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A way to Actualize

Oh No! We Leave The Physical Body A Stage After Enlightenment

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I got a bit emotional after watching this video, I could not make it past 24:16. To know where I am talking about watch from 4:44 to 24:16. So what I think is that he feels he has gone trough the stages now and feels done with the physical plane, so the body will somehow organicly die at one point. He is in his 20's. Could you guys elaborate your perspective on the video?

Note: please watch before react, the text written below the video is my own interpretation and can easily be misunderstood.

Life is when awareness hides in the idea of personal experience. ~ Matt Kahn

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@Socrates what is being said is not like crap, look with an open mind. How would you like at it? 

Life is when awareness hides in the idea of personal experience. ~ Matt Kahn

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He is - imo - talking about the death of self/consciousness as desribed by Nisargadatta, Bernadette Roberts, Adyashanti...

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This guy is still associating with his ego.   I think he believes he is some sort of spiritual messenger and his work here is now done.   He's experiencing ego death and confusing it with actual physical death.   He talks about something he has experienced beyond awareness that is the 'creator' of awareness, infinity I think he calls it.  I think perhaps he was never really awake and awareness to him was a concept.  Now he's actually had a taste of real enlightenment/awareness he is labelling it has 'infinity' and 'home'.  He talks about purpose and meaning and desires and excitement and that there is none of this within the physical realm for him anymore.  His ego is clenching on for something. 


Edited by step1

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19 hours ago, step1 said:

This guy is still associating with his ego.   I think he believes he is some sort of spiritual messenger and his work here is now done.   He's experiencing ego death and confusing it with actual physical death.   He talks about something he has experienced beyond awareness that is the 'creator' of awareness, infinity I think he calls it.  I think perhaps he was never really awake and awareness to him was a concept.  Now he's actually had a taste of real enlightenment/awareness he is labelling it has 'infinity' and 'home'.  He talks about purpose and meaning and desires and excitement and that there is none of this within the physical realm for him anymore.  His ego is clenching on for something. 


I noticed too. But the physical death could be something that cannot be ignored. When you explored everything in awakening in human experience, it is possible that you organily die because there is no learning or experience your higher self needs. It seems that people talk very open and casual about the complete melting away of the individual. When I looked at part two of this session, I noticed he is actually somewhat ahead of self-realization. It greatly discourages why I would want to explore myself in this way, now there is this notion that you die more quick (at 28 or something at his age).


I do not watch him often, maybe about 5 videos in total. There is a spiritual ego I think, that does not take away the vibe in the video here above.


21 hours ago, Socrates said:

This guy is sharlaten

Makes it more interesting, right?

Life is when awareness hides in the idea of personal experience. ~ Matt Kahn

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@A way to Actualize the way I interpret it is that there simply been a deepening of realization. A seeing through the individual entity illusion and when conciousness can move through the body without an ego, much will change. He is simply talking about the change of course his life take when this continues to deepen.

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I'm not sure if what he's saying is legitimate. He could truly be a charlatan. But if he's legitimately enlightened, I'm not sure that this feeling is explicitly linked to his enlightenment. Intuitions becomes stronger when the illusion of self is seen through because there is no background fear obscuring it. He could be having a feeling that physical death is coming near, but this doesn't necessarily relate to enlightenment. It may just be intuition.

Although, Sadhguru does say that sometimes an enlightened person will die because they don't have anything keeping them in their physical form, but that this is offset by grounding yourself in some ways to the physical. One example he gave is developing a fixation on food. But this idea likely comes from the Buddhist idea that once a person reaches enlightenment, the "soul" doesn't need to reincarnate again. So, it would make sense that a person who reaches enlightenment no longer needs to be embodied. 

But I have my doubts about this aspect of Buddhist philosophy. It seems to me that this comes from rational, hierarchical thinking and a potentially false belief in a separate soul. It seems like a story used to rationalize the reason behind enlightenment in a way that categorizes/labels people... in a way that's reminiscent of the Hindu Caste System. 

I believe that there is no separateness to souls at the "highest" level of consciousness, there is just one infinite thing that encompasses all things. So, in this way our separate nature as a human being is like being a wave in an ocean. There really isn't a separate wave from the ocean, and when the wave dies there is no separate wave to be found. Everything just gets mixed together and remains in a constant state of change. All separateness is illusion including the separation of matter and spirit and separation of spirit and spirit But take what I have to say with a grain of salt, this is just the way that I've come to understand things.

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@Emerald Wilkins Do you actually have a longing to that? To be one infinite being. At such a deep level one person can not do activities almost. Being one infinite being is ofcourse the ultimate there exists, at the stage where I am now, I can not comprehend that I could not create again. The perception and non-perception illusion dissapears and all individuation is gone.

