
Joe Rogan taking a dig at Leo?

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sounds like he is talking about Leo?

about 40 mins mark

bit harsh not knowing how much effort and time Leo has put into his sadhana 

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I don't think so, they seem most upset with people who are misleading people into thinking that everything is going to be sunshine and roses on this path, in order for you to get to try their techniques and listen to them.  People who say what other people want to hear.  Leo may sometimes do this, I don't know, I'm not in his head and don't know if there are any games he plays in order to maximize the amount of people that end up listening to him.  That being said, it seems like Leo actually fairs on the side of this path being super difficult, and life being challenging.  If anything, Leo to me seems to aire on the side of telling us it's going to be at least as difficult, if not more difficult than it will be in reality.  In that way, I don't think they were taking a shot at him other than using that buzz word "actualized" which relates back to Leo.  So maybe a bit harsh, maybe ignorant, I don't know, but I didn't interpret it as a shot directly at Leo

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Who knows, if they are, they're completely ignorant.  


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Lol I doubt they are, but if so they should watch his retreat videosxD

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@Garuda Doesn't sound like it tbh. The term actualized is quite commonly used in personal development. 

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4 minutes ago, Space said:

@Garuda Doesn't sound like it tbh. The term actualized is quite commonly used in personal development. 

well he did say pencil neck and did kinda mock him the way he speaks

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Leo is legit on the technical side of the matter and logic oh yeah. He is one of the best for the dormant folk who live in the cities.  

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23 minutes ago, zambize said:

Leo's neck looks pretty normal though, not too beefy, but it's a functional neck

did leo every say anything about wanting to be on Joe Rogan's podcast? 

I think read something a while back. But it looks like Joe wont want him on if he had the chance
bout time we got leo or someone into this game on the podcast tbh

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Heyyyyyyyyyy! This is Leo! Hahahahahahha

Edited by John Iverson

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I've only heard part of this podcast, but they were very heavy on overcoming adversity, remaining high intensity, etc. Seems like a dig on people who live comfortable lives and can entertain these seemingly gimmicky methods (and from many YouTubers they are), when Goggin's had to overcome incredible amounts of adversity. I believe he went through Navy Seal training 3 times before he got through. One of only a few African Americans to do so. 

Kind of a dig at Leo, but not really.

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The unfortunate truth is that a lot of people stumble over one or two of Leo's videos and make a judgment and sweeping generalization within a minute or two. Rare is the person who stops to listen in-depth to what Leo is really saying throughout his body of work.

I have little doubt that Joe Rogan has stumbled across one of Leo's videos at some point, but I'd also bet a lot of money that he never took the time to listen to any of Leo's 1+ hour videos in full receptiveness. It's easy for people to quickly mis-categorize others on YouTube and switch to another video, particularly when it comes to personal development - and even more particularly when they are measuring their potential wasted time versus potential benefit.

If Leo were to get on Joe Rogan's podcast and give him a fair conversation, I'm confident that Joe Rogan would be very tuned in to what Leo is saying (whichever direction it took). It would also bring in a lot of new people to willing to go down the rabbit hole.

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He is probably not talking about Leo. Leo doesn't promise magic solutions to all of life problems.

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Oh of course he did and Leo should fight him over it! Youtube death match! ARRGGG!

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Whether or not Joe Rogan was talking about Leo, he loves to take the piss out of everyone, himself included. He's a comedian and pokes fun at people all the time, in a kind way. I wouldn't take it too seriously or read much into it

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Not sure if he is really talking about Leo, but Damn, how do we contact Joe Rogan to invite Leo for his podcast? I've tried twitter and nothing, I've been to his comedy shows, I'm gonna try to talk to him in person, any other ideas?


"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare


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31 minutes ago, Soulbass said:

I think Joe Rogan is an open minded person, he won't bitch about Leo's work (if he even came across once).

Dunno if Leo being invited to Joe's podcast would be a good idea, or it should be a 6 hours interview just for the foundation.

It's totally different. Joe Rogan is the guy who ask questions.

Leo don't answer question, but he would be probably more inclined to make a course with a) b) c) which is not how an organic conversation is happening. Joe Rogan is spontaneous, it's relaxed and fun. Leo is an hard worker, straight forward, not time to cool.

Let's goooo! Lets invite Leooooo to Joe Rogan's shoowwwww

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@Joseph Maynor has an interesting perspective on this.

It's hard to say whether Joe is talking about Leo. Maybe, maybe not. If he is, I find it unfortunate that he's making a judgement on what Leo has or hasn't overcome based on his appearance. You can only know so much by looking at a person, and by saying what he said, it looks to me like Joe is just revealing a personal bias toward what personal development and overcoming should look like.

I've been growing less and less enamored with JRE podcast lately for this very reason. Even if I didn't like, I feel like Joe is less interested in exploring and entertaining diverse opinions than he is with finding people and ideas that mirror his already held beliefs. You can see this in his rant about testosterone in a recent interview with the psychologist William Von Hippel.

That said, I think it's a good lesson for all of us on this forum who try to uproot their beliefs and really examine them. Whatever you can critique about Joe Rogan in this video, you can almost certainly critique in yourself.

"Teach thy tongue to say 'I do not know', and thou shalt progress." - Maimonides

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The only people I want to see Rogan have on:

  1. Ken Wilber
  2. Peter Ralston  
  3. Leo
  4. Martin Ball

I think those 4 would resonate and do well with Rogan. I think the 2 I’d count out seeing is Ralston and maybe Martin Ball (as in I think he may have a shot, but it’d be a long one at best). I’d love to see Wilber on and I think he’d be by far the most likely on that list to make it.

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