INSANE results from my first ever LSD trip

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One 130ug tab of pure LSD25 

(Be careful lads, there are many fakes. Also most tabs are laid with low-quality LSD. Please do not ask me where I got mine)


As for my first run, I decided to simply test the waters and leave any hefty goals aside.

The trip took place in my room (alone) during the entire night and then outside.


A lot of stuff happened, so here are the highlights:

- Extremely beautiful visuals (like carpet turning into a pool of worms). The patterns were popping out like mad (the few pink tiles in the bathroom bathed the bathroom with a pink haze). The colors were SO gorgeous.  

For about 10 minutes my consciousness got "mirrored". Any thoughts/perceptions would echo inside my mind. This caused the "present" moment to extend to a few seconds instead of the normal 1 second.

Time slowed down SO HARD. I simply couldn't believe my brain was capable at working at such a high frequency. Every minute felt like 10min+. The music was playing at a very slow pace (like the 0.75/0.5 playback speed in YouTube). I remember looking at the watch and laughing at how 5 minutes felt like an hour.

Now something huge. My consciousness was "morphing" into stuff multiple times. I could look at a shirt and become it. There was no one perceiving the shirt, or the context in which it existed, just the shirt. I used this magnificent morphing ability extensively.

Short-range non-duality. When I was sitting on the chair and hugging a huge pillow,  it took a mental effort to distinguish myself from the pillow or chair. There was literally no difference between the pillow and my arms.

Music was SO GOOD. I listened to this amazing album 3 times during the trip: ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXhhpxt_OoI ). It's (kinda) true what they say, you never heard music if you weren't under LSD.

I had the crazy idea of watching a Mandelbrot Zoom ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PR4JCVAh74c ). It felt like I was physically travelling thru that world.

Euphoria and body-high. 


Welcome to the world of shadows

There was a lot of other stuff, but they pale in comparison to where I got at the the 6hr-12hr mark. While before I theoretically knew what materialists call "world" is nothing but projection onto being & happening within being, now I got aware of this phenomena. 

What i perceived as "reality" before now felt like a LIFELESS world of lights. I strongly emphasize HOW DEAD everything felt. When I talked to my mom, it felt like talking to an object (and I was an object too). The "world" including myself felt sooooooooo distant. When I was riding the bus heading to the park, I was making huge effort to not loose sense of "reality". The bus was disappearing under my feet like sand thru fingers. I saw so much beauty in a vagabond's eyes. BEING was prior to the game of lights most folk hold as "reality".

That was by far the most magnificent morning of my life)))


All of the negative stuff build-up from years of stress and suffering got released. My mind got "refreshed"

I feel so much better inside this body.

I see so much more beauty in this game of lights.

While the perception of BEING isn't near as strong as it was during the 6hr-12hr period, it still improved my day-to-day perception of it. Also now I understand from experience (not just someone's words) what I'm aiming for with meditation.

- Feeling happier.



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Awesome :)! Also, the album you shared, that music must be insane when on LSD. Love it.

How long ago was the trip? You said you set aside goals for your first time- do you plan on (if ever in the future you were to go again) setting goals? What would those goals be?

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2 hours ago, 111111 said:


One 130ug tab of pure LSD25 

(Be careful lads, there are many fakes. Also most tabs are laid with low-quality LSD. Please do not ask me where I got mine)


As for my first run, I decided to simply test the waters and leave any hefty goals aside.

The trip took place in my room (alone) during the entire night and then outside.


A lot of stuff happened, so here are the highlights:

- Extremely beautiful visuals (like carpet turning into a pool of worms). The patterns were popping out like mad (the few pink tiles in the bathroom bathed the bathroom with a pink haze). The colors were SO gorgeous.  

For about 10 minutes my consciousness got "mirrored". Any thoughts/perceptions would echo inside my mind. This caused the "present" moment to extend to a few seconds instead of the normal 1 second.

Time slowed down SO HARD. I simply couldn't believe my brain was capable at working at such a high frequency. Every minute felt like 10min+. The music was playing at a very slow pace (like the 0.75/0.5 playback speed in YouTube). I remember looking at the watch and laughing at how 5 minutes felt like an hour.

Now something huge. My consciousness was "morphing" into stuff multiple times. I could look at a shirt and become it. There was no one perceiving the shirt, or the context in which it existed, just the shirt. I used this magnificent morphing ability extensively.

Short-range non-duality. When I was sitting on the chair and hugging a huge pillow,  it took a mental effort to distinguish myself from the pillow or chair. There was literally no difference between the pillow and my arms.

Music was SO GOOD. I listened to this amazing album 3 times during the trip: ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXhhpxt_OoI ). It's (kinda) true what they say, you never heard music if you weren't under LSD.

I had the crazy idea of watching a Mandelbrot Zoom ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PR4JCVAh74c ). It felt like I was physically travelling thru that world.

Euphoria and body-high. 


