
Questions About LSD Going Into First Trip

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Next weekend I will be having my first LSD trip. I have only done mushrooms as far as psychedelics go, and I have purchased a testing kit to make sure the LSD is pure.

A couple of questions I have a more practical:

Whats a good beginner dose in your opinion?

Is one tab a certain amount of ug? 

What are your favorite things to do while tripping on acid?



“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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21 minutes ago, VictorB02 said:

Whats a good beginner dose in your opinion?

It depends on experience and intention. In general, about 100ug-125ug. Remember: dosage, mind set and setting are all important factors.

Is one tab a certain amount of ug? 

It varies. Most common is 100ug, yet higher dosings are possible. You need to find out via your source

What are your favorite things to do while tripping on acid?

Listening to music and spending time in nature.




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@Serotoninluv Thank you, my source said each tab is 300 ug, so half a tab for first time? or a little less than half?

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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12 minutes ago, VictorB02 said:

@Serotoninluv Thank you, my source said each tab is 300 ug, so half a tab for first time? or a little less than half?

It would depend on mind set, intention and setting.

It’s like asking “how much should I drink tomorrow night?”. It would depend on several factors. 

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if he's for real, 300ug is quite a bit, for a first timer at least.

300ug would definitely be a moderate-strong area dose. 

I always recommend first time users take a 100-150ug, that's usually one tab.

My favorite thing to do is to play my guitar if Im feeling creative. But I've enjoyed doing many things on LSD like listen to music, be in silence, color/paint/draw, take walks, contemplation, daily living stuff even like bathing. I just love the self-exploration and self-reflection. I draw all kinds of connection between everything I do.


Edited by SgtPepper

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Yeah man, my first dose was 145ug. Was a huge mindfuck and really great. I realise in hindsight a very light ego death that I didn't fully go into (still resisting).

But it'd be a little irresponsible to go higher first time because you have no clue how you'll react.

Have a trip sitter of some sort, whether in person or someone you trust that you can call to calm you down if you get panicked.

You've tripped once on mushrooms before (though I don't know how much) so you understand the experience. For sure most of the deep insights are to be had at the lower doses once you have a breakthrough.

Whats a good beginner dose in your opinion? 100 - 150ug (cut your tab in half diagonally)

Is one tab a certain amount of ug? tabs come in variants, normally 100ug 150ug or 300ug

What are your favorite things to do while tripping on acid?

Apart from experiencing mindfucks, ego-death and getting great insights which constitute 80% of the trip.

  • Listen to your favourite trippy music (Tash Sultana is great for me)
  • Eating pineapple is trippy as fuck - it really makes you think you're eating yourself
  • Drink orange juice
  • Go for a walk in nature and looking at trees and plants
  • Look at the time regularly and laugh at how slowly time in moving (minutes can feel like hours)
  • Doing inner work - personal problems, past traumas, solving problems in life, shadow work, etc.
  • Relaxing and feeling the weight of my body
  • Get loopy, LSD is very strange-loop, though-loopy, can be fun, beautiful or horrific
  • Close my eyes and see where the visuals take me



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@Serotoninluv @SgtPepper @Bluebird @Strikr Thank you all, I will be posting a trip report sometime next week, look out for it to see how it goes!

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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13 hours ago, VictorB02 said:

@Serotoninluv Thank you, my source said each tab is 300 ug, so half a tab for first time? or a little less than half?

HIGHLY unlikely a tab has that much, that would be really rare. That sounds like a dealer boasting unless he laid it himself. However, you don't know for sure, so you should try half a tab. 300ug is too much for a first time. If it's underwhelming, then do a full tab a couple weeks later. Your body builds an immediate tolerance, so you should wait the full 2 weeks. DO NOT add on more if you're not feeling anything after an hour. That will get you in deep trouble. Please DO NOT do that. If it's a light experience, accept that and enjoy and ride it out :)

Things to do on acid? Music (for suggestions check out Leo's tripping music thread in the meditation/consciousness subforum). Safely going for a walk outside. Anything that fills you with wonder and excitement. Also bring up some deep existential questions and explore them. If you already practice yoga and meditation, try it here. Have healthy snacks ready. I swear, eating orange cuties is a spiritual experience. AVOID meat and cheese. Go plant-based. 

Good luck!

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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@TheAvatarState  Yeah, good post.

I hadn't tripped on LSD in the past 18 months or so, but I did a couple 100ug tabs last weekend. I just listened to music for a couple hours, then turned off all the lights and watched my lava lamp and did self-inquiry outloud. Then sat in the dark and ate a banana and some almonds, which was the most delicious meal of my life. xD I couldn't believe how good it tasted. 

Have fun and be safe. 

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@PsiloPutty @outlandish @TheAvatarState Thank you all. I will def do half a tab and see how it feels!

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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