
Any theories on why we get obsessed with people?

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I tend to have a reoccurring pattern of getting obsessed with people / things?

As I've grown up (late twenties) I've learnt to channel my obsessions which has worked quite well as the energy has caused me to develop and master particular skills, talents and creative pursuits. 

However, any idea what brings it on?

I mostly get obsessed with random people in my life. Not in a way that I want a relationship, but just because I can't get them out my head and want to achieve goals with them and fantasise a lot (I've always been  a BIG  dreamer) It sounds like infatuation, but it's not.

I also get obsessed with hobbies, career goals. authors... it can be quite draining but exhilarating.

Am I out of control?

Thanks.. :-) 

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People usually project their Swadhisthana in people's Akasha or Muladhara. Those in cause if they don't know themselves, anti-natural connections and blockages develop. 

Edited by Hellspeed

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@Hellspeed I am sorry, I have no idea what you mean. Would you mind explaining those terms? 

I understand if you're too busy, but what you have replied, makes no sense to me. 

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4 minutes ago, Seed said:

@Hellspeed I am sorry, I have no idea what you mean. Would you mind explaining those terms? 

I understand if you're too busy, but what you have replied, makes no sense to me. 



... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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I'm obsessed with cars, even i got one, every day im surfing the net looking for cars that i daydream to purchase. The I buy one and regret it because I ruin my minimalist lifestyle.

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i to, experiencially know what you are talking put it simply, this is a result of conditioning and personality. Awesome you have begun to notice this behavior 

How to these obsessions relate to your identity? the thought/self and beliefs 

Edited by DrewNows

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Exactly, is a fixed identity/personallity, now let all that go and follow the Chest, sooner or later one will reach there. Best of luck.

Edited by Hellspeed

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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@Hellspeed @DrewNows they make me feel alive and high... they push my boundaries. They feel like drugs. They feel naughty. They keep me up at night fantisising. (Not in a sexual way) 

what is your advice that I do ? You say it’s to do with my conditioning. Does this mean they are pointing me towards my true allignment or are they distractions of the ego ?

I am female by the way. In case that makes a difference. (I’m quite feminine. Probably 70 percent feminine energy and 30 percent masculine) 


Edited by Seed

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It’s the relationship between images that causes this. My self image seeks comfort/gratification/validation in the image I project on to another persona or a thing. Without the two images (self image and image that strengthens my self image) there can be a sense thinking/feeling “I” am unfulfilled/empty/isolated/lonely. 

This can be seen directly by observing ourselves. 

Edited by Jack River

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Obsession is good, just be obsessed with the right things.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Never in relationship.

An obsession about keeping a healthy body, fine tuned vehicle and such ok, but when it comes to relationship, as in psychologically with (ourselves/others/environment)..then no this obsession(image imposition) is destructive. Actually the the reason life is the way it is now. 

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2 hours ago, Seed said:

@Jack River Thank you x


Its not something so abstract that it’s difficult to see or observe, but sometimes the self distorts the obviousness of it. It’s an important thing to talk about. It is a common characteristic among dudes and dudet’s. 

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