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Language and no mind

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If you are completely present in what the Zen masters call no mind and all concepts are removed wouldn't that mean if someone talked to you while in this state you wouldn't understand them as you would just hear the sounds of the language and not the concepts that the sounds produce?

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You do not need to think to understand language. The mind handles that automatically already.

In fact, you could be in a conversation with someone, speaking to them, while simultaneously meditating.

Even speaking does not usually require thought.

Thinking is far less necessary than most people think.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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20 minutes ago, andyjohnsonman said:

If you are completely present in what the Zen masters call no mind and all concepts are removed wouldn't that mean if someone talked to you while in this state you wouldn't understand them as you would just hear the sounds of the language and not the concepts that the sounds produce?

yes. Nevertheless it is possible that there would be compassion or love directed to those who talked.

Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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That’s good to know cause my mind is usually racing with self analytical thoughts when I talk to people which probably makes me awkward lol

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The intellect is not the problem. The problem is as the intellect attempts to understand it creates a lot of garbage “karma” as a byproduct. When the intellect is cleansed. It will remain functional without gunk.

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Try a practice of with every arising thought, think of the opposite thought, this helps to realize not believing or identifying with arising thoughts / seeing the meaninglessness. This is how One/You convinces itself it is Twoness/Thinking/Maya/Illusion. The concepts aren’t removed so much as realized to have been added, and when unbelieved, and rendered useless. The hilarity of thinking.   Wu! & “Alan Watts gong” point to this, as does every thing sensed.

After a while, there is less and less to be resolved (monkey mind), all thinking is duality, all beliefs are falsity.     No mind is there all along. 

“Presence” Is “no mind”.     Physicality, your talking, their talking, your thinking, their thinking, communication, language, objects, sounds, identities, practices, etc, etc, all things appear in no mind, but are duality, illusory, always in twoness. What is not two is one, so that One must therefore be you, so “it” (twoness/illusion/duality) can not be spoken.  No mind just is. 

Even more practically speaking, you probably already notice when your’re talking with someone, there is also an inner monologue running about what you and they’re are thinking and talking about. Initially, label the inner monologue “thinking”, and the conversation “conversation”. You’ll begin to be aware thinking is not as much part of the conversation, it just seems like one has to think of what to say next. But counterintuitively, what is next said is authentic, without the “preparatory” thinking / inner monologue / over thinking. 



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