Tony 845

I wonder what happens to the "Brain" at the exact point Enlightenment?

17 posts in this topic

Like do neurons get-wired?

does the 3rd eye let off some magical chemical?

anyone know? 

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I am not enlighten, But the third eye is the pineal galnd that sit in the middle of the bran, and it is the spiritual eye that opens when you gain inner wisdom from cultivation in a spiritual path, It opens in a way tht you do not see the world with only the physical eyes. But it does not make any magical chemicals.

the brain is only a reciever for the eye sight, hearing, smelling and tasting, it is like a computer that translate the senses. As far as i know it does not change in the moment you enlighten. But during meditation the brain does have some changes.

Other people may see it differently then i do

Edited by Amanaki

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4 hours ago, Tony 845 said:

Like do neurons get-wired?

does the 3rd eye let off some magical chemical?

anyone know? 

Is a feelings of expanding in the head and in the body, a fluidity. No more tensions. 

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@SoonHei I saw the there is "no brain" thing coming as well ? We've all seen Leo videos guys lol

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@Amanaki my kundalini & 3rd eye are both opened already, the next step for me is enlightenment, I was wondering on a scientific level what changes in the brain occur at that moment if there are any changes ?‍♂️ Just a question..

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5 hours ago, Tony 845 said:

Like do neurons get-wired?

does the 3rd eye let off some magical chemical?

The rewiring, 3rd eye, pineal / dmt, all remain a materialistic impossibility / mystery until directly experienced metaphysically, or "outside of the illusion". Then, it's crystal clear, as it is then known that materialism was just a deep belief all along. The problem with thinking about this not having experienced it, is in not acknowledging one's belief that there is a physical universe in which magical things could happen. There is only magical, no physical.

Edited by Nahm



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The brain dissolves into a nonlinear, multi-dimensional kalidascope of Turquoise, Coral and Teal  Ox essence that is Eternal Everything and Nothing. ? 

From a materialist perspective, we don’t know. Brain scan technology is not sophisticated enough to obsrerve the phenomena.

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@Tony 845 Where does the Brain begin and end? Is the Cerebral Cortex, the mid-brain, the brain stem, the spinal chord, the nerves? Does/can the brain exist separately from the rest of the body? Is the brain really separate at all from the body? Is the brain clearly demarcated from the rest of the body?

Where does the body begin and end? Is it really just the food we eat in different form? Does breathing not mix ourselves with our environment. Are our excretions part of our bodies? When we touch others, don't we mix our selves with them? Where did our bodies originate?

57% paranoid

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2 hours ago, SoonHei said:


But what he is asking about the brain which does exist 

Expand your understanding to inlcude this also @TheAvatarState

@Tony 845

Expand your understanding to take this seriously. 

At the precise moment you reach a full enlightenment, ie a non-dual state, you'll realize you created every "neuron" in your brain using infinite intelligence to keep the illusion, and that there is no difference or distinction between your brain and your meditation cushion. You see, your physical neurons rewiring doesn't cause the perception changes. Your consciousness elevates and you'll rewire your neurons whenever a neuroscientist brain scans you, just to fit the bill. Did your neurons actually rewire unless you directly perceived it? Think of how radical that is. Our bodies are direct projections of our consciousness. Not the other way around...

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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I guess nothing because there is no change. just a realization... and it has nothing to do with the brain, cause you're not the idea of a brain..

Edited by SgtPepper

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It goes Poof!

As the brain was always just a concept.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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How you process information matters. I thought it was interesting looking at, neural activity scan, heat or something.


Aspergers vs normal vs psychopath.png

Aspergers visual brain.jpg

No eyes and you're not reading this forum.



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