Zigzag Idiot

Zigzag Idiot and the ladder of Objective Reason

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I watched the new video. Also watched this one:

I was tickled to encounter more Ouspensky.

Things I wrote in my very first post on 12/12/18 apply here- 

"Also, we don't have to be negative. The practice of not expressing negative emotions has shown me the existence of my own spiritual sleep. We wake up and although might never sleep as deeply again, spiritually, we take naps as E.J. Gold put it. It's very difficult sometimes to just simply feel , without repressing negative emotions and not give expression to them. It pays out big dividends in 'spiritual coin' though. Remind me of this, if, in later post, I go off on a angry emotional rant."


In childhood, the closer I got to puberty, the more I became like a little Ouspensky,,, a responsible little old man. All that went out the window in adolescence. This somber seriousness is both in my conditioned ego/personality as it is in my partial Saturnine essence. So a part of my inquiry,,,especially on Monday mornings is - why so serious?

Fear, negativity, false seriousness should trigger the little alarm bell,,, that I'm 'napping', to quote E.J. Gold again.

So,,, Why so serious?

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Some here are working with focus mostly on the body.  Their center of gravity is manifesting in their jack of spades and clubs and queen spades and clubs.

Some here are working more from a need to heal their suffering of emotions or lack of fulfillment. They are in their jack of hearts and Queen of hearts. If they are able to do this through all their moods they are beginning to access their Kings. The intellectual parts of all the centers.

Some are passionate about addressing work on self and inquiry from intellectual analysis. They're in their Queen of  Diamonds. The emotional part of the intellectual center. Those who can do this with steady intention and impartiality are accessing their Kings of Diamonds and Hearts.

Emoting is sleep. When a topic in the forum becomes hot, people are feeding off that energy. It can be a worthy or a frivolous idea. It doesn't matter. I can name it and yet I still do it, so I'm not excluding myself.  Most are completely asleep to this notion. But for those of you reading this who has just had 'the light come on'. ,,, "Welcome to the club". Your now going to fall asleep again and thousands of times more in the next few years.

If you really try to point out the worthlessness of expressing negative emotions to people who are not ready, they will hate on you. 

We don't have to take things in a negative way. But we do and the degree to which that happens determines how miserable we become in our emotional world.

Trying to act like a Saint is ignorant and self defeating unless it's a part of a specific practice with set end points. It's ok to feel  that horrible stuff. We need to. But if we act on it, in our discomfort, we only start adding to our misery. It takes a while to realize this then it takes more time in getting used to working on oneself,,, doing Inquiry. Then it takes longer still to begin to notice the slow unfoldment of a Transformation. We can't change because just changing never lasts. We have to transform. Or go through Transformation. This is about stages. We can experience a higher state of Consciousness any time. They never last.



Edited by Zigzag Idiot
Added word - expressing

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Nonduality for Idiots

1+1= 2   Duality

2+1= 3   Nonduality


Working disembodied out of only the emotional and intellectual centers perpetuates dualistic thinking. 'Being stuck in our head'.

By grounding, thru sensation into the Physical body we can upgrade our system from an egoic operating system to a nondual operating system. In purifying the emotional center one begins to see with "the eye of the heart", as it's called when it begins to be used as an organ for spiritual perception. Our intuitive capacities begin to awaken. Negativity that is suppressed in the subconscious messes up our metaphysical transmitter. Until I clean a lot of the garbage out of the basement I'm going to keep on having flies. It can't be peaceful and quiet inside if there are thought/flies buzzing around everywhere.

Cynthia Bourgeault gets credit for the metaphors.


Edited by Zigzag Idiot
Giving recognition

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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I didn't mean to be downing the forum or passionate people, either.  Forum has many good aspects and ways to engage ourselves. Ways to grow,,,Especially this one with its focus and high level of activity 24/7.

We can consciously wear a passionate mask.

