realms constitute a basic structural law, a constitutional principle, that appears in all fields and scales of experience. Every phenomena has a physical, energetical and spiritual quality. On the microcosmic level, every electron has a body level where it appears and acts like a particle; a soul or energy level where it appears and acts like a wave; and a spiritual level where it has certain "quantum" characteristics, behaves in an unpredictable manner and has unique qualities. On the scale of human consciousness, all phenomena again appear in these three realms.

For this reason each of our four functions has three levels. For instance, Sensing does not occur in the abstract, you either sense a thing an energy, or an idea; In space, every event, every phenomena, every time function, happens in these three realms.

Spirit means the following fields of consciousness, the following experiences: animating vital principle; meaning; ideas; representations; quality; space-time continuum; intelligent or sentient part of a being; essential principle; significance; in corporeality; intellect; concept; thought;noesticity; event; information; pattern; gestalt; the abstract; ideation; idea, human brain; knowledge.

Soul means the world of people; psyche; energy; wave; time; vitality; bio-plasma; Chakra; I or Chi; vital force; ego-self; self-other; sociality; individual; entity; mind as in body-"mind"-spirit; limbic system, mammalian brain; instincts.

Body means physical; solid; matter; mass; space; particle; cerebellum, brain stem, reptilian brain; conditioned learning.

To understand and integrate our consciousness, it is not enough to understand and improve the four functions, we must also understand the three realms. We must learn to identify and recognize where each component of our consciousness lies. This classification helps us to make sense of the chaos. It facilitates our thinking, allows us to better comprehend what is happening in the world around us and the inner world. By having a basic schemata to refer to, you can learn to verify a thought which may come to you. It is a kind of legal citation process, a structural analysis involving internal precedent checking. Is the thought complete, is it holistic? Does it have all three components, body-soul-spirit? What component is missing from the idea? Which realm is emphasized? Which function does the thought pertain to? Where in the overall schemata does the thought fit? What does that tell you about it? This is all part of the thought discipline process described in the Opening Statement.

In addition to helping you to think better, learning to recognize what phenomena involve which realms also helps you to identify and sort out the functions. Knowing the three realms, understanding how they are different and how they work together, facilitates the fourfold integration process. It helps you to separate and strengthen the functions, and then to unify them.

The integration process can be better understood by including the law of three. Recall that the problem with the four functions at first is their hodgepodge intermingling, where one function tends to dominate others, and all get stunted and weak. The problem at first with the three realms is just the opposite. They are completely separate from each other, even alienated. The body and mind are disconnected, too far apart. When we are into our bodies, we tend to lose our soul and spirit. The clicheé example is the muscle-builder with enormous body and tiny head, and even smaller mind and personality. Conversely, when into spiritual things, we tend to forget, even reject our body. Just look at some monks, nuns and priests. When into our psyche our personality, our soul we tend to lose both body and spirit. The problem is to bring these three separate worlds into one. We must strive to unite our physical consciousness, with our consciousness of our psyche and our spirituality.

Again, like the functions, these three realms should be of equal importance. The spirit is not better than the body, and visa versa. But like the functions, we naturally tend to emphasize one realm to the detriment of the others. We need to observe our self and learn which one we emphasize. Then we need to make conscious efforts to boost the weaker realms. We need to bring the three realms into balance.

For instance, an intellectual prone to the world of ideas would achieve balance with exercise, by developing the body. They also need to interact with people more and develop their soul. The spiritual tend to ignore the body, sometime even punish it for the sake of their spirit. They also tend to want to go live in a cave without the distractions of other people. The body and soul are as much our home as the spirit. All three realms should be cared for and respected.

Likewise balance must be sought by the physically-oriented, those who spend all their time concerned with their bodies, how they look, what they weigh, what they eat, and how they exercise. They should also be concerned with their mind and soul. What we feed our head is just as important as what we feed our stomach. A good heart is as important as a pretty face or healthy body.

Finally, there are those who emphasize their social life above all else. They would rather talk than eat or read. They are constantly talking, to them self and others, and usually they are quite in love with the sound of their own voice. They are devoted to personal issues, to themselves and to intimacy with others. They take themselves very seriously and can talk about themselves for hours. The soul is important, but it is all too easy to become self obsessive, "overwhelmed with me". Both the body and the transpersonal spiritual elements must be included for the soul to develop harmoniously, for individuation to be possible.

