
Passing out and General Anesthesia

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I did a 30 year juice fast like a year ago and about two weeks into it I was feeling weak and would notice intense rush of blood to the brain when getting up from the bed too fast that would make me really dizzy to the point of almost passing out. 

One morning I got up way too fast, was walking into the kitchen....I started feeling the very intense blood rush and dizziness and then it was just blank....I woke up on the kitchen floor with a really eerie feeling of not knowing where I am and how I got there. It took about 10 seconds to realize what happened. There was literally no memory, no sensation and no consciousness of any kind during that blank, it was as if everything that "happened" in the moment of passing out was deleted.

Another time when this blank happened was when I put under general anesthesia while having surgery at 12 years old. Again there was no memory or experience of any kind, there was just a mask being put on me, me taking a few deep breaths and then waking up with a tube down my throat coughing up blood, the time and "existence" in between never happened for me. General anesthesia is said to "induce a loss of consciousness." 

So....what are those "states of consciousness" of absolute blank? Is that what nothingness is? Why was there no transition phase or fear of any kind in a similar way to what happens leading up to ego death?

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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16 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

There's just a never ending stream of Existence/Consciousness.

Same thing will happen after death. You will instantly be Conscious again, probably in a different form.

Then why would 5meo-dmt experience be so radically different for me? It overwhelmed and terrified the shit out of me, why wouldn't I just wake up or pass out in a similar way? The only explanation I can find is that 5meo-dmt was opening my heart at the same time too because I was focusing on it and breathing into it, and so I guess what I'm terrified of is unconditional love which is different than loss of consciousness?

Edited by Vladimir

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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