Having Your Will Completely

Will involves surrender to the truth, which is the effortless being of what is. Will is actually effortless, complete spontaneity, complete letting go. It is surrender. People think that to surrender is to let go of your will. This is not true. To surrender is to have your will completely, objectively. 

Diamond Heart Book Two, pg. 114


Edited by Zigzag Idiot

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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"We are myriad minded", says Jean.

As many know she was involved in research with LSD years ago. What an incredible life she's lived,,,

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Working to maintain a space of inner quiet that's not affected by the world.

How often do we let thoughts trigger us and ruin our day?  Do you have a mind or does your mind have you? 



Nicoll psychological commentaries page 683.

Have you got sufficient inner observation? Have you cleared and well dug a big space in your mind through the practice of inner attention and put a hedge round it and a gate so that you can hear the click of the gate and watch this darling little thought coming up the drive all ready to say: “Oh, how tired I am,” etc.? I fancy that once we let it in very far every thought gets hold of us and wrings us, takes our blood, makes us react, talk, behave, in a certain way, and then, satisfied with having dined off us, it retires for a time.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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The quote above from Maurice Nicoll is one of my favorites. It's a good example of his sense of humor mixed with a profound spiritual truth.  The truth in this being how we are all at the mercy of the ever changing mind or rather how through identification with thought, we are always going down the rabbit hole. Until we are able to separate from ego/personality and experience witness consciousness, we stay in self deception and spiritual egotism.  The idea of Enlightenment being a one time event where one crosses a threshold once and for all is simply more delusion.

The core of my practice for years has been Inquiry. For over two years now the practice of Centering Prayer 20 minutes, twice a day has been added. About 1 year ago for a few days, I fell out of this practice. This little episode made it clear to me the benifit of doing sitting meditation everyday.

Consulting the I CHING every morning is also a huge help.

Together these two practices really help in maintaining a continuity of experience. Like the expression of 'a red thread of meaning' which runs through a deep, challenging book, the red thread of Being can be experienced when enough attention is continually being directed toward a Contemplative yet objective lifestyle. A certain discipline is vital. This discipline is much easier when there is a simple love for the truth.

To experience inner quiet and appreciate it in contrast with previous times of turmoil is a helpful reinforcement in maintaining discipline. Being deepens over time when experienced as a continuity. New aspects of being, often subtle at first , also appear. I can now understand how there is no end to it. The argumentative newby would look at the previous sentence and say,,, there is no "I". This is true but we have to use words to communicate and as it's been pointed out a billion times, language is itself dualistic. We just have to get used to this and see beyond it. This cannot happen if one refuses to go after their own shadow and the need to be right or argumentative. It's difficult to really get anywhere in Realization without having good will towards others. 

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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                                                                                     Actualization Journal 

                                                                                          Dave's Saw-Mill                                                                                                              .                                                                   A subsidiary of Consciousness Unlimited 

                                               specializing in the production of Visions of different dimensions 

                                                                                       Come see what I Saw


The best time to crack a joke is when the tension is almost unbearable. I had a friend who once cracked a joke DURING a car wreck.

This is  nonsequitur

“The repetitive motion of finding oneself through Identification (even true and worthy descriptions) keeps the being energy just below the critical velocity needed to escape the gravitational field of narrative selfhood.” - Cynthia Bourgeault 

This is saying a whole lot. It's pointing a way to Witness Consciousness.

Note: "the being energy"


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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A description of enneatype 6 (fear/doubt chief feature) in the different levels of SD


Type Six: The Questioner/The Frenetic. The independent mindset at the
Orange level reduces the ability to trust in an outside authority and Type Six,
The Questioner, must look inward for authority. Yet, Type Six still questions and
doubts her inner authority. Questioning the inner authority, combined with
needing external scientific proof, leads Type Six to become the Frenetic. Faith
in an external authority is mistrusted. There is also a drive for material security,
which can be procured only through one’s own actions. This drive can create
courageous action through risk taking to seek ways to advance, forcing through
fears and questions (Ooten, Unpublished; Ooten, 2010).



