Tony 845

Do you want become a vegetarian after after becoming Enlightened?

35 posts in this topic

I never really got a yes or No answer on if not eating meat is crucial for Enlightenment? It just turned into a big argument?

Ive heard Mooji still eats meat, but if you are "everything" then why would you want to eat any other creature? 

Sadguru is a big advocate on not eating meat..

Im not a vegetarian myself, again just wondering is all..

& please no guys "how do you become enlightened" if you already are enlightened stuff...we already heard it before lol 

Go ahead give me you're wisdom people I'm open ears?

Edited by Tony 845

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I would guess some enligtened person may want to, but not necesseraly. Maybe more enligtened people would want to than "normal", but not all of them. I guess there is not a direct link between the 2. Im not enligtened so tough to answer.

Want to be in ure question is different from asking "have" to be. Which is more of a NO answer I'm guessing.

Interesting question.

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Nope, you dont need it to become enlightened but... you will care more about other beings and the environment so it might make you more of a vegetarian.

Also... your body will become lighter in a way, and it can be easier to attune to your spirituality eating less meat.

Experiment meditating when you eat lots of meat and when you dont.

Ultimately you gotta do what resonates with you, dont force too many things...

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@danton  the last time is asked, is not eating meat crucial for Enlightenment, it became a shit show, I really didn't get any concrete answers lol ??

Edited by Tony 845

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@Nexeternity I bet it would help clear chakras by not eating meat...but then again it's hard to say...I'm not enlightened...

Edited by Tony 845

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Please refer to other threads around here, really no need to make a new one every time.

The simple answer is, everyone can be enlightened right now. Is everyone a vegan? No. Badum tss.

Nothing is needed to become enlightened.

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@universe if "I" got some legit answers in the 1st place like a Yes or No & why..then there would be no need to create this thread...also it's not the same question..

Edited by Tony 845

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Yeah I do.  I wanna prioritize that project and make that change in my life.  I've already been kinda doing it.  

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5 hours ago, Tony 845 said:

Ive heard Mooji still eats meat, but if you are "everything" then why would you want to eat any other creature?

Eating plants could also be considered "eating another creature".

I myself am vegan, but it may not fit everyone. Do what feels right for you.

- vibv

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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7 hours ago, Tony 845 said:


Ive heard Mooji still eats meat, but if you are "everything" then why would you want to eat any other creature? 


I would like to see where you got this information. 


Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Tony 845 Nah.

Also the idea that you will become more caring of the environment is just that, an idea. 

You read the Bhagavad Gita, the entire point of that book is for Vishnu to convince Arjuna that he should in fact go and kill his "brethren" who have taken up arms against him. 

Edited by FoxFoxFox

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Its completely up to you. However, if you eat meat, you should give thanks to the animal. Easiest way is to apply Ho'opponopono: Thank you, I love you. 
If you are on this path, at one point you may not want to eat meat anymore. Happened to me. It all comes naturally, you should not force it. 

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34 minutes ago, FoxFoxFox said:

@Tony 845 You read the Bhagavad Gita, the entire point of that book is for Vishnu to convince Arjuna that he should in fact go and kill his "brethren" who have taken up arms against him. 

You quite completely misunderstand the Gita then. That battle is a metaphor taking place in the mind. Thats why I do not like these old texts, they are not that easy to grasp. 


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I'm mostly vegetarian. Never that happen by intention. Usually after retreat or when I do a lot of spiritual practices, it just happens. I lose the desire for meat. Never have I looked at a hamburger and felt guilty about it being an hamburger.

I like the point of this generic indian yogi dude about veganism:


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Who cares what others say, this is about you.

With every piece of meat you eat, ask the question:

Would I have been able to look this animal in they eye before killing it?

If yes, enjoy your meal. 

If not, enjoy your meal, but know that you're bullshitting yourself by letting someone else do it for you every day behind closed doors so that you dont have to suffer the reality of it. And that's okay too. Thats your choice :) Just be honest with yourself.

Conscious bullshit is already a lot better than unconscious bullshit.

Animals suffer every day because of your need to satisfy your taste buds. Theres no need for this, yet you do it anyway. Face this fully and then see what comes up. Really feel it out. If you're okay with it, then again, enjoy your meal. This is not about right or wrong. Its about your ability to be truthful with yourself.

Most people never even contemplate these ideas and so they get defensive when they are confronted with the outcomes of this unconscious behaviour. And eating meat doesnt have to be unconscious behaviour at all. A hunter knows what he's eating. Its all about the way you are relating to it.

Don't even think about enlightenment when you can't be honest to yourself about simple things like this. It gets a lot harder;)

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whatever you choose, don't play blind. see EVERYTHING


unborn Truth

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14 hours ago, Tony 845 said:

Go ahead give me you're wisdom people I'm open ears?

The pleasure of a steak is enlightenment.

Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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Matthew 15:11 "What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them."

But this is the wrong question if your asking it with enlightenment in mind. The only questions you need to concern yourself with are ones that point straight to the source. Who is the one who has the desire to be a vegetarian? If this desire faded away, would my existence fade away also? Therefore is this desire me?

Also, nothing is crucial for enlightenment. Infact if you believe that something is critical for it, you will be thrown severely off course. Who is the one who is interested in finding out what is crucial for enlightenment? 

"No teaching, no teacher, no pupil. You are here only to find out who you are."

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