Seems so much of a race to dissapear, while it is not really, but it in some ways. The idea of enjoying every moment while being in a full human experience seems more liking to me now, in a lighter stage of awakening. Seems a bit awful that your child tendencies completely dissapear and you are not able to create, do normal activities.

Do enlightened persons miss to be just among other people, just doing normal things like walking down the street in the present moment for example? To not even be in a place and having no body (while there is one, but not percieved) seems like throwing away your gift of having a body.

It is also a bit that I am still very young and I would understand that an elder would long for such a deep journey. I feel like it is going to fast with the spiritual growth that is occuring within me, just I can't explore ideas or phases fully. Somehow there comes a video by and it gives a new perspective or there is spiritual growth that just accelerates the whole journey. I want it to be slower, so much slower, just nothing to do about it :(.

Life is when awareness hides in the idea of personal experience. ~ Matt Kahn

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1 hour ago, A way to Actualize said:

@Emerald Wilkins Do you actually have a longing to that? To be one infinite being. At such a deep level one person can not do activities almost. Being one infinite being is ofcourse the ultimate there exists, at the stage where I am now, I can not comprehend that I could not create again. The perception and non-perception illusion dissapears and all individuation is gone.

Seems so much of a race to dissapear, while it is not really, but it in some ways. The idea of enjoying every moment while being in a full human experience seems more liking to me now, in a lighter stage of awakening. Seems a bit awful that your child tendencies completely dissapear and you are not able to create, do normal activities.

Do enlightened persons miss to be just among other people, just doing normal things like walking down the street in the present moment for example? To not even be in a place and having no body (while there is one, but not percieved) seems like throwing away your gift of having a body.

It is also a bit that I am still very young and I would understand that an elder would long for such a deep journey. I feel like it is going to fast with the spiritual growth that is occuring within me, just I can't explore ideas or phases fully. Somehow there comes a video by and it gives a new perspective or there is spiritual growth that just accelerates the whole journey. I want it to be slower, so much slower, just nothing to do about it :(.

My reasons for wanting enlightenment are to be free from fear of death and imaginary suffering. I also want to be in touch with wisdom and subtler experiences of knowing. Ultimately, I want enlightenment so that I can feel free. This was a feeling that I only ever felt during my experiences of ego transcendence. I was free from the heavy burden of carrying around my imaginary friend I called Emerald. After setting Emerald down, I realized how much I hated to carry her everywhere. It was a lot of sacrifice to protect, sustain, and create an imaginary person.

You cannot help but be one infinite being because that is what you are. I just want to release resistance to this and see reality for what it is. I don't wish to change anything about my life except my perceptions of it and my relationship to it. It is not a race to disappear, as the rational mind thinks. It is to truly become what you've always been.

There is a good quote that I'll paraphrase. "Before enlightenment, dishes, laundry, and plowing; After enlightenment, dishes, laundry, and plowing." The details of your life don't change with enlightenment. You still live as a person. 

Don't let this man's story scare your ego. Enlightenment won't make you do anything against your own will. There are no obligations to being enlightened. It is simply a realization of your true nature. But there are no lighter stages of being awake, and there is no state 'after' enlightenment. Enlightenment is a realization of what is. There can't be anything more than what is. 

If you're afraid of death now, the only real remedy for this fear is to transcend the ego. It is only the ego that dies in death. Once the ego is seen through, death ceases to be scary. It is just another part of the beautiful cycle of nature that is couched within your consciousness. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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15 hours ago, A way to Actualize said:

When you explored everything in awakening in human experience, it is possible that you organily die because there is no learning or experience your higher self needs.

Who you really are seeks/needs nothing.  The seeker is the ego.  You aren't the seeker, you are the watcher.  The watcher does not need anything extra or anything less, it just takes everything for what it is and simply watches, sits back and enjoys the ride. :)  Just my opinion anyway

Edited by step1

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On ‎11‎-‎4‎-‎2016 at 1:18 AM, Emerald Wilkins said:

My reasons for wanting enlightenment are to be free from fear of death and imaginary suffering. I also want to be in touch with wisdom and subtler experiences of knowing. Ultimately, I want enlightenment so that I can feel free. This was a feeling that I only ever felt during my experiences of ego transcendence. I was free from the heavy burden of carrying around my imaginary friend I called Emerald. After setting Emerald down, I realized how much I hated to carry her everywhere. It was a lot of sacrifice to protect, sustain, and create an imaginary person.

You cannot help but be one infinite being because that is what you are. I just want to release resistance to this and see reality for what it is. I don't wish to change anything about my life except my perceptions of it and my relationship to it. It is not a race to disappear, as the rational mind thinks. It is to truly become what you've always been.

