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Today was a strange day!

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So this morning I got fired from work due to something I couldn't control from my past. Since I have got more into spirituality and having a daily meditation habit I have become more mindful. This situation a few years back would have torn my whole life down but I had a sense of detachment from this whole process, didn't blame others and it really made me realise even more than normal how much of an illusion the whole ego and playing ego games is. I let go of all my worries by having a cry and then tried to be present with reality rather than all of the stories my mind was trying to spin of what i'm going to do with my life next. Has anyone else noticed how in times of despair maya is become aware of more than normal?  

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It really dawned on me today that what I have seen as reality is but a hallucination and i think this is down to being in desperate depressed times

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