
Thoughts Loops on LSD = Ego Death?

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@Wisebaxter energy is rising everywhere. Can you feel it? Observe it?:D

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

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@TheAvatarState You're not wrong there...it is rising isn't it? You feel it too...

I'm going to let in build and build during my trip and who knows where it will lead

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@Wisebaxter that's the spirit! 

But I'm seeing it everywhere in my life. Me, you, My friends, their friends, we're going through some huge shifts. I don't really know what it is yet, but I can feel it...

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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@TheAvatarState Wow that's exciting. Nice to know I won't be the only one ascending to mystical realms (if they can possibly get more mystical than this one.) Now you mention it I've been seeing signs everywhere out in the world and I keep meeting people who are into spirituality. Let's strap ourselves in and get ready then. I'm trying desperately to get my girlfriend on the path as I don't want her to get left behind. I think she's slowly getting it...

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On 11/12/2018 at 2:36 PM, Bluebird said:

Yeah dude, don't try and induce a thought loop of any kind.

I'm just saying loops can take you deeper into infinite awareness, I'm not really sure how it works man. It mostly just happens or it doesn't for me.

Again, good luck trying to induce ego death. I've tried it before, it took a high dose for it to happen and the result was NOT pretty!

But now it happens easier.

@Bluebird did you experience dark gore stuff ? Cause I did , it wasn't fun to do cannibalism, torture, rape , and cruelty to my own family , feeling like a devil trapped in my own mind which repeated forever I gazed into their eyes ... they were empty black ... I was alone and the only being there ! It Drove me nuts , I think couldn't let go and fought the experience to the end , my ego was ready to go to hell just not to give up ! It's was a 15g potent magic mushrooms trip lemon Tekked , lol !

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On 11/12/2018 at 2:45 PM, molosku said:

Technique suggestion: stare at the closed-eye visuals and self-inquire about them and their meaning to the one that is perceiving. What you are looking for is a thought-loopy visual horror: the kind where you constantly plunge into mouths of horrific beasts and snakes and whatnot. then self-inquire: who is afraid? who is being attacked? who sends these visuals, because I don't? Who draws these shapes?

If you can face the visuals with no fear, a part of your defense mechanisms has been shut off. All my deepest inquiries on psychedelics have been like this.

Realize that just like anything you see can't hurt you, nothing in the outer world can hurt YOU: the source of all sensory experience

And don't we all want to "let go", if only we know HOW?! Well, surrendering to thought loops and visual loops is definitely one way to do it

@molosku I've experienced Gore visuals about cannibalism, torture, rape , cruelty done to my family and me by me ... Have you experienced these stuff ? They looked like monsters they would bite and torture one another , it wasn't fun at all I felt lost to my wild dark senses I had no control over any damn thing , the world would span around my head , repeated gore thought loops were insane I thought I lost my mind , when you even forget that you took any psychedelics and anything is just hallucinations ..than it would be very difficult to surrender isn't it ? And I mean how can I surrender in such situations, thought loops are be good don't do bad things to people be human don't turn into a monster ... This was my phrase most of the time or it was this 

Oh nononono noooo 

If you have a way please share 

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It is not particullary thougth loops, its more like that you start to go with the flow and just acting without thinking until you realise that you have completely loss control of yourself and your thoughts and actions, that is where you realise that there was never a "Self" and it is only this "Movie" wich is always projected in the present moment.



To reach No-Self awakening you will need to accept that you were never in control of your thoughts and actions


In my case i was able to grasp it at 150ug of lsd but only after consuming like 2 years of non dual theory lectures and videos.

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Also , to reach God awakening in my trips it was better to just listen to music and be present instead of thinking or watching theory videos

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