There is a good quote that I'll paraphrase. "Before enlightenment, dishes, laundry, and plowing; After enlightenment, dishes, laundry, and plowing." The details of your life don't change with enlightenment. You still live as a person. 

Don't let this man's story scare your ego. Enlightenment won't make you do anything against your own will. There are no obligations to being enlightened. It is simply a realization of your true nature. But there are no lighter stages of being awake, and there is no state 'after' enlightenment. Enlightenment is a realization of what is. There can't be anything more than what is. 

If you're afraid of death now, the only real remedy for this fear is to transcend the ego. It is only the ego that dies in death. Once the ego is seen through, death ceases to be scary. It is just another part of the beautiful cycle of nature that is couched within your consciousness. 

Thank you. In my experience I only wanted it to increase my creativity and freedom. I am now in a transition phase and there is sometimes the feeling of deppression and emptiness. It is that I do not feel like my time is done here. There is so much to explore, and to not explore a stage fully and evolve prematurely is not what would be nice to me at the moment. Still I want to go on and see where the guitar is leading me too. That journey has deepened so far. Every spiritual teaching I thought they talked about the thoughts about the relationship between the guitar and expression (ofcourse a bit misunderstood, xD). Spirituality was a way to write more creative songs to break through with a band (only there is no singer yet). Ofcourse, the journey contains much more and it led to other things, though the guitar is still with me. It would be fun if the universe would explore that journey with the guitar and a few years in would be preparing for satsangs or something (if there was full-integration and realization). Ofcourse just future thinking here, but if it would go straight into the full realization thing, I could be so awakened that the physical body would die. So just the difference is that I explored the guitar journey or not. Why would it matter to the universe that there is that exploration? I still want to explore that and then go into the minimal living. It is not really a seeking now with the guitar, more a passionate thing in the present moment. To share the music would be great, only no singer :(. I wish joy to everyone!

Life is when awareness hides in the idea of personal experience. ~ Matt Kahn

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29 minutes ago, A way to Actualize said:

Thank you. In my experience I only wanted it to increase my creativity and freedom. I am now in a transition phase and there is sometimes the feeling of deppression and emptiness. It is that I do not feel like my time is done here. There is so much to explore, and to not explore a stage fully and evolve prematurely is not what would be nice to me at the moment. Still I want to go on and see where the guitar is leading me too. That journey has deepened so far. Every spiritual teaching I thought they talked about the thoughts about the relationship between the guitar and expression (ofcourse a bit misunderstood, xD). Spirituality was a way to write more creative songs to break through with a band (only there is no singer yet). Ofcourse, the journey contains much more and it led to other things, though the guitar is still with me. It would be fun if the universe would explore that journey with the guitar and a few years in would be preparing for satsangs or something (if there was full-integration and realization). Ofcourse just future thinking here, but if it would go straight into the full realization thing, I could be so awakened that the physical body would die. So just the difference is that I explored the guitar journey or not. Why would it matter to the universe that there is that exploration? I still want to explore that and then go into the minimal living. It is not really a seeking now with the guitar, more a passionate thing in the present moment. To share the music would be great, only no singer :(. I wish joy to everyone!

I think you are still separating yourself (aka the lower self) from your higher self (aka God) when no separation actually exists. Both of these aspects are 100% you. When the lower self and higher self merge, this is enlightenment. It is an expansive, creative state of being, where the higher self is able to consciously create through the medium of an individual human experience (the lower self). 

Your emotions are your guidance system for how your higher nature wants to expand through your lower self... not your thoughts. If something feels bad to you, it will not yield enlightenment or personal expansion. Emotions are the messages sent to the lower self from the higher self. When you come into greater alignment it will feel good and freeing... not restricting. When you feel this expansive feeling, it is a sign that you're coming into greater alignment with the higher self. When you feel a restrictive emotion, it means you are going out of alignment with the higher self.

It is your ego and rational thinking mind telling you that you can't explore the journey with the guitar... not your higher self. Your higher self (aka God) is a creator... so you are a creator. You can create whatever you want from the experience. Giving in to what feels expansive to you is much closer to merging with the higher self (enlightenment) than making your spiritual expansion fit your thought's idea of what it means.

So, have your adventure and do what feels good even if you know ego plays a part. Then watch your ego as it unravels. Making the ego bad is resistance, and you need unconditional acceptance of all that is to reach enlightenment. So, what do you want to do that you've been resisting and making it bad?

Also, I've been watching Bentinho Massaro a bit since you posted him, and he's great. When he says that he feels like he won't be around much longer, this is also expansion, so he likely doesn't feel bad about it. That might be his new starting a band. But don't worry about this coming up. As long as that option feels wrong to you, it is wrong to you. 

Edited by Emerald Wilkins

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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