
Krishna/Jesus/Buddha/Allah whom to worship?

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I am confused. My search for a way to Truth in religion is not very successful. I realised that no religion is the right or perfect path. All religions lead to the same destination- Truth realization. 

But how do I search for Truth then. 

After 3 episodes of psychosis and being depressed for over a year, I can't do meditation or yoga because it causes me headache. I am doing reiki and it is awesome and it's helping me but I still feel lost. 

Also wanting anything creates suffering for me. If I can want to read a book I just can't complete it unless it's my top most priority. But I am also not able to decide. My mind just goes in all directions whenever I try to focus. How am I supposed to focus when I can't meditate. 

But my next step is to learn my native language. I always felt like I did not belong anywhere. Maybe it's because I did not know my own language. I will create a strong healthy ego and then I will slowly strategically become aware of my ego and dissolve it. 

What do I do to move towards Truth? 

I read a book called Radical Honesty by Brad Blanton and it has helped me immensely. But I don't know what to confess. I am unconscious of my falsehood.

I don't know. I am confused.

Please comment. Thank you!

"Becoming 'awake' involves seeing our own confusion more clearly"-Rumi

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What if no religions/paths lead to truth. What if truth isn’t fixed? 

What if the selected religion/path is the root of of this suffering? 

Edited by Jack River

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What if a religion/path itself distorts/covers up truth. What if the self/ego and the path/religion conformed too are one movement of time/thought seeking security in itself, and therefore fueling its own illusion/suffering? 

Wouldn't that be something dudeso.O

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21 minutes ago, Jack River said:

What if a religion/path itself distorts/covers up truth. What if the self/ego and the path/religion conformed too are one movement of time/thought seeking security in itself, and therefore fueling its own illusion/suffering? 

Wouldn't that be something dudeso.O

@Jack River Then how do we seek Truth if there is no path?

"Becoming 'awake' involves seeing our own confusion more clearly"-Rumi

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Well can you start the exploration without conforming to a map/path/religion? 

What if the map is you? All there in plain sight.. what if truth is escaped by looking elsewhere? 

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5 minutes ago, Anirban657 said:

@Jack River Then how do we seek Truth if there is no path?

seek yourself.

leave the rest and save yourself a world of trouble

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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37 minutes ago, Anirban657 said:

I am confused. My search for a way to Truth in religion is not very successful. I realised that no religion is the right or perfect path. All religions lead to the same destination- Truth realization. 

But how do I search for Truth then. 

After 3 episodes of psychosis and being depressed for over a year, I can't do meditation or yoga because it causes me headache. I am doing reiki and it is awesome and it's helping me but I still feel lost. 

Also wanting anything creates suffering for me. If I can want to read a book I just can't complete it unless it's my top most priority. But I am also not able to decide. My mind just goes in all directions whenever I try to focus. How am I supposed to focus when I can't meditate. 

But my next step is to learn my native language. I always felt like I did not belong anywhere. Maybe it's because I did not know my own language. I will create a strong healthy ego and then I will slowly strategically become aware of my ego and dissolve it. 

What do I do to move towards Truth? 

I read a book called Radical Honesty by Brad Blanton and it has helped me immensely. But I don't know what to confess. I am unconscious of my falsehood.

I don't know. I am confused.

Please comment. Thank you!

3 episodes of psychosis and a year of depression?

You need psychoanalytic/psychodynamic therapy if you want to move forward. Expect to put a lot of time and effort in to heal. It will help you on your spiritual path. 

Google "psychoanalytic institute <your city>" and call them and ask for a referral -- PM me if you need more help with this.

Website/book/one-on-one spiritual guidance: Sifting to the Truth: A New Map to the Self

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Depending on psycho analytic therapy/religion/paths is all the same. 

Anyone who really wants to understand themselves does so. Dependence on any authority will only confuse more. Freedom first dudes. 

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17 minutes ago, Jack River said:

Depending on psycho analytic therapy/religion/paths is all the same. 

Anyone who really wants to understand themselves does so. Dependence on any authority will only confuse more. Freedom first dudes. 

Sorry, but that's an extremely dangerous and misguided position.

Website/book/one-on-one spiritual guidance: Sifting to the Truth: A New Map to the Self

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11 minutes ago, winterknight said:

Sorry, but that's an extremely dangerous and misguided position.

Don’t be sorry dude. 

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@winterknight I am doing reiki... I am slowly healing, I can see and feel the changes in me. Reiki works very effetively for me. I don't want psycho-anything because for the last 3 years psychiatrists have not been able to reduce my drepression and headache but by doing reiki just in 10 days my headache reduced a lot and right now I don't have depression at all. Thanks to reiki.

I am just confused about religion.

"Becoming 'awake' involves seeing our own confusion more clearly"-Rumi

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@Jack River I watched Leo's How to become enlightened video. I understand that there is no path. I have also read Jed McKenna's work. 

"Becoming 'awake' involves seeing our own confusion more clearly"-Rumi

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1 hour ago, Jack River said:

Well can you start the exploration without conforming to a map/path/religion? 

What if the map is you? All there in plain sight.. what if truth is escaped by looking elsewhere? 

@Jack River I will do the best I can.