Another basic law of the individuation process is that failure to unite the three realms will obstruct the integration of the four functions. After the functions have been strengthened and separated, and are otherwise able to begin their backward trek to integration, they will not be able to do so unless the realms are also in a process of balancing and uniting. The total integration of consciousness into Awareness, super consciousness, as described for instance by Jung's individuation process, requires the three realms to be brought together into a unified field of awareness where each component supports the other.

From  http://www.lawsofwisdom.com/course-overview/statement-of-the-law/laws-of-human-consciousness/

There is much more on this page about Integration, the four functions, Jung and Freud's interaction, Jean Houston and Robert Masters work with Lsd back in the day, Paul McLean and the triune brain.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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“I’m gonna fix brown rice everyday,”??‍♀️?? 

The epitome of 3 Mars essence types. Lots of adrenaline and sexual energy. Very embodied with their natural rhythm in expressive, raw, jubilant capacity for dance. Dusty Hill is Mars/jovial. That gives them some extra flair overall.

I think they’re a riot, Hilarious and brilliant in their own way.



Martials are brave warriors built for self-assertion and combat. Even their silence has an ominous quality to it, as if they are ticking over before the next outburst. Their eyes have a fixed and fiery stare, their voice is bullishly projected. With fast-moving adrenalin, their style of action is sudden and powerful, using gestures and movement that are willful, punchy and jerky. They relish causes to fight for or to campaign against, aiming for and achieving one goal after another. Socially, they are blunt and direct, not knowing how to be insincere with niceties or flattery. Martials are energetic in work, thriving on challenge and adversity. They favour the instantly effective physical approach, which can be over-forceful. When led by another, ideally a wise Saturn, they are loyal, painstaking and disciplined. As they are impetuous and quick-tempered, they fall easily into quarrels. Having released their adrenalin they quickly forget, and their animosity turns to impulsive, selfless generosity.



"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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I'm kinda tired of the Summer heat and humidity. Ready for fall weather to get here.

I've been putting up security cameras around my house and driveway. The cameras have audio as well as night vision. For $20 a piece, they are a great deal. Really convenient also that I can access them through I phone or IPad. Allows me to see any traffic approaching the house. Should have done this a long time ago.



The Source of Some of Your Anger
by Dr. Jim Rosen
©2020 Dr. Jim Rosen

    You have a need to feel important and worthwhile.  Not more worthwhile or important than other people, but no less either.  If you think that someone is controlling you or disapproving of your lifestyle, you can easily get the idea that your worth as a person is being threatened.  So you’re going to get angry.  By lashing out with anger, you are trying to push away the other person’s control and regain your self-esteem.  But the anger only gives you a false sense of control in a situation where you think that you lack it.  It’s not really the anger or the striking back that put you in charge of your own life.  Your real power, the real taking charge, is in your ability to choose how you’re going to respond in those situations.  When you are the one who makes the choices, and then you stand by your choices, this source of your anger melts away.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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                                                                     Being ok with ambiguity 

Living with any ambiguity used to drive me berserk.  Whatever situation I was a part of in the past, I wanted everything planned out ahead of time. I had absolutely no trust that things would unfold in the way they needed to.

Larry McMurtry, in one of his novels described one character as being as noncommittal as the Buddha. That description has stuck with me. Probably just because I found it to be so funny at the time I read it. I'm not that ambiguous but I'm somewhere in the middle. Doesn't planning things out mean that you're not present?  For me back then, much of the time I was living in a future that didn't exist anticipating possibilities which always included a number of doom scenarios. I can see in retrospect that a good deal of this was because I was consumed with a vague fear. I'm not saying that all my fear has been conquered but I'm not as consumed by it as I used to be.

