Key Elements

How to take care of the mind

4 posts in this topic

I also think that at least an hour of exercise everyday is important and taking multi-vitamins along with eating healthy. Sometimes you got to empty your mind of excessive thoughts.

Please feel free to share your thoughts about this video.

I'm looking for the overall health of the mind and body to maintain long term.

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I was doing intermittent fasting and skipping breakfast now i heard this and is confused ?

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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This video applies only to the dormant and those stuck in the mind. 

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Video is interesting. I know a lot of people who don't take breakfast and smoke. Most of them have headaches during day, maybe it's connected somehow or maybe not. I also have a friends who started a new healthy life after he decided to buy property in Italy and it helped him. Now he goes for a run every morning, started to eat more healthy food and changed the circle of people around him. So maybe the video is right and you will feel better if you get rid of bad habits. 

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