Zigzag Idiot

Zigzag Idiot and the ladder of Objective Reason

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15 hours ago, Zigzag Idiot said:

I need to be true only to what my own heart and conscience tells me. When I do that, I find that the Universe is benevolent and it helps me. When I'm bullshiting myself, the universe also lets me know about that too.


I hear you! Being your own authority has wast rewards, especially if you have nothing but love and compassion as intention. 

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@Zigzag Idiot Kind of a cool story from today, at a coffee shop i ran into an old man 79 years old, who still skis, and he made it a point to tell me he will ski for free next year. He spoke of discovering a ACV/honey detox/cleansing protocol some 20+ years ago and lost a good bit of weight in only some 4 months. He went mainly vegetarian and has outlived his family by over nearly 20 years, he says, and is still sometimes fasting a few times a week. I told him that's quite a story and that i'd be sharing it with a few people, probably my father at some point xD 

Anyways, life has been tough lately, most people are so determined to suffer alone. It's just not fair...i guess that's love 9_9

On 7/28/2020 at 10:43 AM, Zigzag Idiot said:

An awakened person feels more intensely than others. They Just don't identify whatever it is they feel with who they are.

aint that the truth...can be so hard to fit in anywhere

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Good to hear from you,, @DrewNows


These musical Mystics look a little bit stoned to me. Bob Dylan and Kris Kristopherson are alike in a way.

Great song writers,,yes. Singers, eh,,not so much.

Why is everything they refer to yellow?


Be careful when you're talking
And saying all that stuff
 (Be careful about expressing negative emotion)o

Take care when you are breathing 
Something's funny in the air
( Breath Consciously)

there's some things they're not saying
'bout what's happening out there
(Spiritual sleep)

It's inside out,,,,


ACIM says we experience life upside down


Maurice Nicoll-


“To remember oneself it is necessary to look in and look out. One must see the outer and see oneself in relation to the outer. But actu- ally no one can see in and see out at the same time any more than
a person can breathe in and breathe out at the same time...And so Self-Remembering can be thought of as consisting in some to and fro motion, psychological in nature, that has to be carried out conscious- ly—that is, with a certain pressure of the attention that is given by aim or by the feeling of the Work. For example, I look at the person, and then at my reaction in the light of my aim, then outward again at the person, then inward at my reaction, and so on. Identifying then becomes impossible.” V. 2, p. 410 

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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The Healing Power of Striving
by Dr. Jim Rosen
©2020 Dr. Jim Rosen

    Striving is stretching yourself, working toward something that is personally meaningful to you, going beyond your previous limits, reaching, challenging yourself.  When you strive, you are fulfilling a yearning.  It gives you hope and purpose.  And with hope and purpose, depression takes a back seat.  Even the tendency to get depressed begins to fall away.  When you strive, you are saying to yourself, “I am not who I thought I was, and I am not stuck.”  You have set a goal and you are reaching toward it.  But be assured that achieving that particular goal is not the important thing.  You may achieve it; you may not.  There may be other factors you were not aware of.  The important thing is the striving itself.  All the benefits, all the healing, are gained in the process of reaching toward it.  You are genuinely, sincerely putting yourself into the effort; you are striving.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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I can come across as blunt and simple minded. Probably as a hypocrite too. Maybe out of touch with the times. Sporadic, opinionated, perverted maybe,, I don't know. We all project our thought labels onto others. I have to include myself because it's undeniable at times. Still after all these years I catch myself projecting ideas, personality traits of different kinds, worldviews, lifestyles, etc.,,,

When we can meet people in person some of it will immediately go away. Lightheartedness is a good virtue. I don't think I would have developed lightheartedness to the degree I have if I hadn't have humiliated myself countless times. I mentioned a Spiritual Teacher I crossed paths with a number of years ago when I was really unbalanced. I remember him saying his son was really enthused about Echart Tolle and was trying to get him to read The Power Of Now. He was kinda rolling his eyes as he related this to a third person. I was just at the edge of that conversation. This was only about four years after The Power Of Now was released. I had already re-read it 8 -10 times. I thought he was a little arrogant about not having even given Tolle  a read yet. The guy had been around a while, though and I believe spent some time around both the Krishnamurti's. I gave him what respect I could as an unstable hillbilly with very little polish and blunt opinions. At one point in the evening he turned to me and said, " You know, the Fourth Way path is only for losers". If a person is  succesful in the world they won't endure all the shit you have to go through in working on yourself". 

A couple of years later I was at the height of my Zen Devil phase. A real 'crow in peacock feathers' I was. In the company of my first official Fourth Way Teacher, Dwight, a semi-retired Artist. Dwight's Teacher had spent time with Gurdjieff.  I was constantly going on about Castaneda. I made it real easy for Dwight to help me make a fool of myself.  I didn't care though. I thought I knew everything, ,,,just about.

