
are the majority people taking their anti psychotic medication

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i just want to know if the majority people are taking their anti psychotic medication?

is it counter intuitive to take your medication or to be off them?

i'm talking about mental illness such as schizophrenia and the other mental illnesses  


im currently on medication and its still bugging being on them.

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Hey @daniel695 ,

I had a psychosis 3,5 years ago, took medication ever since, reduced it since the beginning of this year and now I‘m off. I‘m confronted with all the old emotions, but I‘m more aware of them through 2 years of daily meditation and know a few techniques to deal with stress. I also changed my diet completely and don‘t eat sugar anymore, which seems to be a huge cause of depressive episodes for me. I‘ll see how it turns out over time, as soon as I see critical sypmtoms of mania I will use meds again.

But I think that my mindset of not wanting to be like every other bipolar guy who takes meds, even though it‘s purely egoic and could backfire, helps me to be determined about improving myself on all possible levels so that I‘m independent and sober.

So there has to be an optimization on the physical level, which is doable in a few months. Improving the mind is a life long process.

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@youngshinzen its like my ego is dying and struggling because im taking to the medication. im practicing just letting this be but its tough man. and i feel like theirs no support if i decide to get off my medication but that might be a limiting belief. i cant even cry because its suppressing my emotions and i want to be able to cry lol.


what caused your psychosis? i believe my one was weed and childhood trauma also bullying 

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@daniel695 Yeah, I understand. But if you want to get off of them you have to be alert enough to recognize the symptoms early and jump back to the old amount of meds. It took me a long time to get off and I changed a lot as previously mentioned. If you just stop taking them there‘s a high chance that you won‘t be able to handle the difference. 

The three things you mentioned were exactly what caused mine too. And bad food.

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