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Should I be worry never experiencing visual dream ?

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I mean, most people talk of their dream like if it was a movie/real experience of life. Are you bullshitting with me ?

For me, it's maybe a bunch of feeling that looks like 4 seconds of cutscene on a half whisky bottle at their best. ( and my blood is pure, my diet is more than good and balanced, I do sport, etc.. no drug, no coffee, no thea )

for instance : I can tell you I was in a forest and I was feeling a ninja on me.

But I couldn't even tell if tree were in the forest or the color of the ninja, I can only know the "feeling" of being in a forest with a ninja.

this is why it's easy to differentiate the dream state delusion from reality when I wake up. ( not in the dream, I believe the feeling to be "real on me" while in the dream. )

I hear people on internet tell they started to loose feeling with real life when they did a lot of "lucid dream", can't happen to me !

After waking up, I just see how foggy it was and only a bunch of entangled feeling. Never had "scary attack" neither, the kind of delusion people talk about with monster, only once in fact, but I did breath hard in the dream, and wake up. ( and it was just like a picture who wasn't moving, like a fixed texture and a feeling of "fear", maybe 3 year ago )

all my dreams are like this, since I m a child ( I m 25 ) , when people tell me it's like a movie, I believe they are just joking or upgrading their feeling about it, nothing "serious".

do you really have imagery in your dreams ? why I m only having "pure feeling states" 

for me when I get a dream, it looks like this time or you wish you hadn't drink all the vodka alone ( flash on flash of feeling )

( I don't drink alcohol since years and wasn't a fan of alcohol )

any advices on having better imagery ? is it my "DNA/brain" ? something else ? can some people never experience "lucid dreaming" ?


Edited by Strikr

We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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It is hard to tell if you can experience dreams like everyone, you can try to lie down and try to be in semi sleep state where you are still awake, but you can experience dreams, and try to imagine colors, be relaxed, maybe put some music on or something to not be distracted by surrounding sounds.

Yes some people can not experience lucid dreaming, as blind people can not experience visual dreams, only feelings, they can not experience visual spectrum as they have never come in contact with it. 


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14 minutes ago, purerogue said:

It is hard to tell if you can experience dreams like everyone, you can try to lie down and try to be in semi sleep state where you are still awake, but you can experience dreams, and try to imagine colors, be relaxed, maybe put some music on or something to not be distracted by surrounding sounds.

Yes some people can not experience lucid dreaming, as blind people can not experience visual dreams, only feelings, they can not experience visual spectrum as they have never come in contact with it. 


I did have dreams and I can remember I had a bunch of feeling, feeling 1 feeling 2 feeling 3, then wake up

and sometimes there is kind of "imagery" but that's ULTRA FOGGY.

at my best I can tell it was a dark place with grey walls.

I could told you I was in a car, but if you ask me the color of something in the car or the shape/form of something, can't tell at all.

Sometimes I see my dreams from a sky perspective, or completely out of my point of view, ( still in a flash way kind of )

Really if someone was ultra drunk to the point of having flash, this is the structure of all my best dream. ( but not full black out of course, only flash/ then another flash, another room / then another flash another room/space, another feeling ),

I did the things to be super aware of reality, and I practice meditation daily since 2 months ( and I m a "basic amateur good drawer" ). Even after mushroom or LSD in August, no "vivid ultra dream" at night. I watched about lucid dream, worked on "being aware in reality" 

( psychedelic like mushroom ( never had " big visual hallucination" while tripping ( once it worked, but I never had those mushroom again, only created "bubble" and little disturbance in the color of things. )

but that will be hard to tell if it was "dreamy" because I can't relate to my dream for being something else than a drunked experience




Edited by Strikr

We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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I am just guessing , but I think that problem is not that you can not experience visual dreams, but that you forget them and only feelings remain, 

that is why semi dream state might help you, also try to recall every  dream you experience, every day , they might become more clear every time and you will remember visual too. 