Type Six: The Questioner/The Champion. As Type Six, the Questioner
becomes aware that “going it alone” doesn’t bring security, she turns to trusting
others. In allowing herself to trust others, she begins to learn to trust herself. She
finds connection with others through serving as the Champion for underdog
causes, the downtrodden, and the disenfranchised. In the egalitarian mindset of
Type Six in the Green level, she still does not trust authority figures, and she does
not trust herself as an authority (Ooten, Unpublished; Ooten, 2010).


Type Six: The Questioner/The Trusting Self. In the Yellow level of
consciousness, Type Six, the Questioner, is able to trust himself for the first time.
The Trusting Self transforms rigidity and inconsistency into solidity as faith is
embodied. From an understanding of the need for adaptive, flexible systems, the
Trusting Self can operate under external authority when needed, or can serve as
the authority. “Authority can be authorities because I’m the authority too, and I
trust myself” (Ooten, Unpublished; Ooten, 2010).


Type Six: The Questioner/The Faithful Self. Type Six, the Questioner,
understands at the Turquoise level that fear is simply one aspect of the multitude
of experiences, and it has no more meaning than any other experience (Ooten,
Unpublished). Realizing that life and death are merely energy states, the Faithful
Self understands that security is always present and trusts in reality as it unfolds.
Faith and trust in the unknowing brings courage to act spontaneously and allows
Type Six to lead the continuation of life (Esposito, 2008; Ooten, 2010).


The Different enneatypes in each stage described here:




"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Your posts give me psychosomatic diarrhea and I love you so much for this, I'm super-duper-idiot. Lova to ya. 

I dont even read your whole journal im too busy. sorry i need to shit now omg

edit: I also need to vomit.

Edited by Aquarius

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"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Your posts give me psychosomatic diarrhea and I love you so much for this, I'm super-duper-idiot. Lova to ya.

This was a compliment by the way. This journal makes me a better person. I enjoyed the prayer to the Goddess in a previous page, I literally cried and it made my day better. Sorry to confuse you with my last post on this, it really was meant to be a compliment. I'm very weird. 

I think you might enjoy this:


Edited by Aquarius

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That's one of my favorite prayers. Appropriate for all Universal heretics.

I'm weird too. ?

Thanks for the link!

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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There is a disconnect between Orange and Green SD levels which came to me as this.

Scientism juxtaposed to Do-gooderism


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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You can verify this on your own. I waded through all that law of seven bull crap and brought this out to offer for free. It's relevant here because every element involved in ones attempts at practices with definite goals are given a closer look here, than in ordinary life. 

Here it is. Start a new ascending Octave with a passive Do. As in Homer Simpson pronunciation of Doh. The Do of the musical scale.  

Everytime in life that I tried turning over a new leaf and let everyone know about with big fanfare. My big plans would almost immediately fall apart. That's an active Do.

Are you having recognition already? This is something you already know, subconsciously and a lot of naturally wise people will have Conscious awareness of, no doubt. Putting this stuff together felt more like Remembering than learning.

It came to my mind very quick how a lot of the 'under the radar' work on self or Inquiry has been the most fruitful.

So the next time you make a new attempt at breaking a habit, maybe begin it under the radar. I'm not saying a Journal should not be kept but the metaphysical pointers are just saying to start off 'low key'.

No Jericho trumpets in crescendo.

That is if your unsure and want to give this a try. Naturally there will be some who see nothing in this and dismiss it.

It doesn't matter to me. I'm not defending anything.

One other thing about the law of Seven or law of Octave. Between Sol and La, a 'Conscious shock' is needed. If you can determine when that occurs on the path of unfoldment of your aim. Your odds for success will increase in your favor. In a lot of aims, this application of timing will be during a period that the metaphor of doldrums would apply. This is a lot tougher proposition than simply starting an endeavor with a passive Do.