 In a small meeting with Dwight and three other students he turned to me and halfway quoting the New Testament said - "You know, the Pharisee's HAD their reward". Only later did I realize he was referring to my spiritual puffed-up-ness.

It made a lot of sense in hindsight. The Pharisee's in Jesus's time had all kinds of status in the religious and social order. In a round about Way he was saying that the reward the Pharisee's had was only egoic. They weren't losers like they made Jesus out to be.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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I'm glad Leo is going to address developmental psychology.

You have to have a healthy ego to be able to transcend it. I've heard this notion from both Hameed Almaas and Ken Wilber. Whether it's my arrested development or perhaps that mixed with existing somewhere on the autism scale. I've grown to understand that this is at the core of my hindrances. The Fourth Way map of vertical development says this also. I skipped man #4 to become man #5 and because of that can go no further unless a very high price is paid. So to speak,,,,

Another idea I've become clearer about is that the self esteem pitched by the vast majority of therapists today is really a pitiful condition as Ken Wilber worded it. 

It's clear when you contrast mind with being.

An Important Difference Between the Mind and Being

These fantasies, beliefs and misinformation actually accompany almost all internalized object relations to some extent. Internalized object relations are rarely true representations of actual events or relationships. One’s memory traces include all kinds of ideas, fantasies and images that never had an objective reality. Another source of extraneous material comes from the psychic processes of organization and integration themselves. These processes modify the original object relations as more impressions are internalized. This is necessary for the integration of object relations units of various affect and content. This extra material, whether it is attached to actual memories of object relations or consists of pure fabrications, cannot be absorbed into Being. This is an important difference between the mind and Being. The mind can absorb and identify with any psychic material it believes to be true. It does not have the capacity, on its own, to discern what is objective truth and what is not. In other words, the mind can be deceived, even by itself. Being, on the other hand, is pure reality. It is the actual stuff and consciousness of truth, and cannot be deceived. It does not try not to be deceived; it is simply truth by its nature, a self-conscious medium made of pure sensitivity. Any falsehood, that is, anything which is not the objective truth of what actually happened in past interactions which produced a particular object relation, is felt in comparison to Being to be dull, gross and distasteful. When one is in contact with Being, these falsehoods are felt to be lifeless, thick and heavy veils in comparison to the luminosity of Being.

Pearl Beyond Price, pg. 16


I believe that there really is something about 'being a loser'  in order to be motivated to get started on the path. Not fitting in or being disfunctional is probably a better way to put it. Almaas studied a wide variety of developmental psychological researchers . I've heard him mention Melanie Klein and Karen Horney quite a bit. Here's a really condensed version of his Theory of holes as it's called.

Genesis of Deficient Emptiness

We propose the following hypothesis ......:
* At birth the human infant has no sense of self.
* He is Being. He is his being without knowledge or self-consciousness. There is no mental functioning yet.
* Slowly, through experiences of pleasure and pain, memory traces are retained, forming the first self-impressions (self-representations).
* As the infant starts taking himself to be this or that (this or that self-image) he separates from his sense of Being, because any image is not his being.
* As the ego-identity and sense of self develop and become stable, the contact with Being in its various aspects and qualities is mostly lost. The extent of the loss also depends on the adequacy of the environment and the infant’s relation to it.
* The process of loss of contact with Being leaves a sense of deficiency, a state of deficient emptiness, as if the Being is left with many holes in it. The deficient emptiness is the state of the absence of contact with or awareness of Being.
* Space, which is the open dimension of Being, is lost in the formation of the self-image. This self-image includes the unconscious body-image of having a genital hole.
* For the normal individual, the development of the personality happens relatively smoothly. The self is highly integrated and stays stable throughout most of one’s life.
* In those with mental disorders, for reasons already known in depth psychology, the development of the personality and its sense of self is incomplete, or happens with various distortions, malformations, or inadequacies.

The Void, pg. 127

more here: https://www.diamondapproach.org/glossary/refinery_phrases/theory-holes

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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                                                                                What is my aim?

In the Fourth Way Teaching, my aim is to make it to man #6 before my Automaton konks out. 

Ive stated before in this Journal that in all honesty, I'm not good relationship material. I'm not looking for a wife, girlfriend  or a sex partner. As I go about working on myself, this journal helps me to integrate. I enjoy interacting with kindred spirits and sometimes others of a completely different character or nature. I enjoy the friendship of both men and women.  Sometimes I like to flirt a liltte bit. But not always, so I admit that up front. If I misstep I can take an ass chewing. I've survived my share of them,,, ? If I wake up in the middle of the night and half asleep respond beligerently to a post on the forum then I accept that I should be called out on it.

