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Kundalini Stage?

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Hello everyone,


Whilst blissed out on LSD and feeling slightly sexually aroused my spine started shaking, I felt a rush of pleasure and a movement of energy throughout the spine. I couldn't sit still and was very alarmed. As the trip came to an end, I felt an amazing bliss of connectivity and feelings of total and complete oneness to a degree that I had never experienced on previous trips. I felt the light within me was renewed and it was beautiful and semi-enlightening. 


This was about 6 months ago.


While my entire life I have generally been a very emotionally detached person with little sense of self just from my introverted personality alone, I felt a renewed disconnect from the self after that day and I made an agreement with my inner light to always follow it's guidance. The next day I did some research and realized this was in fact the start of a Kundalini awakening. It was beautiful.


It was then that I quit my job and began traveling to new countries, did some vispasana retreats, and while my old ego self is always present while interacting with people, I am almost constantly aware that it is just a mask I am wearing behind a true self.


My question is, what comes next? Is there a fuller form of enlightenment I have not yet come to realize? I feel calm, grounded, extremely at ease everyday although I have no idea where my life will take me in the next 6 months. I am detached from all emotions but I still find that there is a desire for more truth, a bigger enlightenment, and a push to get this pent up energy out into it's full form. Is this just a never ending trip down the rabbit hole? Or is Kundalini just one stage in a bigger more complete enlightenment?

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@Beeflamb Sounds like you've barely scratched the surface of nonduality.

Try 5-MeO-DMT to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Beeflamb little did I know about my self, kundalini is a stage prior to enlightenment & (some people even have some after enlightenment) i was just try to get to enlightenment!  I didn't even know what Kundalini was! The energy preps the body for a full blown enlightened state, some people pass over the state, some go through Kundalini, I'm currently dealing with it my self, you still need to do self inquiry, you just tasted Enlightenment a little, or the ox tail as they call it. Great job though! Any questions PM me, mine opened up on a strong determination sit about 6 months ago as well. I'm currently reading enlightenment through the path of kundalini as we speak! ?

Edited by Tony 845

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Is a Kundalini awakening like a psychedelic experience for people who don't do psychedelics?  That's what it kinda sounds like to me.

I think I may have had one Kundalini experience come to think about it if we define it that way.  There was a time this summer where I was having all these insights when I first started moving into Coral that wasn't preceded by psychedelics, but it was an awakening experience nonetheless.  It's almost like I did a psychedelic but I didn't do a psychedelic.  That's where I realized that you don't really need psychedelics to precede every awakening experience.  If you're ramped-up to have an awakening experience, you'll have it psychedelics or no psychedelics.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor I did an sds sit about 5/6 months ago, when I hit about the 2 hour & 10 mintute mark "I" stoped fighting the pain Completely & just let it be, at that exact moment without knowing anything whatsoever about chakras or kundalini. (I was trying to attain enlightenment) my crown chakra blew the fuck open!

It felt like energy was pouring out of my head for about 2 minutes! I sat in a state of complete bliss, no insights just happiness.

The event was so earth shattering I thought I was enlightened (I've heard Adyashanti had an a similar experience) so I got up, shortly after my ego came roaring back in, it wasn't the real deal, but I have never been the same since.

Ive been deeling with kundalini ever since that day, my 3rd pulasates all day long, when I do any form meditation I feel like I am spinning, if I don't stop it it'll go for 20 mintutes no problem, my eye lids & chest have uncontrollably pulsated through mediation as well. Many times after I couldn't sleep & no it's not anxiety it's is its own energy. This energy is clearing our chakras.

everything is heightened with kundalini, my states of bliss are states of bliss! My anxiety or stress are higher as well, loud noises get more irritating than normal, when I get horny i get very horny.

They say once you're kundalini is opened you have a much better chance on enlightenment will see??‍♂️

As or today I've never done an pyscadellic, nor do I plan on doing any till till more people come out say they are full blown enlightened through them, they way I figure it thousands of people have become enlightened without them ?‍♂️But ya never know...

Edited by Tony 845

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Go deeper into Muladhara, but prepare to shatter your world entirely if you are on the path to awakening. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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@Nahm Even if your living in peace and can still can get insights and gain more wisdom. Don’t fool yourself

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@Joseph Maynor it’s a permanate realise of energy that starts to circulate, heal and rewire different chakras in your body. Brings up a lot of repressed emotions/traumas which causes depression and aniexty but can also cause periods of bliss. The process can go on for several years. This is from personal experience and from hearing enlightened people talk about. For example, Saduguru, Adyshanti, Craig Holiday and Gopi Krishna all went through this process.

Edited by SBB4746

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@SBB4746 I haven't cried in years, last night I balled like a 2 year old boy, I knew once it starterted it was all kundalini related stuff, it's purging shit which is good, one step closer to 3rd eye has been throbbing everyday the past 6 months, anyone have or know any advice on this one?  I'm also reading enlightenment through the path of kundalini as we speak, it's pretty good if anyone is dealing with kundalini stuff..

Edited by Tony 845

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@Tony 845 it’s sort of tricky because there’s really no advice to give other then to open up to and feel the emotions. But your ego will probably take that on board and try “open up” which doesn’t work. Be mindful of how you try and resist and manipulate the process and how that is reason for your suffering. The energy is totally natural and pure, it’s your mind that makes it a nightmare. In the end you will be so exhausted from trying everything that you will just naturally give in. It’s not something you can do

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