"Becoming 'awake' involves seeing our own confusion more clearly"-Rumi

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1 hour ago, winterknight said:

Sorry, but that's an extremely dangerous and misguided position.

I second that.

You’re a newb. That’s fine. Not a bad thing but there is a path and there also is no path. Anyone who tells a newb “there is no path” is no in position to be giving advice. If you think you’re going to do this on your own will, good luck with that. The Buddha had teachers for 5-6 years. Christ (who is more a deity than a historical person) has John The Baptist. Man, you have, a free site that gives you dozens of techniques to do this and can buy a cheap booklist to have resources in guiding you on this path and you’re saying “I don’t know what to do.” Try and sample different traditions and techniques work them well.

This notion of “there is no path” is irrelevant and harmful advice as it doesn’t apply to newbs. Newbs need to make the strong intent to do this (if they actually want to - and you can lie to yourself thinking you want this when really you don’t). After a lot of work, then you’ll evolve into the realization that there is no path but that’s the least of your concerns. There is a path, thousands have walked this. It’s doable. You’re on a website that offers you an over abundance of resources so this whole “I don’t know where to start” shows more that you haven’t done your homework - and you’re going to need to do a lot of it in this work.

”Worship” is a weird word as it can refer to different things. If you think you’re going to attain enlightenment by believing stuff, then you’re in the wrong clubhouse. Seek what these sages, saints, and mystics sought! Not what follow in what they said!

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2 hours ago, Anirban657 said:

I am doing reiki...

How do you do this? I do not know reiki so I looked it up in wiki where it is told that applying reiki is done by a reiki therapist to his patient. So do you have a reiki therapist?

They also tell that reiki cannot replace conventional medical/psychological treatment but only accompany it.


2 hours ago, Anirban657 said:

I am just confused about religion.

Why do you bother at all? Just forget religions.


Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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1 hour ago, ground said:

How do you do this? I do not know reiki so I looked it up in wiki where it is told that applying reiki is done by a reiki therapist to his patient. So do you have a reiki therapist?

I go to a reiki therapist. I am not replacing medical treatment. I also go to a psychologist and a psychiatrist.

"Becoming 'awake' involves seeing our own confusion more clearly"-Rumi

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3 hours ago, kieranperez said:

I second that.

You’re a newb. That’s fine. Not a bad thing but there is a path and there also is no path. Anyone who tells a newb “there is no path” is no in position to be giving advice. If you think you’re going to do this on your own will, good luck with that. The Buddha had teachers for 5-6 years. Christ (who is more a deity than a historical person) has John The Baptist. Man, you have, a free site that gives you dozens of techniques to do this and can buy a cheap booklist to have resources in guiding you on this path and you’re saying “I don’t know what to do.” Try and sample different traditions and techniques work them well.

This notion of “there is no path” is irrelevant and harmful advice as it doesn’t apply to newbs. Newbs need to make the strong intent to do this (if they actually want to - and you can lie to yourself thinking you want this when really you don’t). After a lot of work, then you’ll evolve into the realization that there is no path but that’s the least of your concerns. There is a path, thousands have walked this. It’s doable. You’re on a website that offers you an over abundance of resources so this whole “I don’t know where to start” shows more that you haven’t done your homework - and you’re going to need to do a lot of it in this work.

”Worship” is a weird word as it can refer to different things. If you think you’re going to attain enlightenment by believing stuff, then you’re in the wrong clubhouse. Seek what these sages, saints, and mystics sought! Not what follow in what they said!

I have no strength in me to argue.

"Becoming 'awake' involves seeing our own confusion more clearly"-Rumi

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@kieranperez I will only say one thing. Thank you for the advice.

"Becoming 'awake' involves seeing our own confusion more clearly"-Rumi

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The path/religion/means to arrive fixes/presupposes the destination itself. The self projects the means which becomes in time the end/goal. By me conforming to a means/path/religion it is inevitable that I am resisting what is the case in myself. We tend to start off in belief. Belief in enlightenment/truth and what choice to make to “attain” such. We look everywhere but at ourselves. Many think it’s necessary to choose a path, but they don’t realize that is only resistance to what is. We can spend years and years looking outside ourselves depending on knowledge/practice/conflict to free us, or we can learn about ourselves free of any kind of authority. The only path you need is all right there in yourself. Watch it, learn, observe. Not according to any authority, even your own. 

Anyway it’s up to you dude. Good luck brah.??

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"God has no religion" - Mahatma Gandhi

Personally, I think it's important to have faith in a type of source energy that connects us all, but is commonly referred to as God in most religions. It doesn't mean you need to subscribe to any religion, just that you need to have faith in something. Call it your "higher self" if you prefer, it's really all referring to the same thing.

I also went through two episodes of psychosis and years of depression. I feel for you. Keep staying strong :)

I remember when I was deep in psychosis at the mental hospital I told my nurse, "You do realize I'm the spirit of Jesus Christ and Mother Mary all in one, right?"
She nonchalantly said, "Oh, is that so? How is that possible?"
I said, "First I put my faith in God, then I put faith in my reality, then I put faith in myself"
I was nearly falling onto the table in front of me, trying as hard as I could to verbalize what I was going through.

Anyway, I'm not sure if that even makes any sense, but I think the point is to have faith in something, and the rest will come.


"Move and the way will open."
– Zen Proverb

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