I enjoy what could be called engaging in imaginative conjecture. Throwing out half baked ideas or far out theories.

Influenced by the Keyserling School of Wisdom, I will never think of myself or take the role of a Spiritual Teacher. I have thought of offering a retreat for 'Spiritual Seekers' . In all honesty, due to the need for some supplemental income. It would be very informal and flexible. Maybe offering the use of my spacious loft, and share my refrigerator space. In a country setting with plenty of space. I would simply be a spiritual friend and sounding board. Just a few days, probably a week at the most, I might schedule others who were looking for a spiritual retreat or just a vacation In this specific niche. In no way do I intend to ever target any audience here on this forum as a customer resource.

This is all still just half baked in my mind.Not even sure I want to go through with it. The following is from Chance and Choice. It is my inspiration from which I would simply be a 'spiritual friend.' A friend who will charge ??$$/per day   ?


In the Aquarian Age of Body Thinking, with technology, everyone has to find his personal way, starting from the dark towards the light. The age of Empires is dying and being replaced by global consciousness, a one world network of friends - Spaceship Earth. Today the individual is paramount and the differences between people are accepted and affirmed. The myth of Satan versus almighty God is exploded. The individual now finds and creates their own way. Evil can now be recognized as the personal shadow which has to be integrated with the help of psychology. Beyond good and evil, a person can be grounded in the infinite, Zero, in God. Today we find God by tuning into the basic time cycles, and discovering our basic mental gestalt, our meaning and purpose in life.

In the Zero dimension the individual can find their roots in CHI, in the capacity of Self Organization. They can travel full circle from a limited ego, little "I", disassociated with the Self, onto the Zero - the Self - where the false ego is shattered. Then the way goes back from out of the Self into the true Ego, the big "I". The big "I" is in contact with the Self and includes the "I" of all others in the Universe. With the holistic Ego fully present in the fourth dimension, a person finds fulfillment by development of their unique potential, their personal path. In the Aquarian Age this path involves creative fulfillment by some type of personal service or work of some kind - work for the earth and all of nature, including human-kind.

Instead of mastery and loyalty common to the last age, work and friendship are the common denominators of this age. The friendship of equals replaces the parental or schoolmaster discipline of the last age. This emphasis on friendship has already begun to transform all of society. The trend will continue as the archaic institutions of the past decay and are replaced by dynamic new structures in tune with the times.

The transformation has begun on all levels, including the spiritual disciplines. For example, the School of Wisdom is a gathering of friends based on individual understanding, tolerance and merit. Followers are discouraged and adherence to specific dogmas and authoritarian lineage is anathema. The transformation has already had strong effects on the family where friendship is the new basis of both husband-wife and parent-child relationships. It is effecting business where the boss-employee relationship is becoming friendlier and less polarized-hierarchial. It is effecting world governments where the enemy us-them mentality is dying in favor of global cooperation.

The holistic view of friendship on all levels has arrived - between all of humanity with each other, and between humans and all other forms of life on this planet. In the Aquarian Age ecological awareness re-emerges in importance on a global level. We are not masters of nature, we are her friends. This even applies to our technology, as our machines and computers become ever more user-friendly.

The Piscean Age of industrialism and empire - which was at the end severely polluted and unfriendly to the Earth - is dead or is dying. So we should not be concerned with trying to destroy the old age, the old ways. That is inevitable. It naturally follows the Progression of the Equinoxes. Instead, we should be concerned with building solid structures to replace the old. Our new structures will last if they are based on environmental awareness and are friendly to the Earth and all forms of being and consciousness.

The new historical era started on February 4, 1962 with a solar eclipse over New Guinea. At that time all of the planets, except for the trans-Saturanian ones, were located at 15 degrees Aquarius. There is no need for an apocalypse, and no need to wait for a future age of coming good. The New Age is already here, the potential is at hand. All that is needed is understanding and work to fulfill the new potentials.

from: http://www.chanceandchoice.com/course-overview/time-cycles/

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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May I acknowledge through indirectness and plausible deniability and cheeks blushed with shame, what a worthless piece of dogshit I am because through someone else's projection and imagination, I  was the cause of great disappointment. Furthermore, because I allowed through this gross negligence of not being attuned to the highest degree of refined clairvoyance and empathy, that I be reminded of this for the rest of my days and that nations of unhappy people and all their ancestors with great fury for thousands of years should blow on loud police whistles and shit on me or in my general direction for at least a thousand generations into the future.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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There's some commonality between Oblect relations Theory and ACIM. ACIM states that we repress our unwanted traits and then project that out onto other people. The Original Diamond Approach from Almaas incorporated a good bit from Object relation Theory. When I first started studying Object Relations Theory 15,years ago I made note of my both Schizoid splitting off as well as a grandiose defense mechanisms.

