
I have a shaking habit

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I’ve been having a rough go og it lately and whenever i find myself thinking some repeditive thought, like suicide or if i obsess over something, i react by tightening my muscles and shaking my head or my entire body. Pretty rediculous way to cope obviously, but i was wondering if anyone had similar physical reactions to such things and maybe if someone had any advice. Thanks bye.

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you're fighting it. you're fighting so hard that your body is close to breaking point.

just remember that resistance makes stronger.  if you resist your thoughts so strongly, they will become that strong. please address this now. if you resist any more and make your emotions even stronger, you might break. You need to find a controlled way to let some of your thoughts trickle through. you need to let them wash over you. perhaps you need to find a therapist or somebody trusted to talk to.

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 @Mintberrycrunch Gosh, I know what it is like to feel that way, and you aren't alone in having those odd body reactions to it. 

I also know what it feels like to go to therapy and for it to not help. Do you have anyone else to talk to? Personally, I am here to listen to anything you need to say. 

Suicidal thoughts are an older, overbearing/toxic friend of mine that try and creep up every now and then. If you are close to acting on them though, go to the hospital and tell them this, they will take care of it from there. One thing that helped me was really being honest with myself why I had a repetitive thought. I know you are already in a lot of pain, but it has to hurt a hell of a lot before it gets better. Repetitive thoughts are usually us not processing something right or trying to deny something, when deep down we know what the truth is. 

Finding a way to process these thoughts in a healthy way is paramount. I've found taking a walk, drawing and meditation help loads. Do something you love- I recommend trying to find your life purpose and focusing on that. Maybe you just need to have a good cry and nap- I did these a lot as someone with anxiety and depression. I find when I start shaking at random to suppress a thought, I need to actually let that feeling wash over me. But like a wave, it does eventually pass and you continue down the path of life. Watch your thoughts mindfully, without judgment at one point, then try to do this most days.

Working on emotional mastery is crucial for this as well. I am still working on that myself- it is hard business, but undoubtedly worth it. Treat yourself like you are the most valuable thing on earth, because spoiler alert, you are. Every part of existence is, even when you don't feel like it. Go and buy stuff for a relaxing bubble bath and soak up your emotions like the water surrounding you. Make a day and go somewhere you've wanted to go and enjoy the sights. Allow yourself to enjoy life, because I know we all too often cope ourselves up under the gist of needing to work/do school or feel obligated to do something and not allow ourselves to live our dreams. 

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Seeing a therapist won't help if you are still fighting various thoughts. It really depends on how you are using the therapist. I can go to a hair dresser and ask for a wash and blowdry, but if my hair is past my ankles I'll still trip up now and then. You need to use the therapist for what YOU NEED, and that is to stop this battle with yourself. Notice the feeling in your body when you do this shaking thing. What is this feeling? Why is it so terrible? Try just one time to embrace the feeling. Imagine it's like an old friend. Let it wash over you.
You see, your body wants to protect you. Every feeling, every response, is pure love. I get the feeling you are trying to rid yourself of various feelings or thoughts. This is only going to make it worse. You have to accept all of yourself. Even these thoughts that you might think are dangerous. I used to think suicidal thoughts and it used to terrify me. It terrified me every time it happened until I decided suicide wasn't a bad thought. I decided it wouldn't really matter if I killed myself. It would be fine. Since then I realised these thoughts weren't scary or dangerous and I realised I really didn't want to kill myself. I could try if I wanted and that would be fine, but I didn't want to.


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@Mintberrycrunch Hello there! I used to have EXACTLY what you had my friend, 100%!

Firstly, I want you to know that this IS curable and you are able to be free of it, just as I am now, if I can do it you can do, as I am not special in any way at all! I was rid of this problem through meditation. 30 minutes a day for just 1 year, try it! I started it when I was 16, and by 17 I was rid of my anxiety and OCD and all the physical problems that it brought (I'm 20 now and my anxiety and horrific thoughts have never returned)! I know that is a big ask, but if you do it properly, the proper mindfulness meditation exercise (simply trying to be aware of your thoughts for that period of time and not giving up) it will TRANSFORM your mind, I promise. Just my advice. Therapists are hit and miss, as I am sure a lot of us on here would agree. If you don't like the idea of meditation, you could try to find a proper hypnotherapist, he or she may be able to help, I went to one once and he was excellent, listened very well to me and got to the core of the problem quickly, as long as you are honest to them. If you are having deeply disturbing or uncomfortable thoughts, you have to tell them directly what they are, otherwise they may not be able to unlock the secrets in your mind.

My thoughts and best wishes are with you, just remember, tons of us on here had the same issues and managed to be rid of it, if we can do it, you can too! 

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I have this shaking as well and as others had told - it is because of resistance. Resisting your thoughts and trying to control them makes the shaking reapear . How I deal with it? I just feel it out trying to let it pass and such way by accepting the shaking has come a long way. It means I have something to contemplate on. Why am I resisting these thoughts? What's the cause of this shaking? How can I accept my thoughts and let them run through me?

I hope this helps.

Edited by Strangeloop

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That experience, that event(s) know exactly what is suppressed, resulting in the shaking. You can talk about it exactly when you want, if and when you’re ready. You can let love wash it out, you can let it go, when you’re ready. Notice however, you can not actually forget on purpose. There is only to pretend you don’t know what it is which you used to identity with the body mind, what it is you can understand and liberate of. Just know holding on to it doesn’t work, because that isn’t true about you. 

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”


Go ahead. Illuminate this place. We all want the light in you, ‘out here’. 




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