Zigzag Idiot

Zigzag Idiot and the ladder of Objective Reason

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Around the 29th min in this video teal Swan speaks about dimensions, time, dreams etc. maybe you find it useful 


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4 hours ago, Zigzag Idiot said:

I've never really considered or pondered the possible infinity characteristic of other dimensions beyond the physical dimension . I even forget the latest number theorized about the number of dimensions existing. I think arrived at mathematically....? 

Then there is Time, whatever it is. I could see it as a dimension, in a way. Does it connect duality and nonduality through human lives lived?  Yes, I guess so and then some,,, Humans as meso or meta-bridge? Bridging dimensions?

All theories are built from the fundamental duality of yin and yang. They are comprised of visible, inert, passive 'things' and hidden, active, alive 'interactions'. Dimensions are the fundamental 'trick' that lets us think of yang in terms of yin - it is a quantitative measure of freedom that the theory accounts for. The more dimensions a theory has, the more expressive it is: interactions (yang) can unite the various kinds of 'things' (yin) into a tangible, unified, system. Dimensions themselves, however, are neither yin, nor yang - they are a mirror that lets us see one in the other. They are what informs our notions of possibility and designate the extents of paradox and ambiguity. A theory beyond its application is like looking at a projection of a cube to a plane and arguing whether it's viewed from 'up' or 'down':


The connection between God and dimensions is such that it can be viewed as Nothingness and Absolute Infinity. Nothingness is the divine Yin, zero dimensions, where everything is explained because nothing makes sense. Absolute infinity is the divine Yang, infinite dimensions, the God of Love and ultimate freedom of creation. The former is stillness surrendered-to, while the latter is genius possessed-by. Of course, they are symmetric in the sense that it takes a genius to be still because reality abhors vacuum, and it takes stillness for a genius to express his/her inspiration.

So, humans are meso-dimensional because we choose the theories based on their dimensionality, and we're meta-dimensional because we create theories to fit the dimensions of any given problem. Both of are divine, as they require from us a choice in directionless conditions - to unwrap the unknown into knowledge and wrap it back to unity.

Edited by tsuki

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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@DrewNows @tsuki  I just slept 14 continuous hours. Later in the day when I get woke up good, I'll give your offerings the condisiderations they most likely deserve.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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5 minutes ago, Zigzag Idiot said:

@DrewNows @tsuki  I just slept 14 continuous hours. Later in the day when I get woke up good, I'll give your offerings the condisiderations they most likely deserve.


Sounds awesome. Send a brother some rest will ya? ;) 

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On 6/26/2019 at 9:58 PM, DrewNows said:

Around the 29th min in this video teal Swan speaks about dimensions, time, dreams etc. maybe you find it useful 


@DrewNows Thanks for the recommendation! 

I ended up watching all of it. She touches on a lot of topics. From how the Universe basicly eats itself to animal rights and factory farming, to withstanding exposure from harmful things in our modern environment. I like her focus on how we hurt ourselves with our own negativity. She has a real gift for bringing in practicality when discussing woo woo topics. I wish she would make a video on how to interpret David Wilcock and Drunvalo Malchez. Or rather, some of their claims.

@tsuki I appreciate your articulation regarding Dimensions. As always, you help me to stretch my mind.



"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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As a type 6 The Devil's advocate (doubt/fear) in the Enneagram of personality when I'm under stress, I become a type 3 The  Performer. When I'm in security, I become a type 9, The Mediator.

Everyone does this, according to one's type. Thats a part of the Enneagram of Personality taught by Helen Palmer.  I never really studied my "wings" , as they are called. For me it's the types 5 and 7 and how they are also an influence. I don't really feel a need to learn it completely, now. Observing in the way I have has revealed to me I'm all of it,,,, and struggle with every aspect given on the Enneagram, as does everybody whether they realize it or not. But also, I'm none of it. It's sounds crazy about how much time and effort it takes to realize it's all just a case of mistaken identity we each have to deal with in our own way.

It helps me to observe time and again how when an "I" becomes identified with anything, good or bad it doesn't matter. On one end or the other the pendulum of emotion will swing to or from. It is sometimes said that awakening is about seeing this in oneself. Awakening is what makes you die. Being reborn is to feel it in such a way, you never identify and become reactive again. Ha! if it was only that cut and dried, it would be nice. But, it's not. Usually. In comes the amnesia factor, the opposite of Self Remembering.

Its an interesting idea that studying the false in us (personality) is actually more helpful in the beginning than studying the real (Essence)  in us. We have to get the bullshit out of the way first, it seems. On this path anyway.


It's a good thing I caught this from urban dictionary,,,,,


The way idiots spell the word "taught."

Who tought you how to read, wrote the dumbest person ever.


Being self important makes one become clumsy with the added vanity. Everything doesn't have to be a joke either. But when I'm under stress, it's my favorite coping mechanism. ?



"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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As a form of self importance, I used to be really serious. 