Some applicable Almaas quotes-

All of Our Feelings or Emotions are Communications from the Heart

All of our feelings or emotions are communications from the heart: they are reflections and reverberations of the basic emotional tone of the heart, which is love. And no matter how far removed from that quality of the heart they might be, as reflections they have something to reveal. So if you don’t follow them—if you say, "This is a bad feeling; I should just feel good . . . I should just feel love"—then you're not listening to the messages of your heart. If you take any emotion and really study it and follow the feeling itself, you will find that it will ultimately take you back to your original movement of love toward the Beloved. That is one of the central rationales on this path for becoming aware of your feelings: To move toward the Beloved, you activate whatever feeling is there at a given moment, you remove the repression, you feel it fully, in order to recognize what it is and understand it. The more that all of your feelings are understood, the more they reveal the deeper roots of those feelings in our true nature. What are they about? What are they telling you? Why do you feel angry? It's good to feel your anger, but you have to find out the reason for it. Remember what Rumi said: He doesn't have any stones to throw. He doesn't have anger, because the love is fully moving in its natural direction. Why would he be angry?  If you're angry, it means that a barrier is still there. The anger is not bad, but it's not the end point. Its value is that it helps remove barriers; but first it is a message to us that there is a barrier. 

Love Unveiled, pg. 93


Grounding Awareness in Bodily Experience is Important

Inner support implies that we need to be in touch with our experience. Inquiry is not a mental exercise, disconnected from ordinary reality. We have to be rooted in our everyday personal experience and in touch with our own thoughts, feelings, body, and behavior. Inquiry does not require us to leave our body or try to reach unusual transcended heights of perception—and we will not feel our inner support by doing so. Instead, we need to become more concrete, more down to earth, by delving into our own everyday experience. It is the embodied soul that is the entry to all the treasures of Being. When you are inquiring, it is important to keep sensing your body—to stay in direct touch with its movements and sensations. This includes the numbness, the dullness, or the tensions you may feel. To ground your awareness in your bodily experience is important because your essential qualities are going to arise in the same place where you experience your feelings, emotions, and reactions. They are not going to appear above your head, they are going to arise within you. So your body is actually your entry into the mystery.

Spacecruiser Inquiry, pg. 294


Without Basic Trust We React According to Our Conditioning

Now we can see how the presence or absence of basic trust is crucial to the initial step in the process of the transformation of any sector of the ego. This step is only completed by giving up the particular structure we have been holding on to. Basic trust gives you the capacity and the willingness to let go of the images, identifications, structures, beliefs, ideas, and concepts -- the remnants of the past that make up the ego. Implicit in this initial step is the second one: If you are able to surrender, then you are willing to be. You are willing to not try to change things, to not manipulate them, to not push and pull at them. You are willing to just be present, which is a sort of realization itself. First, then, is the death of the old; second is the realization of Being. If you don't have basic trust, you will react to what arises in accordance with your conditioning and will want your process to go one way or another. You won’t let yourself just be present; you’ll be tense and contracted. So basic trust is needed for you to be able to allow the ego to die, and also for you to be willing to just be, without reacting. 

Facets of Unity, pg. 26

from https://www.diamondapproach.org/glossary/refinery_phrases/basic-trust

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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A ship of fools I am with all of them fighting over the helm.


Maurice Nicoll wisdom on human multiplicity and the pendulum 




“Our moods are all hung on to pendulums. We should not trust them. Unfortunately, we identify with them. We take them as ourselves. We say: ‘I feel,’ ‘I think,’ and so on. We forget that ‘Real I’ is in the centre of the pendulum-swing, and we allow ourselves to swing between ex- citement and dejection, between enthusiasm and depression, between over-valuation and under-valuation, between conceit and humility, and so on, endlessly. In all this there is no centre of gravity.” V. 1, pp. 328-9


“Our whole lives, ordinarily, are governed by the Law of the Pendu- lum. We all swing to and fro. When you are in one opposite you are unconscious of the other, and vice versa. You may have idle dreams
of rising and rising, of progressing and progressing, of getting better and better, but all these are indeed idle dreams...What do you think self-knowledge means? It means knowledge of all sides of yourself... If you can see both sides of yourself, what you call your good side and your bad, then you begin to be conscious in opposites at the same time.” V. 1, p. 325


“The pendulum is the great thief within. I only remind you that you have to find some method of managing it; or else it will take away anything that it gives...If you let yourself identify mechanically with each of the two opposites in turn—that is, with one side and then
the other side of the emotional pendulum, wholly believing each
with your whole feeling of ‘I’—you will remain helplessly on the pendulum, swinging to and fro from excitement to depression, from depression to excitement...We have to draw the feeling of I out of the opposites. That means one attempts to withdraw the feeling of I from the feeling that one is good or the feeling that one is bad...The feel- ing of I can be squandered in infinite ways.” V. 5, pp. 1561, 1655-6 


