
Selective Non-duality

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I've been reading a book from David Icke and I've noticed a little contradiction in his words. In one of the chapter he talks about how "Cognitive dissonance can be a form of schizophrenia in which two contradictory views or facts are both believed to be true - war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength. "

In the next chapter, he talks about how "a prince or pauper, it matters not. The prince is the pauper and the pauper is the prince, for they are expressions of the same One Consciousness"

Couldn't he say the same about war and peace? Both expressions of the one Consciousness? Seems to me like us as humans like to do the selective non-duality where it fits our agenda. Nevertheless, I am pretty interested in David Icke and the ideas he puts forward. Interesting to see why he is contradicting himself so clearly here.

 I've seen this phenomena happen all the time on this forum as well. People saying there is no "I" just to follow up with an experience they had about how there was no them... Is selective non-duality avoidable? 

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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You're seriously listening to the "world is ruled by lizard people" "moon is a space ship" dude?

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40 minutes ago, GeoLura said:

You're seriously listening to the "world is ruled by lizard people" "moon is a space ship" dude?

Well I would not want to begin a debate on those things, because it is against the forum rules and guidelines. I am asking about the non-duality issue here. 

David Icke seems more sane than those who do not believe the things he is saying based on my personal experience. 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Dodo you're comparing apples to oranges. War and peace are active states, one dissonant, one harmonious, and confusing the two will lead to disfunction. Ignorance (unconsciousness) and strength, while admittedly not the best examples, would lead to dysfunction if confused for eachother. 

The pauper and the prince are illusions, identities, masks that hide the Truth that we are all one consciousness. 

You can't make the same argument for war and peace, because in a non-dual state, the duality collapses and all you're left with is peace. Non duality is harmonious. The concepts that are dissonant are complete illusions. 

The prince and the pauper both disappear into one in the non-dual. Both are illusions. Do you see the difference?

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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Communicating nonduality with a dualistic language is hard.

Thats why you have to look beyond the words and what they point to. Figure out what they are trying to get across instead of just taking the words at face value. Otherwise you'd be running in circles of contradictions.

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It depends how you look at it. From above everything is one consciousness, from within everything is this or that. Your subjective world may have ups and downs, angels and demons, good and evil, war and peace, but 'objectively' - that is the from the point of view of no-subjectivity, no-self - no division or distinction exists. In the eyes of God, war and peace is the same thing as they are not separated in time and space but happening simultaneously, as two sides of an eternally spinning coin.

Imagine the objective, all-seeing perspective as the still center of a ball of consciousness. In actuality it exists as a sort of center that is present everywhere at once so the center is not something that lies within time and space (time and  space is expressions of it sort of like the spider's web is an expression of the spider). Now you can never enter that absolute center and still be bound by time and space. So you will, until you are no more, be bound by time and space to a certain degree. As you are someone, you exist within the field of relatives and as such you have some position, some angle on things. From whatever angle you observe reality change as time goes, you will experience winter following summer, ups following downs etc., and as such you will have both war and peace, freedom as opposed to slavery and so on. 

Although relative pairs exist not in the absolute sense of things, they do so for anyone in the web of relativity (in it as it like flies are part of the web once they get entangled in it). This is why it is important to know yourself first and foremost, and if you dont know yourself then get to know yourself. For if you come to some larger insight as to the objective view on things, and solve your mind-body problem by eliminating body (no-self), you may turn away from things that still needs your attention in the relative domain of things. If no-self becomes a sort of escape it holds little value as it then becomes an obstacle to your further growth.

I believe the first part of what you posted, in which he talks of the danger of cognitive dissonance (it reminds me of the concept of 'zen devil'), he is talking within the relative domain of things, while in the second part he is in the absolute sense of things. It is indeed important not to confuse the two, or you may become the fly that started flying before it was free and entangled itself deeper than it was before. 


In the absolute sense of things war is peace and peace is war, but in the relative sense war and peace are opposites. Be careful not to confuse absolute and relative truth, or you may come to see war as peace and slavery as freedom.

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