Simple questions or Comments are welcome.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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                                                                                     Science of Idiotism 

Elements of each Idiot will be added to as time goes on in bits and pieces. Because it is an unfolding, revisions will become likely in process. So everything in the beginning is partially partial. This is born out of the Ordinary Idiots approach to getting ready to begin to become organized in order to get started in preparation for the beginning of proceeding to initiate a starting place from which to go ahead and go.

The aim is to add to existing knowledge of the Science of Idiotism. If anyone has Bruno Martins book The Realized Idiot and is sincerely interested, help is welcome. But for now, please no questions or critical analysis on this topic.


Body 1 - The Ordinary idiot - is in a continuous state of not knowing what he's going to do next. They experience Being but don't even know it.

Heart 2  - The Super idiot -is a wild Idiot with momentum towards possibly becoming a Zen devil. Super Idiots have the tendency to immediately assume they are Realized Beings the very moment in which they have a partial conceptual understanding of Realization of being. They can become mired in being self satisfied.


Mind. 3 - The Arch idiot  - one aspect of Arch Idiot is like a kid who grows their vocabulary through medium effort and notices others annoyance yet accelerates precocious articulation. 

Arch Idiots seek out Zen devils in order to become one of their 1st Lieutenant's. They can be in an awful position of experiencing Being only conceptually and are yet unable to realize practical realizations. They choose to ride on a Zen devils coat tails because they are smart enough to know how to do so. But this is a loop tape stage of limited knowledge of limited Reason until they able thru Inquiry to shed light on their spiritual Cul de sac.

Body 4 - Hopeless Idiot

Heart 5 - Compassionate Idiot

Mind 6 - Squirming Idiot

Body 7 - Square Idiot is sometimes not an Idiot when he stops at the corners.

Heart 8 - Round Idiot is back to being an Idiot all the time.

Mind 9 - Zigzag Idiot

Body 10 - Enlightened Idiot has commonality with Ordinary, Hopeless, and Square Idiots.

Heart 15 - Genial Idiot Has qualities of a non violent psychopath.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Completely Being the Essential Identity

As ego activity diminishes, it becomes easier to stay with and experience fully the selfless openness of the black space. The student can tolerate the absence of the familiar self with little difficulty and may even appreciate this absence. This sets the stage for the manifestation of the Essential Identity. The black space appears as the night sky where the Essential Identity may arise as a brilliant star in the pure darkness. A brilliant point of presence and awareness takes form in the endlessness of space, with the inner recognition: “I am here now.” The student feels specifically present, as a singularity of presence, totally autonomous from all images, representations, or concepts of self. There is a new element in the experience: The sense of authentic identity is present, and it is experienced as oneself. One does not experience it, one is it. This development takes one to a new dimension of experience, as if one is experiencing things from the other side. When one is completely being the Essential Identity, the experience no longer takes the form of being or seeing a point of light. The sense of size disappears, even the feeling of identity disappears. Self-realization becomes a matter of being, purely being, with an increasing understanding of what this means. There is a sense of simplicity and innocence, of just simply being. It is not a matter of being oneself and knowing this by reflecting on the experience
of oneself. There is no reflection on the state, no desire to analyze it. There is a sense of being alone, without the concept or feeling of aloneness.

The Point of Existence, pg. 345


In this book he references several developmental research psychologists whose work was insightful into his Inquiry and unfolding of a resolution between the shadow materials of Inquiry and the experience of the Essential Identity.




"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Baby brother thinks too much. His older Sister

Inner considering is always jumping to conclusions like thier older sister projection. 

The children of Violence grow more insane the older they get.