“We have to observe the whole swing from one extreme to the other in order to discover our particular opposites...An increase in con- sciousness in regard to our emotional life through the making of the opposites conscious by following the swing in Time, and so seeing how they are connected, shifts consciousness gradually towards the middle zone of the pendulum, to a third place lying between the op- posites which becomes receptive of new emotions not on the pendu- lum. We acquire a middle.” V. 5, p. 1563


“Try sometimes to see the opposite point of view to that which you hold...If the opposite is genuinely and with effort included in con- sciousness the sphere of consciousness is greatly increased and a number of unpleasant features in us disappear. Our one-sidedness, which causes our over-sensitive reactions and also our totally wrong ways of self-evaluation, is replaced by a broader, fuller consciousness. We can no longer insist we are right nor be cast down when proved to be wrong. We find it more difficult to be petty. In fact, we begin to escape from the prison of ourselves whose bars and gates result from our one-sidedness.” V. 5, p. 1521


“The Work teaches that there are three forces in every manifesta- tion. We see only two—if we see as far as that...Third Force lies between the opposites and so we can picture it as the mid-point of the pendulum-swing. If you take the feeling of ‘I’ out of both sides of the pendulum, then you do not feel yourself through the opposites and the feeling of ‘I’ moves to the centre, into nothingness, or, if you pre- fer, into not-somethingness. Here in the middle is the place or state where ‘Real I’ is.” V. 1, pp. 329-30


“Different ‘I’s, ranged along the orbit of the swing, wish to say now this and now that, as the light of consciousness touches them, wakes them to momentary life. To a limited extent one may permit them to speak, provided one has a distinct idea that neither side is right. Inner silence means being silent in oneself. It means not taking sides in yourself and so being silent. This is impossible if you identify with every ‘I.’ You may let talk take place on one side or the other, but you observe it and are in yourself silent.” V. 1, p. 334


“When the Work says that a man must come to realize his own nothingness before he can be re-born, it does not mean that he must humble himself and so on, but that he must by long self-observation actually begin to realize that he is nothing and that there is no such person as himself. The object of this is to get into a position, psycho- logically speaking, between the opposites...Why is it so important
to get somewhere into the centre of the pendulum and not swing to and fro? Because here, between the opposites, lie all the possibilities of growth. Here influences from higher levels can reach us. Here, in this place where one can feel one’s own nothingness (and where one is therefore free from contradictions), influences and meanings com- ing from higher centres, which have no contradictions, can be felt. Not regarding yourself as good or bad, not priding yourself on being just or otherwise, not thinking you are well-treated or badly-treated, not being caught by either movement through identifying, you come into this mid-position. This is not easy! With personality active, it is impossible.” V. 1, p. 329 

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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                                        To Have your Being is to render your ego harmless (perhaps,,,,,?


28 ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ - Acts 17:28


God, who encompasses ALL Being, nevertheless created separate beings who have everything individually, but who want to share it to increase their joy. Nothing that is real can be increased EXCEPT by sharing it. That is why God Himself created you. Divine Abstraction takes joy in application, and that is what creation MEANS. How, what, and to whom are irrelevant, because real creation gives everything, since it can only create like itself. Remember that in being, there is no difference between having and being, as there is in existence. In the state of being, the mind gives everything always. - ACIM chapter 4


. For you have denied the condition of his Being, which is his perfect blamelessness. Out of Love he was created, and in Love he abides. Goodness and mercy have always followed him, for he has always extended the Love of his Father.


When you have accepted the Atonement for yourselves, you will realize that there IS no guilt in God's Son. And ONLY as you look upon him as guiltless, can you understand his Oneness. For the idea of guilt brings a belief of condemnation of one by another, projecting separation in place of unity. You can condemn only yourself, and by doing so, you cannot know that you are God's Son. For you have denied the condition of his Being, which is his perfect blamelessness. 


Im feeling a pull to dive back into the Science of Idiotism 

I encourage anyone who's interested to buy a copy of The Realized Idiot by Bruno Martin and help me make contributions to The Science of Idiotism. It would help if your were a reader of Gurdjieff books. This is not negative foolishness. Its more like Contemplative psychoanalysis that involves purification of the emotional center.