The guy below references South Park but what really caught my attention was his mention of Trama bonding in ego development. One aspect describes why I cock blocked myself in adolescence which carried on into my twentys which over time conditioned me to exist whichout intimate relationships because as he puts it "individuals fear being smothered in positive relationships in which in they loose themselves in the process." Yeah, that was me. I've resolved some of that but I've so conditioned myself over time that I'm happy enough now without an intimate relationship so I'm just going to it leave well enough alone.

When I read about the special relationship in ACIM, I felt somewhat validated in this way of living that I've grown into. It pretty much states that romantic love is a fallacy and the source of much misery in the world. For those interested it does mention an alternative called the Holy Relationship.

A good ten minute video I watched this morning.

I'm not infallible and at times react somewhat explosively. Better than I used to be but still there is room for improvement.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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If you think Trump is honest. I've got some ocean front property in Oklahoma that I think you would just love.

Trump is as red as a dog's pecker.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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I always gain insights when I listen to Martin Butler's podcasts. He's a good communicator and seems to make distinctions that no one else does about the inner life.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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I haven't experienced Eternalness but I've had the experience of infinity. That probably doesn't make a lot of sense.

To experience pure Being is an experience of nonduality. It's so simple it's stupid and brilliant at the same time. Presence is being. The felt sense of pure presence is nondual. It's neither good or bad yet at the same time, it's all good. It answers the question of the existence of nonduality and also the experience that duality exists within nonduality. Duality couldn't exist if there wasn't nonduality. The words only point at it. It requires a heart to experience it. This is what has given me the experience of infinity but strangely enough there is not a felt sense of the eternal. There is a concept of eternalness that I experience intermittently but it feels more like timelessness instead of eternalness.. Essence or presence is also being. Being has flavors in a sense. These are essential aspects of being or flavors of being or presence. It's a part of the makeup of our multidimensional nature.

There is also awareness that is more fundamental than aspects of essence or felt or perceived aspects of beingness. A pure nonconceptual awareness. The came about for me in a prenatal experience. There was no memory just the sudden recognition of existence and awareness. Later on there was the remembrance that was like - Oh, here again. This happened a few times before I was born. Later on the meditation practice of Centering Prayer put me into this state of empty completeness in sporadic brief episodes.

Some people have the experience of remembering their birth or rebirthing as it's called. I haven't had this yet and I guess it's possible I may never have it. It's supposed to be a powerful awakening kind of experience that resolves unrecognized Inner disparities in a big way.  The experience of nonduality can be just real ho hum or it can be transcendent mystical fireworks.

I just spontaneously felt like throwing down this abstract rap. It may just sound like bullshit and some of it could be but that is all for now. It feels good I got it out of my system. A good use for a Journal perhaps.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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                                                        Remorse is valid; not guilt

I've been going off on tangents lately ranting about the harmful notion of guilt. It hasn't been that long ago that I would feel guilty over random thoughts that would float through my mind. How crazy is that. It's so unnecessary. A crazy or negative thought does not have to be identified with. It can simply be let go of. This is not me. Saying the inner No to thoughts randomly generated by our word mechanism as Oscar Ichazo put it.

Guilt is promoted by the fundamentalists of religions to divide people against themselves which makes them more susceptible to manipulation and thus control.

Im making a distinction here between guilt and remorse which I see and experience as valid. If one didn't experience remorse, that would classify one as a psychopath or a sociopath proper,  but being stained with the idea of guilt is worse than useless. It's a curse upon man in which he is under its spell. This is not something that I dreamed up on my own but rather got through the new version of the ICHING- The Oracle Of The Cosmic Way. Just ponder this notion and sit with it in your life and discern for yourselves.  

This is so much more than a book. Carol Anthony and Hana Moog are so overlooked in this Genus work they have through both sincere effort and synchronicity, produced. I wish Terrence McKenna was around to comment on this work. He referred to the Old Tradional ICHING and getting a reading from it was like throwing a coin which had 64 sides to it to receive an answer. This is another example where the wisdom of the Divine Feminine is leading the way in this new 2000 year 'Galactic month' which began slowly in 1963.


Oscar Ichazo-

The Holy Idea which acts as a catalyzer for the transformation of this ego is Holy Love/ Divine Love. This can lead to the Virtue (energy) of Action.

