
60 minutes of daily meditation

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How do you find the time for a long morning routine?

my morning routine is - dream journal, one page of stream of consciousness journaling,  30-45 minutes of kriya meditation, 5 minutes visualisation 


This already takes damn long and some mornings i just do not have the time to go through it all. I'd like to be able to sit for 60 minutes every day. Will going from 30-60 minutes of meditation daily really make a difference for me?

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The purpose  of any meditation is to bring about thoughtless inner silence,stillness, and then abiding in that inner silence/stillness for  either a specified duration or however long one wishes. There were times when I went to sit for 20-30 minutes and only after coming out, realized I had been there for 3 or more hrs. absorbed in deep samadhi.  The best way is to set an intent in the mind for the specific time you wish prior to meditation and let it go. Don't be thinking during meditation "is the 30 min. up yet,as that will be a distraction. The mind or rather the inner intelligence will "usually",come out at the specified time, if the intent is set prior to the meditation.

I'm not sure what  you intend with the visualization,unless it is a point of focus for one pointed concentration, in which one merges with the object. The object used,whether it be the breath,a particular image,a mantra,whatever, in any meditation is to bring one to the point of "no-I" or pure awareness, without subject-object relationship. No observer or object observed. Objectless,attributeless,pure awareness. Also known as abiding in the Self or absolute Witness.

Edited by who chit

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Do you get a lot out of the dream journal and the stream of consciousness journal? I've heard these things are recommended, but I think meditation is the most recommended practice. :) You could rotate between these two journals, do just one or the other and change every other day. Of course, don't give up journaling if it's helping you...

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Meditating for 30 to 60 minutes a day at a certain point will only maintain your current state of awareness. Like a sort of maintenance to keep you operating at the same level. 

What you need to do is set a couple weekends aside and meditate for several hours a day. That's how you'll actually make real progress, or nonprogress. This is the sort of intensity you will need to move into the different stages of Samadhi, and eventually into enlightenment.

If you do this for 2 days straight, several hours a day, absolutely determined to find out the Truth of reality, there's a good chance you will enter Samadhi. The first goal should be to reach Nirvikalpa Samadhi, which is just resting in the space before any thought arises. If you reach this state on the weekend, just meditate for 30 to 60 minutes a day on the weekday to maintain your degree of awareness. Then when the next weekend comes around you will easily enter Nirvikalpa Samadhi again.

When the next weekend comes, spend the time to get back to Nirvikalpa Samadhi. If you spend several hours a day for a couple days in Nirvikalpa, then it will be much more likely you'll enter Sahaja Samadhi. All that is, is maintaining Nirvikalpa Samadhi all day. This will become effortless the more weekends you devote several hours a day to Nirvikalpa Samadhi. 

If you reach this point and still need advice, just message me. But trust me, if you're thinking it won't be worth giving up a few weekends to attain Sahaja Samadhi, you'd be terribly mistaken. You've never experienced that level of peace in your entire life. 

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Maybe it will make a difference, but develop the mastery of meditation wherever you are, whatever you do if you really want to see the difference. 

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