Edited by Zigzag Idiot
Added to last paragraph

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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I think Red Hawk referred to one's 'chief feature' as it's called in the Fourth Way also as one's 'blind spot'. There was a similar thing in Scientology. I think it was called one's 'ruin' I certainly don't like to group The Fourth Way and Scientology together, though. Scientology is definitely a cult and as a general rule Fourth Way Teachers will try to run people off by offending them  or other ways. Gurdjieff did this as well to insure that only people who were really sincere about working on themselves would be the ones to stick around, regarding whatever bullshit they had to put up with. 

Side note- This has to do with the Title of his magnum opus- Beelzebub's Tales To His Grandson. Being offensive in this way, Beelzebub aka The Devil, guaranteed Religous people would stay away and for the most part only the highly educated would be drawn in out of curiosity or as he put it, if they had a magnetic center. Someone with magnetic center is someone who has a natural inclination for gathering knowledge as well as working on oneself.

Back to chief feature. Jane Heap, a student of Gurdjieff's, boiled it down to a short list. She said chief feature is usually based on one of five things- Greed, Fear, Sex, Lying, or self Pride. 

So chief feature, in being also a part of the makeup of one's psychological blind spot has to do with how we usually react. If anyone reading this is aware of the phenomena where people see one another's foibles better than they can see their own,, This is the ball park, so to speak. 

If you tell someone what their chief feature is. They won't believe you,, Through radical honesty and long self observation, one has to learn it for themselves. The goal isn't to be rid of it but to know it and be it's Master. One's chief feature is said also to be a distorted reflection of a personal virtue. For instance, fear becomes courage,,, Chief feature can also be a combination of Greed-Fear-Lying-Sex-self Pride.

One has to be willing to observe over a long period of time, one's own habitual reactions. This process is definitely linked to the Science of Idiotism.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Letting go and practicing forgiveness have a lot in common it seems.

People who enjoy abstract thinking and pondering space-time  should play around with home security cameras. The ones I got have about a 20 second delay. I get confused sometimes whether I'm looking into the past or future. The other day I ran outside and back in real quick and I actually met myself coming back!

Being of split mind implies fragmentation doesn't it? A blank spot regarding integration? It's that way with all of us I surmise. To varying degrees.

I would wager that Integration runs parallel with continuity of Consciousness. Like Willie Nelson, it's when one is the same all the time regardless of the situation. There's probably a group of people insisting he actually has that certain disorder having to do with impersonalness. It's on the tip of my tongue but I can't think of the name at the moment.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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I'm having to log on every 5 minutes. It did this months ago but I forgot the cause of it. If anyone knows what I need to do, I would appreciate some advice. Even just A hint left in a private message would be appreciated. I'm a technological Idiot.

Integrating male/female yang/Yin qualities

27 [22]. Jesus saw some children who were taking the breast: he said to his disciples: "These little ones who suck are like those who enter the Kingdom." They said to him: "If we are little, shall we enter the Kingdom?" Jesus says to them: "When you make the two <become> one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the upper like the lower! And if you make the male and female one, so that the male is no longer male and the female no longer female, and when you put eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in the place of a hand, and a foot in the place of a foot, and an image in the place of an image, then you will enter [the Kingdom!"]

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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The world is made of language and we're all going to die but we're not. 

That seems to be the synchronous messages in my life at the moment. Several sources say this about language. My ICHING reading this morning touched on it as well as the topic of death. Pardon my sloppy picture taking,,,,


Still haven't bought another copy. Isn't it funny that my book split apart right on hexagram 23. The title of this hexagram is 'Splitting Apart'. I'll let my ICHING reading speak for itself. 

It was hexagram 30 (Attaining Clarity) with changing lines 3 & 4 making second hexagram of 27 (Nourishing) which I didn't include trying to keep things fairly brief. I'm adding on Martin Butler's podcast at the bottom which is also relevant. It came out yesterday.






"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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The Facts of an Imperfect Life
by Dr. Jim Rosen
©2020 Dr. Jim Rosen

    Fact #1: You are not perfect.  Nothing you do can possibly make you perfect.  This is not because there is something basically wrong or inadequate about you.  It is because you are a person, a human being.  Fact #2: If you think you are supposed to be perfect, you are probably doing lots of senseless things to reach that place you can’t get to.  And none of them work.  It doesn’t mean you’re not doing it right.  It means you can’t get there, and nobody else can either.  Fact #3: You are a worthwhile, loveable human being on the inside, just the way you are right now.  This is true even if you don’t know it, and even if you’ve made lots of regretful mistakes.  Fact #4: There is nothing you can do to change these facts of life.  Fact #5: If you accept these facts, you will be making a significant step toward reducing anxiety and finding peace of mind.  You are at your best when you are at peace.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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@DrewNows  I thought so too! Credit goes to Doctor Jim.