According to Ichazo, Divine Love is “The awareness that though the laws which govern reality are objective, they are not cold, because these cosmic laws inevitably lead to the creation of organic life, and Life itself, like all natural phenomena, fulfills a cosmic purpose. As soon as the mind’s word mechanism is destroyed, love, the natural condition of the mind, appears. Love begins the moment man contemplates the Creation and says, ‘Thank you, God.’ All men feel this somewhat, no animal can feel this at all. Man alone can know that all comes from God.”


From The New ICHING - The Oracle of the Cosmic Way-


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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We're all a multiplicity of many different "I"'s. Many people explain this away as moods. It's easy to frame it like that. Although it's not a flattering thing to be labeled moody, it's usually even worse to be labeled as being fractured into multiple  personalities. Officially known as schizophrenia But we're all technically schizophrenic. Some more than others. 

In my early twenties at a time when I was in the midst of a severe depression and just barely able to function socially, I struck up a conversation with a new neighbor. They lived about a mile away. This was at a local a sports event and the first time in months I had got out of my parents basement and had gone anywhere. Trying to make conversation, I told him how beautiful it was in his neck of the woods and that a few years before as a young teenager, I had trapped some beautiful grey fox not far from his house. The way he reacted you would have thought I had just stuck him with a hot iron.  He was practically foaming at the mouth threatening me that if I ever got one of his dogs in my traps,,,, blah,,, blah blah. I didn't even trap anymore. Him being a psychologiist and his wife, a veterinarian. They were kind of a hot shit ' power couple' in some people's eyes. I was completely stunned. Here was a licensed psychologist getting all reactive and just acting bat shit crazy. The world just didn't make any sense. I thought everyone in that field would be like the laid back psychiatrist Sydney that showed up occasionally on episodes of MASH.

I don't know why it bothered me that bad but it really did.  I'll admit to being rather 'thin skinned' all my life but in the midst of this anxiety/ depression I was in, I just felt devastated. I know it sounds silly but my mental condition was a good deal more than just shaky. I had often considered suicide just from the shame alone that plagued me.

Looking back now I can see I was completely beat down and and continually scolded by my own super ego because at the time, I felt like a complete failure and a real embarrassment to my parents. Plagued continually day and night by guilt. Slowly, I managed to start working some. A gradual momentum developed. Driven a good deal in just trying to prove to my folks that that I had some worth. That, in itself though is an unhealthy way to go about life. 

In most all of the vertical scales of human emotion I've seen -shame - is always right near the bottom along with apathy and forms of depression with anger always being a step above. Whether it's Dianetics, David Hawkins or others I've encountered, anger will always be a step above shame, guilt, and apathy.


it's one reason I use over-the-top language whenever I encourage others to defy the inner critic that is the voice of the ego . Until Superego is dealt with in a solid way, disfunction and depression will rule the day. Somehow screaming commands at a large glass ashtray in that Scientology Course I mentioned I believe was related somehow to work on Superego.. 

So anyone who is continually depressed and plagued by feelings of guilt and shame, tell your Superego to go take a ???FLYING FUCK IN A ROLLING DONUT!!!?? and don't stop until you feel that red energy rise up in yourself or better yet, you end up having a good laugh,,, 

Busting a lot of glass bottles I feel is great therapy also.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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From the Gospel of Thomas - 

(22) Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom."
They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?"
Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom." 

Sounds like integration to me

Being vulgar one day and then the next day quoting Jesus and referring to his Teachings makes me look like a real hypocrite. But there it stands. It is what it is. Whatever IT is,,,,

Forgiveness, Being passive in the face of aggression or looking beyond others transgressions. Ways of Being which have always been difficult for me,,,, These will probably never be popular messages.

Maurice Nicoll related a dream he had about a man who possessed a curious power. -"He has some curious power but hardly uses it...He seemed purified from all violence. That was the secret. That was the source of the curious power I detected in him. A man without violence,,,,"


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Ma (my Grandmother) passed away. She was buried a week ago tomorrow. She was born in February of 1924. Years ago I enneatyped her as a counterphobic six. Same as me. My mother is a phobic six. My father was an enneatype five. Older sister-enneatype type 1- Neice- enneatype - 3 - Oldest nephew- enneatype 9  Youngest nephew - enneatype 5 .

i could never reach a conclusion about my Uncle who passed away 4 years ago or my Grandfather who passed away 10 years ago.

Ma was a real character. She was tough. She had to be. She encountered many difficulties in her life. Of 5 girls and one boy raised in sawmill shack, she was probably the most responsible. She attended the same little southern Babtist Church all her life. She taught me and my sister cuss words when we slept with her as children. We would listen to Whiporwill,s Summer nights. She worked in a shirt factory sewing all her life. She used a wind up alarm clock and got up about 4:30 weekday mornings. Winter mornings she would start her car and let the motor warm up for about 10-15 minutes before she left. Most times before sunrise. She did the same for my neice and nephews that she did for my sister and I except it was taken even farther.when they came along. In bed before they fell asleep whenever they stayed with her, they would see who could say the raunchiest phrases my niece revealed a couple of years ago. When I visited her in the nursing home the last couple of years, we would go outside so she could smoke a couple of cigarettes.