Still am sometimes.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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                                                Many forms of self-importance that heal through exhaustion 


From The Power Of Silence-

Don Juan described self-importance as the force generated by man’s self-image. He reiterated that it is that force which keeps the assemblage point fixed where it is at present. For this reason, the thrust of the warriors’ way is to dethrone self-importance. And everything sorcerers do is toward accomplishing this goal.

He explained that sorcerers had unmasked self-importance and found that it is self-pity masquerading as something else.

“It doesn’t sound possible, but that is what it is,” he said. “Self-pity is the real enemy and the source of man’s misery. Without a degree of pity for himself, man could not afford to be as self-important as he is. However, once the force of self-importance is engaged, it develops its own momentum. And it is this seemingly independent nature of self-importance which gives it its fake sense of worth.”

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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The price of conscious Love is overcoming hatred.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Random YouTube of Cicadas.

Periodically, the music of the crickets are drowned out by the chorus of the cicadas. Specifically at 13 and 17 years. This happens in two different ways. One of which, everyone who has normal hearing receives a free general admission ticket. The other kind, not. 

Tinnitus is something else altogether. 


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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21 hours ago, Zigzag Idiot said:

@DrewNows Thanks for the recommendation! 

You're welcome! glad you enjoyed it, Some very interesting topics and perspectives i agree with ya and i dont know anything about those david and drunvalo guys and videos. In the other part she talked a good bit about aliens and her being one, it was over my head xD

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I often write from hypotheticals and make flat out assertions. Its likely I contradict previous statements I've made. In the knowledge of essence types it becomes better understood how we naturally piss off some as well as feel attracted to others energy. See, here I go again. The mars essence type (adrenal) is described as an active negative type. Negative as in questioning or seeing the glass half empty instead of half full. The maximum attraction for the Mars type is the passive and positive Venusian. As a mars type my approach is naturally blunt and straightforward. This may trigger other Mars types. Maybe because of similar shadow blind spots,,?

My own mixture of Solar-Saturn-mars is roughly equivalent to a cerebrotonic mesomorph,,,, I think.

Everyone should think for themselves. There is no doubt that I try to influence others. It's how I learn and integrate. I will be wrong about some things and right about another. Or maybe it will be right for me and a few others and not for everyone else. I have no interest in creating a following around my interpretation of how things are. Trying to add to Gurdjieff's Science of Idiotism is a sincere aim. Basically my approach to systems thinking.

I have a deep respect for both A.H. Almaas and Red Hawk because they both express in their own writings of taking a second return run towards unrealized deep self hatred. But there are also many others who feel this same necessity. I wouldn't want to imply it's a necessity for everyone, though.

Another thing I feel the need to express is a point about the Castaneda quotes. Let's take the following:



From The Power Of Silence-

Don Juan described self-importance as the force generated by man’s self-image. He reiterated that it is that force which keeps the assemblage point fixed where it is at present. For this reason, the thrust of the warriors’ way is to dethrone self-importance. And everything sorcerers do is toward accomplishing this goal.

He explained that sorcerers had unmasked self-importance and found that it is self-pity masquerading as something else.

“It doesn’t sound possible, but that is what it is,” he said. “Self-pity is the real enemy and the source of man’s misery. Without a degree of pity for himself, man could not afford to be as self-important as he is. However, once the force of self-importance is engaged, it develops its own momentum. And it is this seemingly independent nature of self-importance which gives it its fake sense of worth.”


It's true but it is also tough guy talk, in a sense. And to the degree it speaks to that part of us that likes tough guy talk, it is in error. Keeping a watch of my own heart told me so.

There does exist a gift in tears and a big attitude will throw shade on it. I will claim possession of the knowledge of how Saints come about. But I stand here as a hypocrite unable to actually do it and so I have to suffer this self, off and on.

The whole point about not expressing negative emotions is that it, in itself, perpetuates unnecessary suffering. But it's so terribly difficult to not express them and I certainly can't judge anyone who does so because I also still do so. Even after a clear conceptual understanding, it's still difficult. Suffering myself I put into the category of necessary or intentional suffering. Where will the motivation for transformation come from if I'm unwilling to actually see how I am, beyond lofty ideals? This kind of intentional suffering is also Conscious suffering.

As Ocke de Boers logic translates-" Remorse will bring conscious suffering. This is to see and feel your own mechanical behaviour or negativity and seeing you can’t do anything about it. Conscious suffering will bring the Work deeper in you and therefore will increase your being so that conscience can speak. It will give a constant and unflagging need to work and enable you to pass the first threshold.   Conscious suffering is the medicine to make the Automaton surrender to the Permanent Witness. The Automaton is an instrument. The Permanent Witness has to learn how to use it."


If only we could differentiate between a cleansing as a result of remorse and the terrible falsity in the idea of being guilty. In this sense, everyone is truly innocent.

It seems reasonable that this capacity for Witness Consciousness has to occur before there is a stability established in the 2nd tier of Spiral Dynamics.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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I got a great night of sleep.

