
How to find people like us

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A friend and me who are in the same spiritual journey met yesterday to talk a little bit. We met at 10pm and talked until 5am and it felt like 20 minutes. So many good insights, experiences and ideas. I can definitely tell it was a push forward in consciousness.


We thought about the idea of building a group of 4-5 people with the same goal of understanding the illusion, reaching samadhi. Each one will read different books, watch different things, experience different glimpses of the absolute and sharing this will also help all the others move forward towards awakening


The big question is: usually, these people don't just put themselves out there. My friend and I don't like to talk about these things with other people, because their ego instantly get defensive and the result is destructive. So there is not a lot of people like that out there, and the ones that are are not easy to find.


The question is simple: where should one look?

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Bingo! Yahtzee! Is that your final answer? Our survey says... God! Bing bing bing bing bing! Well, it was nice to meet you, God. Thank you for the Grand Canyon, and good luck with the Apocalypse. Oh, and by the way, you SUCK!

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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I'd he happy to join you guys next time. 7 hour convos are the norm for my friend group as well! :)

Edited by EternalForest

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ask them to answer a few questions so you know where they're at

it would be so funny if that worked

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Like attracts like. You will naturally encounter more of such people the more you live out your truth.

Edited by WindInTheLeaf

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Ultimately. Look within because there will come a point in your journey where you must travel alone. Nobody else will be with you.


Not bad to discuss with others but if you can manage without, then better not to add that to your list of things which you will eventually need to let go of.



Love Is The Answer

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I kind of struggled with this a year ago. Felt very isolated and alone in the journey. I do agree with those who have said that this is, by nature, a lonely path, and no one else can go with you, but it does help to have support from people who understand what you're doing and why you're doing it.

I happened to sign up for a free meditation app called Insight Timer, and it's similar to Facebook in that you can friend people from all over the world, and you can see when they are meditating and vice versa. You can message each other, or just push a button thanking them for meditating with you that session. I have found that it scratches my itch for a sangha. I have chatted with a bunch of people on there, and met one of them for dinner and conversation, which was extraordinary really nice. That might be something for you to check out.

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