There are countless stories. I could write a book about Ma's long life with the many trials and difficulties she encountered. She was loved. She will be missed.


Thoughts, Emotions & Behaviors - All Open to Change
by Dr. Jim Rosen
©2020 Dr. Jim Rosen

    Since prescription drugs don’t get to the root of the problems, what can you do?  You can get yourself or your loved one to a psychologist, that’s what you can do.  Your thoughts and emotions and behaviors are changeable.  In fact, your thoughts and emotions are every bit as changeable and adaptable as your behaviors.  Your personality and your lifestyle are not set in concrete, either.  Competent psychologists know how to motivate, initiate and guide the necessary changes.  We help people gently and effectively, in a secure and trusting atmosphere, where every word you say is confidential.  People change…We help you make the right changes.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Unconscious, unawakened humanity feeds on negative emotion to varying degrees. We can see other people better than we see ourselves as a rule. It's just energy that's being gone after when people feed on negativity. It's always justified in ways. When we seriously work on ourselves seeing our own feeding on negativity is a must. We have a choice how to respond. We can respond instead of react. A fine distinction and easier said than done. Reacting means one is just a puppet of negative emotions propelling us. We need to feel fully everything and not repress but draw the line just short of expressing negative emotions. It can be very difficult HOT work. It takes time,,, because we will always stumble. Gurdjieff referred to this kind of work as "good cooking"!!!

Expressing negative emotions is wrong use of sex energy.. This is also why Work on Superego is a main focus at the start of the path in the Ridhwan Teachings. We need chi energy for walking the path. Negativity pollutes our energy in a big way.

We SHOULD do this or we OUGHT to do that. SHOULDS and OUGHTS being thrown around as a rule typify the presence of super ego. Observing this can be a tool for catching this part of ourselves. It's the internalized voice in oneself that is usually one of our Parents as a rule. Not always though.

Freeing oneself from the superego makes an enormous amount of energy available to us. We can't access that energy though as long as we're divided against ourselves.

Quotes about working on the Superego from the Ridhwan Glossary--- Good stuff,,,,


Disengaging from the Superego 

It is relatively easy to see that much of our opaqueness, much of our lack of openness, much of our stuckness, is due to the attacks of the superego—ours and other people’s. These are the criticisms, the put-downs, the comparisons, the judgments, the devaluations, the blaming, the shaming, the rejection, and the hatred that the superego levels at you in all kinds of situations. Here the Red latifa can specifically be used in the service of inquiry, by giving us the strength to defend against the superego. Initially, we need to defend ourselves against these attacks by directly confronting them. This can happen through challenging the superego’s authority—by telling it to back off. Such an internal confrontation requires great strength and intelligence. Later, when the Red Essence is more readily available, it becomes possible to disengage from self-judgment simply by clearly discriminating it for what it is and not going along with it. Disengaging from the superego is, in essence, a separation from your parents—the parents you long ago internalized and have lived with in your mind ever since. This disengagement allows you to see more clearly what is there in your experience, because if you’re entangled with these attacks, you won’t even know what you’re experiencing or what has caused the attack in the first place.

Spacecruiser Inquiry, pg. 279


In Order to Work Through Your Superego, You Must go all the way Down to that Pre-Verbal, Chaotic, Hellish, Negative Merged State 

Besides forming the basis of projections—such as the superego projections we’ve just discussed—the merged state in the infant’s symbiotic phase has another important aspect that we call “negative merging.” When the child has negative experiences with the mother, the whole world is felt as negative. There’s no separation between the infant and the mother, so in that merged state the whole world is anger, or the whole world is frustration, or the whole world is fear. The negative experiences with the mother gradually coalesce and become one big thing that is isolated from the positive part of experience. This forms the basis of the negative judgments of the superego. You project your superego outside because in the beginning, the outside and the inside were one thing. Now when you experience the negative merged state, you cannot separate what is real inside from what is real outside, and your preference is to believe it’s outside. So you can see that in order to work through your superego, you must go all the way down to that pre-verbal, chaotic, hellish, negative merged state. And when you get down to that, you feel lost, you don’t know what is going on, there’s no firm place to stand. There are swamps wherever you turn—up, down, left, right—all swamps. That’s how you experience it; everything is negative. As you experience this fully, without defending against it, certain essential states arise to move you through this negativity and hell.  

