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Jordan Peterson´s outstanding work

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Jordan Peterson is one of the outstanding thinkers of our time. 

He is not misunderstood, it is the curse of our time that a thinker get spawned into the "public" eye and torn apart since "views" became ridiculous moneymakers with the internet age. This whole development has put a giant smokescreen burying his actual deep teaching.

To be really honest with you, he derived freaking deep wisdom from the rationality which probably causes 90% of today's peoples rational atheism. He is Post-Nietzsche, and Post the Rationalismtrap and Post the wishywashy Post-Modernism. He is Post- "I couldnt stand my rational nihilism so I now do "spirituality" to not progress, but actually regress to a sort of "no-attachemet blue dogma spirituality". 

He is of deep wisdom about the truth. And he is so packed with actual practical logic, its outstanding. But again, being able to understand him takes consistent practice. Why people don´t do it? Because it takes consistent practice. Yes but of course it does! If you fly over random bit sized 5 min cut-offs you can forget understanding!

How to do it properly:
I recommend starting with his course "2017 - Psychology and its Transformations".  Great course for students at all levels of their development. It is important that you now sit with your laptop or notebook and follow all the lectures! 
This takes time, each lecture is about 2 hours long and you might want to pause, and in some cases rewind a little too!
Write down the most well articulated Note sheet you are able to. Taking Notes is a so much blindsided skill!
You do not have to ever look at your Notes again, but maybe you will want to, if they are actually good! And that has a lot to do with making it in your unique and personal style. This course will be great for any human being who wants to understand more about himself and the world around him. 
Then do the same study practice for 2) 2017 - Maps of Meaning and 3) The Psychological Significance of the Bible.
However, learning is not a 1 month mega monster JOJO diet. Because it is a lot, really a lot of input. Nevertheless, always stay consistent and relaxed. Do not rush into it trying to do everything in a month, or in three months. Consistence is the key. You will also understand this more when you start watching his second half of the course, which is about the Big5 Model of Personal Psychology. It helps you a lot if you have understanding of Joseph Cambell´s "The heroes journey", Maslows  "Toward a psychology of being" and understand the rough direction of Freud, and Carl Jung. For Nietzsche, read him and then listen to what Jordan Peterson extracts out of his work. That alone will give you a hint of his mastery.

I don´t want anything from you. We are fucking one, if you get this, you will know why I want to help you. 










Edited by UDT

<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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