Learning different typologies helps me to integrate. By observing my reactive and automatic behaviors and giving a good look at what the triggers are. I may catch it before it manifests outwardly next time. ,,,, Sometimes,,,

Too many people only use their enneatype as something to continually verify and identify with. It can be so much more. A way to go beyond one's automatic behavior.

Analysis paralysis is a phrase associated with Enneatype sixes. Which seems to be my chief feature.

Because Arnold Keyserling was a riotous universal heretic, sometimes in disguise, and became a bad/good influence on a young lawyer named Ralph Losey in the early 70's, they chose to number their version of Enneagram differently. If questioned about this. They might say "Oh, that's just to make it more difficult.,,,   Huh?? 

The following is their description of my enneatype based on categories of language which coorelates with the usual 6 given by Palmer, Riso, and Hudson. Actually this is a typology based on what I call the Keyserling Wheel. To me it seems to combine the Enneagram and the Astrological wheel in a strange way that puts me into a weird space of having the feeling of comprehension of it almost at my fingertips and just beyond grasp.

ANALYZE/DISTINGUISH: SPIRIT-SENSING. The adjective - 5 - pertains to analysis, to distinguishing one from another. Its archetypal symbol or myth is Mercury. Mercury involves qualitative discernment and the impulse to judge and rate. It is the "either-or" dissective counterpoint to "both-and" synthesis. The complementary impulse is the first, healing synthesis. The personality type is called the "Status Seeker" or "Performer" or "Motivator". They can be narcissistic, deceptive and pretentious, more concerned with the appearances and trappings of success in their work than with real accomplishments. They are frequently self- assured and energetic, but often too quick to accept the easy answer to a problem, and try to succeed in work through narrow specialization, frequently failing to see the forest for the trees. They tend to be the "Type A" personalities who are ambitious, overly-competitive or "work-aholics". They can also be genuinely-productive, authentic, good motivators and promoters, efficient, knowledgeable and accepting of their limitations, with many outstanding inner qualities and good judgment.

from http://www.chanceandchoice.com/course-overview/time-cycles/


Below are some of Arnold Keyserling's poems and ,,,,, prophesies, for lack of a better word.


Community of Joy

Whoever trusts in himself, 

and respects every friend as a co-worker, 

will find a community of joy, 

which in the past was a rare exception and the lot of only a few.


from https://schoolofwisdom.com/


Your transformation can begin immediately.

The first step of transformation is the observation of N O T H I N G N E S S, of the interval.

The Nothingness is true existence.

Until now you have only valued the experience, instead of the interval.

The secret of your strength lies in the interval between the shapes and experiences which inhabit your being.



You will come to your senses and discover yourself, when you finally and forever abandon self-pity and self-criticism.



The essential experience is and remains love.

It can’t be induced by sensorial perception because in order for it to penetrate inwardly and emanate outwardly one must be ready for it.

Love is the medium of life to be attained, to feel at home with it and through it to examine and govern all phenomena.

Whoever opens himself up to the river of love loses his home: he exists in the Universe.

Sadness and darkness are no less powerful than laughter and jesting.

But in the river man is truly man, he is the master of himself, speaking with things without harming their sacred quality.

Wait for the fulfillment of pleasure.

This expectation alone produces this openness whereby love flows through all four gates and your center of being is included in the divine circular dance of happiness.

Love reaches from the body to the last star, it is a bond which endures.

One can never forsake love.

Love is omnipresent, it is all consuming, it is all knowing.

When there is a lack of awareness, love is destroyed.

Love requires your complete participation.

L O V E is fullness in equilibrium, letting go, always forgiving, giving, never confining, being aware, valuing that which is real once the dross has been burned away.

Love conquers.

It creates beautiful things, it is truthful, it exists in harmony with all beings, it protects and preserves values from alienation, it seeks nothing, yet finds all.

Seek the dark love as the path to joy and light.

Love means to accept the way things appear and let live.

Love comes from the fullness of being.

