
100 Days Of Meditation

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Day 100

45 minute meditation

Today is the 100th day!!! xD

Wow the days have passed by really fast. The biggest thing that helped me to do keep up with my goal was to commit to doing it every single day no matter what. I won't be updating this journal anymore, but I will still be meditating every single day. Now I am committed to making this a life-long habit. I will commit to meditating every single day for the rest of my life.

Over all: I still suck at meditating. Some days are better than others and some days are just crap. Leo said this is normal, and it will take a year for me to start getting the hang of it. Meditation is probably helping me in ways I'm unaware of. The changes I feel in myself are so subtle and so gradual that it is easy to miss. I'm sure when I look back on this moment a few years from now I will be able to see the massive impact it had on my life.

Thank you to those who followed along my journey! Special thanks to @Zane @Extreme Z7 @TakeCare @Lorcan for the comments and tips

I will continue on my path to self-actualization and maybe even mastery of meditation.

If you're not meditating, then just do it already. Start small and just keep doing it every single day.

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@ZenBlue Good Luck, pal! What benefits can you say you've developed through meditation so far? Specifically the psychological benefits. Because that's ultimately what we want to get out of this habit, at least that's what I want anyway. :D

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@ZenBlue YES YOU ACCOMPLISHED THE HUNDRED DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You completely committed yourself to the goal and went beyond your 5 minute goal. I'm glad you're aware of your flaws while meditating but you can't be perfect at meditation. The good news is that the changes are subtle and you will get better at it. In San Francisco, in 2014, I felt deep bliss twice on the trip without even meditating and I think the reason why was because it was such an amazing moment of being where I was completely absorbed in the moment of sitting on the dark of the bay, smelling the ocean, and basking in the sun. In the park, I felt deeply blissful and relaxed. Thank you so much for the mention in your post for my support!! It's my pleasure and i love supporting people on their journey. You can go even farther with self-actualization! I'm making great progress with it and I re-captured the emotions of awe and wonder, deeply relaxed bliss, laughing like nobody's watching, the flow state of creativity, feeling completely invested in a movie or a show and a childlike spirit of adventure. I created a Twenties Journal to track my happiness and I'm much happier than I ever was in my life. I want to go even farther! 

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Good game. I know you said you aren't update this journal, but it would interesting if you could update it in 100 days or even 250 days time to see what your experiance with meditation is like after a year.

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@Extreme Z7 Thanks a lot! The psychological benefits have been great. I started to become aware of my neurotic tendencies, and my stupid destructive behaviors. I haven't been able to completely change those things, but I just know that maintaining awareness throughout the years will auto-correct those things.

@Zane Wow sounds like an amazing experience. I'm still working on be able to just be absorbed in the moment and experience that level of bliss. Yes, you have been a great support so thank you for that. Sounds like you are doing very well on your path. Glad you are currently much happier in your life, I'm sure you will be able to keep pushing ahead!

@Lorcan Yes thanks for that suggestion. I will come back with another report most likely after I have meditated for a year. I would like to look back on this journal and see how much progress I've made.

I wrote in the beginning I wanted to achieve these goals:

  • Develop stronger willpower 
  • Increase my ability to focus for longer periods of time
  • Develop my level of awareness
  • Effectively manage the chaos in my mind

Throughout this journey, I completely forgot about my goals. I became more focused on just doing the meditation, and using it as a way to keep myself grounded and calm. Now looking back on it, all of those things have happened on their own in a very natural way. There was no need to force it or to take on any sort of neurotic action. All I did was meditate day after day while increasing my awareness. 

I'm not operating anywhere near the level I want to be at, but I now have a stronger willpower, stronger focus, much more awareness, and less chaos in my mind. It's a great feeling to have knowing that I'm just barely scratching the surface and I have so much more room to grow.

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