Diamond Heart Book One, pg. 119


Projecting One's Superego

A good arena within which to recognize, understand, and deal with the superego is in our relationships with others. This is primarily because one frequently projects one’s superego onto certain individuals, and relates to them as one does to one's own superego. Of course, this defense mechanism of projection helps to keep the superego unconscious, just as any defense mechanism does.

Work on the Superego, pg. 8 


Recognizing and Defending Against the Superego

The first way works well during the stage one of the journey when our awareness is not strong, our presence is not developed, and our inquiry is not yet skillful. That’s when we need to directly defend ourselves, to own up to our aggression and to use its strength and energy to throw the superego out, to create space to be where we are. In this way, we defend ourselves consciously—by using our strength instead of erecting walls, defenses, and resistance to protect us from dangers of the superego. In the early years of our practice of being where we are, we need to constantly recognize the superego and its ploys and learn how to defend against them. Basically, we need to tell the superego where to go: “Who cares what you think? Go to hell.” Okay, so you feel deficient, and the superego keeps insisting that you’ll never amount to anything. You can tell it, “Good—if I’m never going to amount to anything, why are you bothering me? Go find somebody else.” This is a way of disengaging, but with strength, with energy, with awareness. 

The Unfolding Now, pg. 66


Recognizing and Dissolving the Superego

The second stage of working with the superego begins after we have learned to defend against it with strength, boldness, and aggressiveness. These are energies that we have taken back and owned and therefore can use. Our awareness is now strong and clear, and our inquiry skills are sufficiently developed to prevent a superego attack from confusing us or putting us into a tailspin. At this point, using aggression to defend ourselves is less important; simply recognizing and understanding an attack can counter it. We can often dissolve an attack simply by knowing that the superego is attacking us and understanding why.

The Unfolding Now, pg. 67


Superego Attacks Incompleteness 

The superego does not usually attack you because Brilliancy is missing. Your superego doesn't know about Brilliancy, so it attacks you about whatever sense of deficiency it finds in your experience. Under normal circumstances, there is a misinterpretation of the hole, or lack of Brilliancy; it is not seen as the absence of a certain manifestation of your Being. Instead, your superego attacks you, saying you’re too short, your nose is crooked, you're dumb, you say things wrong, you never know which foot to put first—that kind of thing. That is the way your superego picks on you: It finds those little incompletenesses and attacks you for them. But when you understand that incompleteness has nothing to do with these things, you will have a deeper handle on your superego. Completeness happens by confronting and completely tolerating the incompleteness. So your superego, by attacking you for feeling incomplete, is really preventing you from getting closer and relaxing into your own true nature, which is complete. 

Brilliancy, pg. 74


Superego Keeps the Unconscious Unconscious

The superego, as we have seen, is the first coercive agency that we encounter in working on ourselves, which we find to be invested in keeping the unconscious unconscious and which accomplishes this by disapproving of the unconscious material. So, our approach is to help the ego consciously defend itself against the attacks of the superego, and hence to eliminate this important part of the need for unconscious ego defense mechanisms. If this is done, some awareness of feelings and sensations will bring up the part of the unconscious disapproved of by the superego, now that the ego is not guarding against it.

Work on the Superego, pg. 6 


Superego Once Protected Life

So the superego which was erected to preserve and protect life, becomes a coercive agency that leads to death, not only in the mental, emotional, and spiritual sense; but sometimes also in the physical sense, as in the case of psychosomatic illness and self-destructive behavior.

Work on the Superego, pg. 5 


Superego Resists Changes to the Status Quo

The superego is that part of the person that maintains repression and fights any changes to the status quo. It is one of the main reasons why the ego defenses are needed (defending against painful ego states and maintaining ego structures being the others); and hence it is responsible for the presence of prejudices, overt and covert.

Work on the Superego, pg. 5 


Systems Have a Superego

Whenever a person works within a certain system, the values and prejudices of that system are automatically incorporated into his superego, and in time become coercive agencies. Or, to put it more graphically, the individual develops the particular system's superego.

Work on the Superego, pg. 6 


The Apex of the Psychic Structure

The superego is a structure that forms the apex of the psychic structure and includes the ideals of the personality and the principles of judgment. It is the seat of what is customarily called the conscience. 

Essence with the Elixir of Enlightenment, pg. 134 


The Inner Coercive Agency

From our perspective, the superego is the inner coercive agency that stands against the expansion of awareness and inner development, regardless of how mild or reasonable it becomes. It is a substitute, and a cruel one, for direct perception and knowledge. Inner development requires that, in time, there be no internal coercive agencies. There will be, instead, inner regulation based on objective perception, understanding, and love. 

