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How to reconcile oneself with maya

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How does one relate and interact with the world after one has awakened and now knows that everything is God, that the ego is an illusion etc?  I know it's the ego-mind which says this but maybe it's a real problem. How can you look at your family the same way, how do you look at human beings the same way etc? How does one reconcile oneself with the world after awakening?

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@tentacion Family. human beings, oneself, god, everything... these are all thoughts. These are the illusion. The sense of being an "I" is the illusion. Once these vanish only the truth remains. At that point, truth just is. In that light, these questions appear to be groundless. Then you'll know.

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1 hour ago, FoxFoxFox said:

@tentacion Family. human beings, oneself, god, everything... these are all thoughts. These are the illusion. The sense of being an "I" is the illusion. Once these vanish only the truth remains. At that point, truth just is. In that light, these questions appear to be groundless. Then you'll know.

Yes, I see. It's all imagination for me really, like how it would be like after experiencing Truth/The Apsolute which my ego-mind doesn't seem to like probably because it would lose it's sense of reality, to some degree. So it creates the ways I could lose sense of reality and the people I love if I were to experience the Truth etc, but idk it's just my mind.  There are other ways to look at it.

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2 hours ago, tentacion said:

How does one relate and interact with the world after one has awakened and now knows that everything is God, that the ego is an illusion etc?

Don't worry if you have attained such 'knowing' you're still deeply involved in ordinary world.

Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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How do you look at your family, human beings? 

Do you ever look at them, or do you look at how you want them to be according to your own bias/prejudice? 

Edited by Jack River

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3 hours ago, FoxFoxFox said:

@tentacion Family. human beings, oneself, god, everything... these are all thoughts. These are the illusion. The sense of being an "I" is the illusion. Once these vanish only the truth remains. At that point, truth just is. In that light, these questions appear to be groundless. Then you'll know.

No it is one huge mindfuck for me, because I want to find escape from it , but every time I get glimpse of it, it all goes back to it being delusion, everyone is wrong, but it is also wrong for me to think that everyone is wrong, as it all goes back to this delusion, look at it this way , you get truth , but even your truth is delusion. 

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It may soon be seen, or it will not, that we don’t get truth, but truth comprehends/holds reality. 

Edited by Jack River

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@tentacion you're attached to words.

breathe more and look in people's eyes with a silent mind. that will do.

unborn Truth

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