Just finished watching Leo's last video. I LOVE it. I don't understand it yet at all,,, but I love it. The Basic elements I have some deep insights into particularly 'imagination' as put forward by Gurdjieff and also a couple of unique experiences from Scientology, ironically enough. 

I will watch this again for sure , possibly immediately. I smell big Truth. I want to be that one in a million he mentions.

I am so ready for Leo's new teachings!

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Leo said, "Reality is infinite imagination."

Ken Wilber speaks of the gross, subtle and causal realms. 

Some refer to the causal realm as the Imaginal realm.

In the Fourth Way system, it is taught we are two natured beings with three brains and four bodies. Or rather 4 potential bodies.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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I've been getting better insight into the yo yo of being that has to be added to the knowledge of the pendulum of emotions. It's now fully 3D. Zigzag Idiot discovers what Authentic Idiots are eventually the embodiment of.

Mostly I'm in Ordinary Idiot throughout the day - resting in beginners mind. Depends of the cycle of the Seasons too. In moments of time during the day, I'll manifest Zig Zigzag Idiot, Squirming Idiot, Round Idiot behavior etc..

Zigzag Idiot is the highest Idiot in the First Tier of S.D. and the bottom Idiot of Second Tier and seems to be more Yellow than  Green.

Enlightened Idiot has embodied The integrated knowledge of both the pendulum of personality and the Yo yo of Being.

This is what makes Enlightened Idiots impartial about everything.

It takes from Enlighted Idiot, Doubting Idiot,  and Swaggering Idiot as a completed triad to breakthrough another threshold in degree of Impartiality. 

The next triad of Idiots 13, 14, and, 15- Authentic Idiot, Patented Idiot and Genial Idiot are all Characters of Turquoise and above in S.D. In Tarot- The Hermit, Justice and The Chariot cards.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Too funny man (your self assessment) fascinating allegory’s btw ??

”im just a regular everyday normal guy” 

Edited by DrewNows

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Thanks, @DrewNowsIf you're having a good laugh then at least I'm doing something somewhat beneficial. ??‍♂️?

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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                                                                               NN dmt experiments

I had a no ordinary day. When I got out of bed this morning I spontaneously decided on a NN dmt trip while my stomach was completely empty. I tried anther method based on the following article.


Actually the first attempt was through a store bought Vaporizer borrowed from a friend. The battery failed in it and so I quickly improvised the homemade version. I also lost the " machine ball" as well made from copper with the first attempt and so I had to make another one of those. On the second attempt I got that certain feeling, some pressure in my head and a lots of of hallucinations. I was attempting mindfulness going into this with just a curious but witnessing kind of conscious state. Just keeping my eyes open but also not fighting it. 

No breakthrough on the second attempt even though a powerfully felt experience. Using the same machine ball I loaded another 50 mg into it and went a third time. About the same kind of similar short trip resulted though.

One good result from this morning is a big reduction in fear around NN dmt. Although there was still a heaviness produced in me in what I experienced. It was interesting instead of frightening and the smoke is not near as harsh. Although I couldn't get the machine ball to work for me this morning, I plan on trying it again.

I'll give a trip report in the NN dmt subforum later on,,,

I went back to bed and slept the whole day.

Before I tripped I was reading journals well before daylight and was really struck by the profundity of this following post by @Ero which I felt compelled to respond too

and also a new journal started by @bmcnicho . After the dmt experience, all significance about things in general changed including my immediate felt need for communicating.

@Ero's post -


What is interesting is our approach to/ perception of fatigue/burnout- When I just let those sensations without a judgmental tone I can see that they are extremely pleasant sensations of stillness (uncomfortable if we persist on "working")- A way of the body to experience itself whole and return to its center. A following insight showed me that the fatigue happens when we are not just alert but trying to escape/ get out of our bodies - aka escape sensations (hyperactivity from DH )....Daaamn. Daaamn. Mindfuuuucked. Burnout and fatigue is the way the universe/ our body forces us to look back  into our essence - they are the result if we're denying that essences by chasing superficial stuff (projections of our belief system) - Energy is a consequence of consciousness (the potentiality expands parallel with consciousness by definition). We describe that shit dismissively as burnout and exhaustion when in fact they are OUR  CALL. Now you know why LP is so important. Now you know why there are tireless individuals.


It's not the actions that burn you out. You can do whatever without burning out IF THE STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS FROM WHICH YOU DO IT IS ACCEPTING AND INCLUSIVE. That's why following your excitement/passion is so important. Because they are high frequency (from a space of inclusiveness). With dissolving of beliefs that passion expands and, as we previously mentioned, collapses into devoted service of God.


I have a lot of catching up to do on reading everyone's journal,,,,, from the last day or so,,,

Edited by Zigzag Idiot

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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This is a very deep spiritual Truth I feel compelled to relay.

Not to be overly dramatic but I wanted to preface it with a certain gravity. Ok, here goes:


We fall down. We get back up. We fall down. We get back up.


Edited by Zigzag Idiot
Needs a song to go with it

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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