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Wizard or Muggle? (Koan + Mumon style explanation)

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After a day spent studying advanced occult literature & having some cool epiphanies which were alot more interesting than the following contribution, this popped into my head & made me giggle so I thought I'd share it here. Enjoy!

There once was a boy with a scar on his forehead. He had the potential to be a great sorceror but had lived under the stairs with his wicked aunt & uncle ever since the untimely passing of his parents. One day, after serveral  bizarre occurences, a rotund giant of a man with a beard came to his rescue. "You're a Wizard Harry" said the man. "I'm a what?" replied the boy.

Mumon style explanation:

"Are you an ordinary guy pretending to be a wizard or a wizard pretending to be an ordinary guy?

If you answer wizard, what mind games you play! If you claim to be Tom, Dick or Harry, you surely believe in the magic of nonsense!"

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