
What exactly is a perfect human being? Here's my take on it.

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My take on perfection is that it is the process of getting closer to perfection. Perfection is not a static state.

Then, a perfect human being is a human being who always gets better without regression. Am I right?

By that definition, if you often experience mental regressions, you are not perfect.

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5 minutes ago, Sahil Pandit said:


Are you sure about that? 

I'm not sure. I'm just trying to deduce a conclusion.

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A perfect human being is you transforming your own Vision into reality perfectly.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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On the absolute level, everything is always perfect forever. So, all human beings are perfect.

On the relative level, there is no such thing as perfection. So, there are no perfect human beings. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Perfection is what's real. Period because you or anything or anybody else can't be other than what it ultimately is right now. I really want to help ground this whole notion of "perfection" because I see a lot of people talking about spiral dynamics and all the dozens of different lines of development, states, and stages as means to fantasize about creating this perfect person. Particularly people that follow TJ Reeve's relatively small little social media crowd and such people who espouse this whole ideology and just downright fantasy which is quite toxic because of like "I want to have the enlightenment of Christ or Buddha and have the body of Arnold Schwarzenegger (or something along those lines) and the intellect of Einstein or an Elon Musk and be financially free and only then will I have actualized my potential." @CreamCat I'm not saying you specifically are doing this but I see a lot of people wasting their time fantasizing over such ideals. 

I want you to consider that right now, you, everything in this world as well as everyone in it are already perfect. I'm not saying no one is dysfunctional, everything is all sun shine, kittens, cupcakes, divine bliss. As far as the relative world, hell no. What I am saying is that it can't be any other way than it already is. I remember hearing this great talk on YouTube with Byron Katie in a seminar with someone whose issue inside was this neurotic feeling of not living up to his potential and she was showing him that moment to moment he has living up to his full potential. By noticing this he was able to get out of the way of his own fantasies of what he thinks is his potential and perfect. 

If you think you're going to live life without regression in anything you're setting up a fantasy. Michael Jordan wasn't the best in the league after he retired in 1998. Father time catches up. Some great thinkers end up getting dementia and all sorts of mental illnesses as they get older. You may get into a car accident or something tomorrow. Regression is inevitable. The question I pose to you is, can you still see the perfection in that regression and still be happy and at peace with it?

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@kieranperez I'm trying to think of perfection as a useful concept for self help. Accepting reality and still trying to improve reality is a start point. Attempts at improvements are more effective when you accept reality. I can see it as the perfection/mastery process. Perfection is similar to mastery process.

Watch this video to understand what I mean by mastery process. When you stop chasing perfection as a steady state and enjoy the process of mastery, you become more perfect, more functional, or more effective as a human being.

I think you can extract useful tips from TJ Reeves if you know what you are looking for. I extract useful tips from various sources including Leo Gura, TJ Reeves, Teal Swan, and Thomas Frank.

Edited by CreamCat

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i don't think there is such thing as a perfect human being no matter who you are you will always face problems in life.

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It's impossible to reach perfection, but you can become more perfect with practice in many fields.

A perfect human being is just a concept for guiding my thoughts around perfection.

Edited by CreamCat

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Perfection doesn't exist. You can keep improving yourself forever. The moment you think "I am perfect" is the moment you stop growing. If you're the best in the world at something you will get the desire to slow down and relax. And then inevitably someone will dethrone you. The counter intuitive thing to do is to keep improving yourself, even when you already are the best.

Edited by Eric Tarpall

Black is white. Down is up. Bad is good. -Eric Tarpall

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A perfect human being is always evolving bowing down the vision into the heart. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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8 hours ago, Emerald said:

On the absolute level, everything is always perfect forever. So, all human beings are perfect.

On the relative level, there is no such thing as perfection. So, there are no perfect human beings. 

Everything is perfect on the Absolute level. But as far as the whole reason this existence was created in the first place, a perfect human being is one who perfectly radiates unconditional love. That's how unity occurs. 

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perfection is the complete acceptance of your wish of oneness the melting away of all dilusion - to see you are already perfect the way you are and it’s ok, accepting your perfect little faults, as perfection is perfect in it‘s imperfection.

Edited by now is forever

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@CreamCat I've seen that episode and know more about mastery than most lol. Mastery has nothing to do with holding yourself to some fantastical unrealistic expectation. If you want to be driven and have your motivation systems come from irrelevant fantasies than be my guest. You clearly didn't read through my post. Perfection is what's real right now. Mastery as a process is the antithesis of what you're saying. You're not going to master everything. Not only will you not in real life but to pursue (not attain - even though mastery in a sense isn't really something you attain) absolute excellence and mastery in multiple things in your life is just a stupid unwise endeavor. That just leads to sloppy horrible work. Put the majority of your energy and focus into 1 thing. Perfection even as a concept means nothing if you acknowledge it doesn't exist. Just practice to get better. That's all. You wanna go ahead and do that, by all means. 

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@CreamCat the answer which is probably perfect for your question is also probably the answer you think is cliche which is "everything is already perfect". 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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7 hours ago, kieranperez said:

@CreamCat I've seen that episode and know more about mastery than most lol. Mastery has nothing to do with holding yourself to some fantastical unrealistic expectation. If you want to be driven and have your motivation systems come from irrelevant fantasies than be my guest. You clearly didn't read through my post. Perfection is what's real right now. Mastery as a process is the antithesis of what you're saying. You're not going to master everything. Not only will you not in real life but to pursue (not attain - even though mastery in a sense isn't really something you attain) absolute excellence and mastery in multiple things in your life is just a stupid unwise endeavor. That just leads to sloppy horrible work. Put the majority of your energy and focus into 1 thing. Perfection even as a concept means nothing if you acknowledge it doesn't exist. Just practice to get better. That's all. You wanna go ahead and do that, by all means. 

I don't disagree with your statements. I don't hold myself up to an ultimate steady state which is called perfection. As I said above, I think of perfection as the process of getting better, not an ultimate steady state. I know I'm not going to master everything. But, I can kind of master my life.

Notice that mastery and improvements are part of reality, and it's also perfection. What's real is that things keep evolving and improving over time and through iterations in the long term. Reality is not stagnant. This is perfect.

I think you mean perfectionism or an ultimate steady state when you say perfection. When I say perfection, I mean the process of getting better. Even if you put the majority of your time into one thing and spend a little time on other things, you are still getting better at those other things, too. That's also perfection. For example, I'm learning to shave my face with a straight razor. I don't plan to attain absolute excellence in straight razor shaving, but I'm going to become more perfect at it over time if I keep practicing it. By not trying to attain absolute excellence in straight razor shaving, I can become more perfect at balance. By becoming more perfect at attaining balance, I will excel more in my life. I also plan to become an athlete to improve health and become a more effective person. But, I'm not going to waste my time by trying to become a professional athlete. Becoming an athlete is a mindset.

There are also limiting beliefs that make you think you can achieve only this much.

You can become a better or more perfect version of yourself by dropping both limiting beliefs and perfectionism.

Edited by CreamCat

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