Essence with the Elixir of Enlightenment, pg. 137

Edited by Zigzag Idiot
Wrong use of sex energy - removed the 'and'

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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A poem by Red Hawk out of his book - Wreckage with a Beating Heart

It points to the Sleep of the World. IME 

I like the phrase Charles Tart coined- The cultural consensus trance,,,,




Edited by Zigzag Idiot

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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                                                                       3's and 4's

This is just a starter kit discussion 

is God, humanity, the universe and everything in it, holons? Created out of 3's and 4's? Most of what follows was taken from Arnold Keyserling's Chance and Choice or Ralph Losey's Laws of Wisdom,,,,



Four elementals

Four consciousness functions that occur in Time


The Law of Three  A combination of Active - passive - neutralizing produces a new arising; a Fourth 

Three Spacial Realms,,,,


The seven electron shells are at a distance of 0 - 1 - 4 - 16 - 25 - 36 - 49, following the central diagonal of Gamma, the multiplication field of the Pythagorean Chi, as is shown by the following diagram.




Here is a concise summary of each chakra - 1 through 7. This should allow you to make sense of these energies in connection with the other ideas presented in this book, especially the ideas in the next chapter on space.

Sensation relates to the data of the senses: colors, smells, tastes, sounds and tones, and observation of the sense of touch. The point of gravity is in the organs of generation and excretion. It is the base of all energies and is present in most people as sexual energy. Its basic potential is for creative imagination, revelations. It's vocation (practical application in society) is that of a "Worker" who has confidence, trust, intuition and an ability to heal. This energy feels like a force emitted from yourself in order to do something. Its direction is the East and it partakes of the "Power of Fire".(3)

Breathing relates to Thinking. All thinking is based on language which is heard by the vibrations of air. Its point of gravity is, however, found near the sacrum, which is also the point of gravity of bodily movement. In Japan and the martial arts this center is known as "Hara". Its basic potential is to discern and affirm the differences and the similarities between all things. Its vocation is that of a "Designer" who adapts and conceives new things, including a unique style of life and a creative understanding. This energy feels like experiencing movement from out of the center. Its direction is the West and its Power is the Minerals.

The function of Feeling has as its contents the impulses, and drives, the point of gravity lies in nourishment, in the digestion and de-posination metabolism. Its basic potential is for creativity and inner growth in the synthesis of creative new forms of understanding and learning. Its vocation is that of the "Helper" who heals through understanding, personal growth and through cognition of the underlying archetypes. This energy feels like awakening. Its direction is the South and its Power is the Plants.

The Will means the capacity to decide yes and no on the basis of the inner void, the force of attention, the fourth dimension in connection with the Zero dimension. You have to get behind the rhythms of the heart, of the circulation, and get to them from being. Its potential is self affirmation, finding your unique "medicine", in the Native American sense, that puts the Ego into a healthy, positive relationship with the greater Self. Its vocation is that of the "Leader", with affirmative energies, strategies and imagination. This energy feels like finding your role. Its direction is North and its Power is the Animals.

The contents of thinking, feeling and sensing are conscious. Being (deciding = uniting) puts them together in willing. Their continuity, their putting together, changes the data of the functions into data of consciousness ordered in the three spheres.

The Body continuity, steered by the genetic code, has its point of gravity in the spinal cord and in the central nervous system which is activated from the brain stem and cerebellum just above the neck. This is the basis of material experience; movement activities are stored in the memory so that the force of attention can remain free. Its potential is start new things and become more human, responsible and discerning. Its vocation is the "Friend", who assists in projects and helps others to see the world and themselves more clearly. This energy feels like becoming an expression. Its direction is the center and its Power is the Sacred Earth.

The continuity of the Soul, which puts Man into family in its farthest sense by endogen engrams, conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, has its point of gravity in the limbic system. There all personal relations and memories, as well as those of Man and our whole evolution, are stored and unite Man with the animal realm. The potential is to heal and to synthesize opposing forces into a larger whole through communication and discussion. The vocation is the "Teacher" who helps set priorities and values and who has strong communication skills. This energy feels like partaking of an abundance, a plenitude of beings. Its direction is the South East and Power is the Ancestors.

The highest Spirit field of the cerebrum or neocortex with its two hemispheres shows the capacity of mental representation of knowledge in its largest meaning - from language up to opinion and world conception. The basic potential is for responsiveness, to take the lead in reacting to the environment. Its vocation is the "Facilitator" who takes action, questions, cajoles, even fights, so that every one can find their unique potential and resolve conflicts. This energy feels like becoming aware of the physical totality of the entire Universe. Its direction is South West and Power is the Natural Spirits. This chakra is sometimes called the "golden egg" and should be located just inside the skull, not above it.




"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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