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Neti Neti one object

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I discovered this cool way to do neti neti... forgive me if something like this was already posted!

So you stand in the sun, arms wide to your sides or hanging comfortably, standing as balanced and comfortably as you can.

Now the idea is to feel into the space that sorrounds you and goes through you.  The idea is that every single perception occurs within this space.  Your visual field, the things you hear, the feelings in your body, even your thoughts occur in some space usually in what seems to be the space in your head.

Now try to feel into this space and as such into all these perceptions at once trying to keep a relatively calm mind.

Now with conviction think to yourself "not me" since you know that you cant be anything you observe...

Now genuinly ask "what am i?

And boom, theres a good chance you´ll pop into your nothingness, asboluteness.

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2 hours ago, Nexeternity said:

I discovered this cool way to do neti neti... forgive me if something like this was already posted!

So you stand in the sun, arms wide to your sides or hanging comfortably, standing as balanced and comfortably as you can.

Now the idea is to feel into the space that sorrounds you and goes through you.  The idea is that every single perception occurs within this space.  Your visual field, the things you hear, the feelings in your body, even your thoughts occur in some space usually in what seems to be the space in your head.

Now try to feel into this space and as such into all these perceptions at once trying to keep a relatively calm mind.

Now with conviction think to yourself "not me" since you know that you cant be anything you observe...

Now genuinly ask "what am i?

And boom, theres a good chance you´ll pop into your nothingness, asboluteness.

Too bad we're in winter though xD 

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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6 hours ago, Nexeternity said:

 Now with conviction think to yourself "not me" since you know that you cant be anything you observe...

This is something that I'm still stuck on... With no separation how can you not be anything you observe? Isn't the idea that - there's no 'separate me' that can be anything I observe, because that implies separation ? I'm starting to wonder if a better inquiry phrase would be - 'there is no I that can be observed, there is only One." or if you like to call the One the big I, you could say-" that which i observe is not me, I am everything. "

Any clarification on this would be great! 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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Well tecnically speaking you are what you observe because what you are observing is the Absolute, but the thing is that we normally dont contextualize it that way, when we think we observe things, we are not thinking, oh shit, this thing I am observing is God.

So yea... the point of doing the "not me" is to get that shift so you do see the Absolute in everything... after that then the not me would be irrelevent. 


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@Nexeternity lol ok. I think it's a matter of trying to take things too literally 'over here' and it works against me. But I suppose it can be altered to suit an individual's (lol) needs. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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