"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Being a Human Being and Still Being the Absolute

The development of consciousness has to do with living in this life from the perspective of the Absolute. The Personal Essence, the Pearl Beyond Price, has to do with being a human being and still being the Absolute. If you’re just the Absolute, you are not a human being. But you live in this world, you have a physical body and a mind, you have work and relationships. You need the Personal Essence in order to be able to live personally as a human being and still be the Absolute. So the development of the personal aspect has to do with integrating all of these things that are important for our life into the various levels of consciousness, and then into the Absolute. This is an actual process that has to do with the metabolism of the Absolute into the Personal Essence. Although it is rarely mentioned in spiritual literature, the integration of the person into the Absolute is vital because we live in the world and not in a monastery or cave. Integrating the person into the Absolute is more difficult than experiencing the Absolute. Integration requires that you deal with and metabolize your unconscious and your personal history. You have to really let all of the unconscious come out, to face all of your specific issues and areas of conflict and ignorance. Many traditions don’t care about integration but strive only to reach the Absolute. They don’t care about the personal life. The point for them is to know the Absolute and leave. In other traditions, and in our work, the point is to know the Absolute and live in the world as an expression of it. So how can you live a human life from the perspective of absence? That is the realm of development, change, and transformation within consciousness.



The Pearl is the Actualized Individuation of Your Soul

When you are who you are, when you are just precisely yourself, you are your “point.” Just that. This has nothing to do with any qualities, functions, capacities, and skills you may have. It has nothing to do with your status in the world, and nothing to do with living this life in a body or not in a body. It is your nature. The Pearl Beyond Price is the connection between this genuine center and all the capacities, skills, and understanding that are a part of your growth as a human being. It allows your capacities, functions and accomplishments to develop in a genuine way as an outgrowth of your spontaneous unfoldment. It is the result of living in the moment, living in a way that is true to who you are. This is your genuine personal life, your own development, your own growth. The pearl is the actualized individuation of your Soul. So the personal essence is connected with your unique function, your unique work in this life. To actualize your particular unique work in this life means to be your personal essence. It is the essence of all that you have developed and integrated in your soul as you live a real life. Everyone is born with the true self, with the point. Although we feel that the point is unique in each of us, the quality of the point is universal. Then how do people become so different in their personal lives? This is due to the particular development of their personal essence.




Edited by Zigzag Idiot

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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I read everyone's Journal and of all the one's I most appreciate, have only chimed in on a few. For different reasons.

I appreciate everyone that shares who are fighting the fight or engaging the challenge, whatever it might be.

Red Hawk is an inspiration in working on myself because of his brutal honesty. Carl Jung once said that "we should let people see us in just our undershirt". Red Hawk really embodies that spirit. He has studied the Gurdjieff Work all his life. He has written two excellent books about Inquiry; SELF OBSERVATION- the awakening of conscience- an owners manual and SELF REMEMBERING  THE PATH TO NON-JUDGEMENTAL LOVE. He has followed and studied with different spiritual Teachers over the years such as Osho, Lee Losowick and Yogi Ramasuratkumar. He is also a renowned Poet. It is very difficult to see any spiritual egotism in this guy. Especially after reading his books about Inquiry. He outs himself in ways that are sometimes shocking. In doing so, he has helped me to become more honest with myself regarding my own bullshit. Another  one of his poems:


Red Hawk Is Not An Indian Name


The great disease of the human spirit is possession.

We believe we can own everything: our children,

our lovers, our lives, the Earth.

The fact is that we own almost nothing but


The Earth owns us. That does not stop us

From making absurd claims.

The Indians once understood the trap of ownership,

but now are not exempt from the common madness.


Some of them make a big deal of my name,

Saying it is an Indian name so

i have no right to it;

it is not an Indian name, it is an Earth Name,


it belongs to the Earth.

One time i was invited to a Sweat Lodge ceremony

with some Young Indians who thought the Sweat Lodge

belonged to them. They had all done prison time and


believed they were real bad asses

so they decided to turn up the heat in the Lodge

and smoke out the white boy.

They turned it up all the way and pretty soon


they were falling out of the Lodge, until

all who remained were the man pouring the water

and me; and we sat there and cooked.

You can't fool the Sweat Lodge.


It reveals everything, courage and stupidity

alike. Courage comes from the Earth;

stupidity is the only thing

We can honestly claim as our own.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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