
Am i overthinking or not thinking enough?

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Sometimes I get so lost in my thoughts that I’m like “shut up you are clearly overthinking” but then I feel like I don’t have my life together I need to think and have a vision for myself.

id like to think that enlightenment is the pursuit that I value the most and the one thing that I would like to dedicate my life towards. However, I tend to get overwhelmed with the stresses at school. I like to tell myself: hey stop worrying about medical school, it’s not even your number one priority. But then I have deidicated so much of my life in this area that it’s not easy for me to just “not car”  nor do I want to.

so my question is, do I need to sit down and really think about what I want In life in a more objective way, or am I already overthinking about this whole thing?

i just want to be on the right track.


thanks all for your advice..

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I am also studying to get into a great university for medical major, but i think that you can be enlightened no matter what job you have or where you live. 

I sometimes think that i should forget about everything related to enlightenment and go on with my life but i got to the no turning back point.

What about seeing enlightenment as just Truth seeking instead of achiving a goal? Maybe it doesnt even need priority if you are just curious to now what's True?

Maybe go on with life while you're mindful.

Edited by Pouya

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