Welcome to the world of shadows

There was a lot of other stuff, but they pale in comparison to where I got at the the 6hr-12hr mark. While before I theoretically knew what materialists call "world" is nothing but projection onto being & happening within being, now I got aware of this phenomena. 

What i perceived as "reality" before now felt like a LIFELESS world of lights. I strongly emphasize HOW DEAD everything felt. When I talked to my mom, it felt like talking to an object (and I was an object too). The "world" including myself felt sooooooooo distant. When I was riding the bus heading to the park, I was making huge effort to not loose sense of "reality". The bus was disappearing under my feet like sand thru fingers. I saw so much beauty in a vagabond's eyes. BEING was prior to the game of lights most folk hold as "reality".

That was by far the most magnificent morning of my life)))


All of the negative stuff build-up from years of stress and suffering got released. My mind got "refreshed"

I feel so much better inside this body.

I see so much more beauty in this game of lights.

While the perception of BEING isn't near as strong as it was during the 6hr-12hr period, it still improved my day-to-day perception of it. Also now I understand from experience (not just someone's words) what I'm aiming for with meditation.

- Feeling happier.




nice one

listen this when you have time ( u probably know about it )



Edited by Strikr


We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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Sounds sane to me ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, 111111 said:

Short-range non-duality. When I was sitting on the chair and hugging a huge pillow,  it took a mental effort to distinguish myself from the pillow or chair. There was literally no difference between the pillow and my arms

Second time today I CRY for the description of non-dual experience. Lol I don't know why! It's just so beautiful.


Sounds like a great trip :P

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sounds about right haha. What's crazy is that each trip is pretty different especially when you take into account set and setting. So the following time will have its own themes and personal insights! enjoy! 

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10 hours ago, Sven said:

How long ago was the trip? You said you set aside goals for your first time- do you plan on (if ever in the future you were to go again) setting goals? What would those goals be?

It took more then 1hr to kick in, then it held super strong for about 4hr, then 2hr of coming off back into a lifeless world in which I bathed for another 6hr.

Of course I plan to trip more in the future))) Probably  every week for the next 2 months. More serious trip reports (with proper preparations and goal setting) coming soon!

6 hours ago, SgtPepper said:

sounds about right haha. What's crazy is that each trip is pretty different especially when you take into account set and setting. So the following time will have its own themes and personal insights! enjoy!

Exactly! I attribute my birth into the lifeless world of shadows to tripping in a semi-dark room while listening to somewhat dark music)))

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@111111 You are planning on going weekly? Wow. I personally felt I needed lots of months to integrate my experience. But we all differ

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@111111 Do not trip every week. Not only will you body's tolerance physically hinder you, but if you try to suck too much out of the experience, you WILL start having lesser or even nightmare trips. I speak from vast experience with this substance... Please respect it and allow time to integrate. 

So your body takes about 12 days to fully rid of its tolerance to LSD. So if you were to trip again in 7 days, you'd need to take at least 200ug to have a similar trip, and believe me, it still wouldn't be close. 

Although you may not be aware of it, your brain will need several weeks/months to fully accept and integrate that beautiful experience you just had. So add some more good habits, self inquiry, start trying to occupy that headspace more often. Of beauty and rapture. 

I know how tempting it is to dive back in every two weeks... But you're going to end up shooting yourself in the foot. Please please please respect this substance. I know how nasty it can get if you ask too much of it over too long a period. It's a TOOL for consciousness work, and it honestly sounds like you've got your plate full for a while. Sit back and relax my friend. Enjoy what you have!

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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@TheAvatarState @Sven  I've been into self-actualization for 5 years. Meditating, studying and contemplating. So the things I experienced during this trip (mainly the being) wasn't a shock at all, just FINALLY a much more profound experience of what I came to realize on theoretical grounds.

I've read so many trip reports where people emphasize their "abstract thinking" under LSD, yet during this trip my intention was let go of thinking, because that's what I was doing for the last 5 years. During the trip I actually tried to focus on the inner world and exploring the depths of my mind, but I quickly remembered that the exterior and inner world is the same thing. Spiritual insights aren't hidden hell knows where, they are right in front of us all the time.

As for "going weekly", my intention will be to fully embodying the insights I already learned all these years. 

From the research I've done, tolerance seems to go almost completely away after 1/2 weeks. But yeah, I'll better stick to 2-3 times a month.


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4 minutes ago, 111111 said:As for "going weekly", my intention will be to fully embodying the insights I already learned all these years. 


From the research I've done, tolerance seems to go almost completely away after 1/2 weeks. But yeah, I'll better stick to 2-3 times a month.


Wrong. 12 days to come down to baseline tolerance. A lot more to come to baseline mental tolerance/effects. LSD is not a magic pill to thrust you into these states of Consciousness. 5-meo? Maybe. But definitely not lsd. You have been warned. Give more space. And there's honestly only so far you can go with L. It sounds like you had a pretty peak experience already. 


"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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