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Hello, I have been wondering about this for a little while now, why does time seem so illusory, is it an illusion? It is really hard to grasp it. When you ask yourself what happened to the experience of two hours ago, where did it go? It is just a memory, thoughts that you think of. There isn't anything I can point to that I have noticed which is specifically time, apart from the continuous happening of experience. We all live in time, however, it is hard to pinpoint what it is. Some people would say it is the fourth dimension, and you can't have time without space, could this be true? 

What are your thoughts on what time is? Thank you.


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you are not real and you are time, therefore time is not real 

or maybe it is, in the relative perspective, you were indeed born and will live through time until your death (then again maybe it's all an illusion)

just don't go around obsessed with time as it is indeed, correct, in assuming it's illusion as it would not exist without you

However i wouldn't advise you to go about assuming things either!

Look into space/time in direct experience

Here's a book someone wrote and shared on the forums. I read and recommend 



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There is only now.

All of your ideas of past and future are your imagination. Just notice how when you think about the future or the past, its literally made up. Even if its a memory, its just being experienced in the present. There is only now.

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As Einstein showed, there never was such a thing as time. Time is a relative concept.

People still don't get the signifigance of Einstein's theorems.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Indeed time does not exist. Exists space/time. 

The measuring of an event to another event is just that, measuring. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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All greatest evolutionary ideas & scientific discoveries stems from imagination and creative insight. ?

From surprise and wonder and deep curiosity, which is only metaphysical, blooms evolution.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world." --Einstein

I was convinced time was not real when I spent hours just staring at a ticking clock one night as a kid questioning the accuracy and validity of "time" and contemplating how a simple object could define and measure the vastness of "time." It seemed too mechanically simplified and synthetic to me. I would ask myself "Who's to say time was always flowing at the same steady pace? Couldn't it have slowed down or accelerated before?"

Then I melted into expansive void/emptiness and into the gift of presence and time just dissolved...

(Also I kept experiencing cases of "Stopped Clock Illusion" which ultimately stopped me from looking at clocks which was a wise decision.)

Time was all just in my head. Now it is merely a fictional term.

Edited by VioletFlame

"Those who have suffered understand suffering and therefore extend their hand." --Patti Smith

"Lately, I find myself out gazing at stars, hearing guitars...Like Someone In Love" 

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Get a ticking clock. Sit in meditation for 1 hour, in a quiet dark room. Only think of ticks of clock. It will work for you.

1- Try to predict next tick each time

2- Try to get the feeling of all ticks are same

3- Try to count the ticks, everytime starting from 1. So It will be like, 1 tick, 1 tick, 1 tick, 1 tick, 1 tick

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On 13.12.2018 at 5:41 AM, caelanb said:

What are your thoughts on what time is? Thank you.

Time is like 'I' and location in space: although not inherently existing it will never go away as long as there is conscious being, you may meditate interminably, still 'I', location in space and time will unceasingly appear.

Edited by ground

Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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Thanks guys, so time is relative and not real then? However, the only way to describe it in a scientific way, is the quantitative happening of one event or object to another through space.


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