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14 minutes ago, purerogue said:

I am just guessing , but I think that problem is not that you can not experience visual dreams, but that you forget them and only feelings remain, 

that is why semi dream state might help you, also try to recall every  dream you experience, every day , they might become more clear every time and you will remember visual too. 

maybe, in a way though I should focus, I'll try anyway. My super dream was more when I was waking up in the middle of the night, then sleep again thinking of going for a lucid then -> sleep again ( I read it was the best technique ) but those kind of "lucid dream" of mine, are just me aware of being in the drunked dream, it's still flash on flash, I just become aware of the flash sort of.

I call those one lucid, because they are a bit less foggy than usual, but still they are drunked, just a bit more feeling !

you believe in 25 years, I couldn't have a decent dream, when people talk to me about having "real movie" ? 

I can't even have a clear fixed painting ? 

Edited by Strikr

We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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Don't give up , it takes practice and determination, there is something in your brain that does not allow you to experience it, but I believe it is possible , 

I have overcome things that I thought are impossible, I am sure you will too , just understand it takes time  and will not happen overnight. 

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3 minutes ago, purerogue said:

Don't give up , it takes practice and determination, there is something in your brain that does not allow you to experience it, but I believe it is possible , 

I have overcome things that I thought are impossible, I am sure you will too , just understand it takes time  and will not happen overnight. 

yes, that's possible, but this is why I asked :P 

 what is this thing ? 

Edited by Strikr

We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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1 minute ago, Strikr said:

yes, that's possible, but this is why I asked :P 

 what is this thing ? 

I could not focus on anything that I did not find entertaining, even if I knew that it is good for me , or I should do it , my mind automatically switched to something else and it felt that there is nothing I can do about it , as it happened on its own, also I was extremely shy to the point I could not talk to anyone I did not know well, I was so shy I was afraid to go to talk to people if I needed something up 23 years ,  or something like that, also I was extremely  exhausted  most of the time, I would wake up and still fell tired, sometimes skipping school just to go sleep again.                 

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For me dreams are already more than just movies.

Sounds strange and it took me a while too understand that (or better say, they had to tell me that! And even then i couldn't believe it before i read about them from Ramana Maharshi): I'm experiencing death people in my dreams. "Death" might be misleading, because they seem like they are more alive than me. And they are speaking to me directly calling me by my name. Making cool and funny things to comfort me and making me laugh and so on. Every single night they are coming up with more cool things. The sad part is often i'm not conscious enough to appreciate it fully.

Edited by Sockrattes

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1 minute ago, Sockrattes said:

For me dreams are already more than just movies.

Sounds strange and it took me a while too understand that (or better say, they had to tell me that! And even then i couldn't believe it before i read about them from Ramana Maharshi): I'm experiencing death people in my dreams. And they are speaking to me directly calling me by my name. Making cool and funny things to comfort me and making me laugh and so on. Every single night they are coming up with more cool things. The sad part is often i'm not conscious enough to appreciate it fully.

and me.. I wish I had just a clear image that I could "draw" after I wake up ! ( I m not that bad at drawing )

I read the more you talk about it, the more they'll come, so in a way I m already practicing..

no mental problem, no conflict with people, pretty stoïc lifestyle besides being a lot focusing on music. ( I don't hear sound in dream at all. nothing I can remember of neither )

We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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They are not more , or less real, how can one dream can be less real then another, you can say that this dream has wider spectrum of colors , feelings, 

 people there are more entertaining, or have more interesting personalities that make them look more perfect, real, but does it make them more real?   

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1 minute ago, Strikr said:

and me.. I wish I had just a clear image that I could "draw" after I wake up ! ( I m not that bad at drawing )

I read the more you talk about it, the more they'll come, so in a way I m already practicing..

no mental problem, no conflict with people, pretty stoïc lifestyle besides being a lot focusing on music. ( I don't hear sound in dream at all. nothing I can remember of neither )

A teacher of mine once told me this when i had a period of no dreams: "You are dreaming too. Every night. You just can't remember."

For many years i thought i wouldn't dream anymore either. But they came back spectacularly. 

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13 minutes ago, Sockrattes said:

A teacher of mine once told me this when i had a period of no dreams: "You are dreaming too. Every night. You just can't remember."

For many years i thought i wouldn't dream anymore either. But they came back spectacularly. 

yes but from my view, they didn't disapear. they just never "poped"

I'll try hypnosis tap for dream


Edited by Strikr

We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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