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amirali gharib parsa

questions about setting up meditation habit

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hello and thank you for attending to this topic . lets start 

ive been contemplating for a long time now even if i did not know it till recently and ive seen what it can do to your Subconscious . i simply concentrate on any object that interests me or sometimes i use the metronome method as leo said in his video

the reason that i like concentrating alot  is because i realized that i cant even study or pee without music on ! and i need to constantly distract myself in order to function ! so it makes sense that when u do something more u get good at it and i really wanted to concentrate better. 

but u see meditation is totally different and i cant really see why i should meditate . after watching : i realized that u cant do thing by simply pushing through or with will power that simply does not work and instead u should start to grasp and fully understand why u want to do ------- and why u dont want to do -----  .

so i can ask the question in 3 ways essentially : 

why should i meditate

how can i convince myself ( my subconscious ) to meditate

how can i see results with meditation


Edited by amirali gharib parsa

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Why? Because it increases your overall awareness, which is distinct from your concentration abilities. Both are intertwined and the exact nature kf their interaction is still unknown to me, but nonetheless both can be “trained,” so to speak. If increasing your awareness of both yourself and the world, plus lower stress levels and higher and more frequent states of fullfilment are something you’re interested in, meditate. 


You convince the subconscious to meditate by meditating. 


You see results by 1) sticking to a consistent meditation schedule all while being patient for results and 2) doing 60mins per day gives pretty robust and innediate results so id recommend thta volume. More if you have time but consistency is key here. 

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