It is neither spiritual nor holy.

It is God’s gift to reality.

Remain true to this one command: love as a pledge of reality.

The opposition of the lazy can only be broken with love.

Love doesn’t mean grace any longer.

It means being a part of the primal vibration of the universe.

It is not something that you do, rather something that flows through you.

You can’t cultivate love.

Love cultivates you, once you open yourself up to it.

It surrounds everything; without love there is no motion.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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                                                     The heart as an organ of spiritual perception 

From the view of many Mystics and as well as different orders of Contemplatives, the passions are not viewed as a benificial attribute. From some Enneagram perspectives, the passions are the direct opposite of Virtues which mostly can only come into one's being only after prolonged struggle and effort in working on oneself. Although it seems that everyone is gifted perhaps with one unique, freely given virtue at the start of life.

Of particular importance is waking up to one's automatic or reactive behaviors held in place by well worn neuronal networks which are often jumpstarted by the amygdala. This is the process of having your heart hijacked and allegorically could be viewed as the Devil's admission ticket into one's Soul. The devil being none other than fear based egoic identification.

In this talk given by Rev. Phd. Cynthia Bourgeault she addresses this with a degree of thoroughness yet concisely so, in a just a 30 minute talk. She speaks about how an undivided heart has the capacity for higher seeing or acts, in a way, as a mirror for a higher vibratory level of reality. This can only come about after the mind has become the servant of the heart, in a sense, with innocence. (I'm a poet and didn't know it) And yes, we're speaking of the actual physical heart which as articulated by the Heartmath institute produces a field of electromagnetic energy and moreso when the heart is in an attuned entrainment with the prefrontal lobes of the brain. I view this allegorically as the Intellectual complex willingly taking counsel from from an awakened heart.

When someone is driven by a passionate energy, the mind is fixated which actually divides the heart. When the mind is so fixated, the heart is knocked out of entrainment with the reality of a higher vibratory level. This is the result of an obsessive, stuck emotion identified with a particular outcome. Spiritual wisdom being intrinsically moral can almost be framed as the exact opposite in that it is the state of non-attachment, letting go and allowing a spaciousness for the beneficence of the Cosmos to manifest out of the realm of the atom or the realm of Consciousness. This is my attempt at a brief summary paraphrasing C.B.'s talk, which includes a few of her exact expressions and some of my own spices. The poem titled 'Love' by Arnold Keyserling, just above goes nicely with this talk.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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I took this short test yesterday. https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test

My personality was assessed as being an INFP-T. The T on the end means that I'm a turbulent mediator as opposed to an assertive mediator type with this particular test.

A few weeks ago in a short test, I was assessed as an INTP. The first test I took was well over a year ago which I kinda hurried through. In it I was assessed as an ISFJ. 

In the past I arrogantly dismissed MBTI as being just conventional malarkey. This attitude though is consistent with a former typology I've studied which reveals my distrust in conventional authority also having an overcompensating quality with things I'm engaged in. What really began to change my mind was reading other people's assessments and articulation of MBTI types. These are assessments by both educated and layperson enthusiasts who have a natural draw to typologies and a gift for using it and definitely doesn't include everyone with this interest.

I plan to go deeper into this study and perhaps mesh it with the other typologies I've studied which has kinda been my predisposed tendency.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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A Path to Knowledge
by Dr. Jim Rosen
©2020 Dr. Jim Rosen

    Your religion, be it an organized church or personal religious convictions or your way of life, is not knowledge itself.  But it does provide you with a pathway to knowledge.  We ought not to assume that anybody here has already reached it.  If so, they wouldn’t be here.  Even the highest teachers among us are also learners and students.

    Everything that happens in your life is a potential lesson – an opportunity to get closer to knowledge.  How you respond to these things that happen in your life create either a step forward, a step back, or keep you where you are.  Your choices determine your learning.  Your choices are your learning.  You can accept your path and walk it, or you can deny your path.  But you cannot avoid your path forever.  It’s been given to you, and you cannot make it go away.  But you can acknowledge it and you can embrace it.  And peace will come to your mind when you let go and accept the plan for your path to knowledge.


Jim’s message this week reminds of that phrase - ‘Whatever it is you resist will persist’. 
There’s a corollary phrase in the Fourth Way having to do with the Law of Three- ‘The more you oppose 2nd force, the stronger it grows.‘


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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