Monkey Mind

How To Build Sexual Tension

4 posts in this topic

Today I watched the last Leo's video about to be ruthlessly effective using the 3 step formula.

I set the intention to be able to build sexual tension with my flatmate, so not fall in the friendzone and try to escalate. Right now we have a lot of complicity.

Do you have any advice for the techniques I can use in the second step?

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Put her into the friend-zone.  Be a friend, do nice things, help her with her issues, talk about everything with her. Have your own life, do your own thing, text and talk to women and just stop thinking about attracting her.  That's all.

Love yourself enough to not give a fuck whether you get her or not...

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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@future I agree with Ajax..

Learn to banter

push pull

Own who you are and really go hard being what you want..

If you run around trying to please or impress your already behind.. your just like every other dude kissing her butt..

Its not easy and you will overcompensate but like anything worthwhile, practice..

Cant lie to yourself either or be scared..

you have to learn to calibrate/educate on the go to...

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@Monkey Mind  Ask her questions about the things you know she loves. Listen to her talking very carefully and really grasp everything that she is saying, so that she feels your presence and your interest. Her talking about the things that she loves, and you being interested in the answers will get her into her true self. She will feel good in her "skin" when she is near you, and that's the first step in creating sexual tension in my experience. The rest is all about the possibility of "the thing" that the mind is creating. 

- After I've written this comment I realised this was in April, but maybe you will find it helpful, if not you then somebody else :)

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