
Jiddhu Krishnamurti is Coral.

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I don't know what Coral is, but I think JK is what is what it is.

Coral is the first glimpse of what humanity needs to be to save ourselves I guess. Thank JK!

Anybody knows JK and his teachings?

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After hours and hours of listening to J. Krishnamurti he convinced me to quit my job in a day, then I went travelling and was introduced to U.G. Krishnamurti. And that just, radical change. 

I like the contrast of U.G Krishnamurti

Primarily because he just rejects everything and criticizes the spiritual market place and denies all enlightenment and diets and anything you could possibly through at him, it won't stick. It's amazing. 

And yeah, not seriously, It just entertainment to me now..




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@aclokay UG shouldn’t be a role model. The man rejects his humanity as well and is very angry. A sad sight to look at.

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  On 12/6/2018 at 11:06 AM, Arhattobe said:

@aclokay UG shouldn’t be a role model. The man rejects his humanity as well and is very angry. A sad sight to look at.

You can set whatever role model you want. But U.G. has very unique and interesting 'teaching', his rejection of humanity and all spiritual teaching is amazing  contrast to false hope given by other beings.

Watch Leo's video on his blog on Skepticism, where he speaks about how skepticism leads to Enlightenment and tell me it doesn't fit exactly what U.G. is saying.

Also anger is just as natural as taking a shit and crying (Even simultaneously ;D)...I wouldn't judge based on that.

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@danton I thought J. Krishnamurti, was excellent for improving my awareness. But he talks so slowly..... Came across videos on Youtube, a while a go. Helped expand my awareness. I suppose shifted me away from materialism, even though it has been debunked for the last 300 years in many philosophical and seemingly scientific works, wasn't aware of that.

I found his criticism of OSHO interesting. Where he said Guru's are all terrible people, or something like that. Was thinking about getting audiobooks of OSHO's speeches off audible, but after watching some clips, in one he flinched... Plus the whole thing with OSHO followers/cultists hording weapons, and the largest biological terror attack in USA history, bought up some suspicions. "I know nothing Mr Fawlty."

As for U.G seems like Schopenhauer Mk2. Believes in nothing, but everything is unity or Brahman. 

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He's probably a candidate for "stage coral", but it's hard to say because it's not really clear what stage coral even is at this point. He could be orange on steroids or just plain yellow. Really doesn't seem like green or turquoise to me. It's neat how SD has this binary pattern within it.

I always get the two famous Krishnamurtis mixed up, had to google him just now to make sure I was thinking of the right guy.

edit: Actually I have mixed them up after all. Disregard my above statement, I was talking about UG Krisnamurti. I have no idea how to characterize J Krishnamurta. A summary of J's philosophy can be found here

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  On 12/6/2018 at 6:41 PM, purerogue said:

So what is this guy about, what exactly is his philosophy? 

Maybe a philosophy of no philosophy. 

Instead of seeing in accordance to a philosophy he talked about seeing what-is actual/fact, and not what we think we should see or should be. 

He talked about how we resist seeing what-is. Nature of mind/thought/self. Attachment/resistance/identification(time). 


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It's very difficult to recognize Coral until you are Coral.

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