Anton Rogachevski

How is wisdom transferred?

230 posts in this topic

13 minutes ago, Anton Rogachevski said:

So in conclusion wisdom is transferred like a virus. It infects the patient's mind and creates a thirst for knowing truth, causing him to pursue wisdom, and then he seeks it wherever he can. It then uses the host to infects those around who are also prone to such foolishness.

That's brilliant....and you just sneezed this wisdom all over us. Haha

Edited by SOUL

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19 minutes ago, SOUL said:

That's brilliant....and you just sneezed this wisdom all over us. 


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28 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

One could think of it in terms of an Absolute Level and at a personal human level. At the Absolute level, there is a stillness that always present and is independent of circumstances. It is transcendent of the personality of "me". Some people refer to this stillness as emptiness and peace. That stillness / peace is present regardless of whether or not the mind is aware of it.

At the human level, we have the personality. Here we have conditional peace. "I feel at peace", "I will be at peace when I finish this project". It's probably more accurate to call this type peace "relief". It is temporary relief from anxiety, stress, excitement etc.

So, "I" will not have unconditional peace of love. The "I" personality / self / ego will not love or hate everything. It will not be at peace with everything. The self is based on division, dualism. It sees things as "me" and "other". Since it is not One with Everything, it is not a peace with everything. It will selectively like objects/people that add to it's pleasure and security;  and dislike objects/people that add to it's displeasure and insecurity.

The problem with this statement is fact that non dual state is still observer state , you can not exist on this reality without ego, you still observe your ego from different ego , and you do not have to be in non duality state to experience absolute peace, stillness, you can achieve it with just ego, I do not even see why anyone would even sit at non dual state if you really had Enlightenment experience. 

Edited by purerogue

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15 minutes ago, purerogue said:

The problem with this statement is fact that non dual state is still observer state , you can not exist on this reality without ego, you still observe your ego from different ego , and you do not have to be in non duality state to experience absolute peace, stillness, you can achieve it with just ego, I do not even see why anyone would even sit at non dual state if you really had Enlightenment experience. 

This is the observer - object state of consciousness - in which an observer becomes aware and is observing eternal stillness / peace. This stage has not yet fully transcended the self. Here, the observer dissolves and distinctions dissolve. There is One. Not a conceptual or theoretical One - being One. I found this state of consciousness extremely difficult attain. In fact, the self cannot attain it. I tried for over 20years of meditation and spirituality work. It wasn't until I added in psychedelics into my work. Psychedelics can remove the ego and there is still existence. Just nondual existence/being. Then, when returning to a sober mind state, the self would recontextualize the nondual being to an "experience" of my self and added in meaning, concepts etc. So, there were good looks at it with psychedelics, yet would flip back to observer - object consciousness while sober. Yet, getting a good look at it through direct experience was a game changer. There was a "knowing" deep down that I couldn't explain or put into words or concepts. After integration through meditation, yoga, journaling and discussions on this forum - these no-self states of being began to arise during sober mind states. 

These days, my mind state is in the observer - object state of consciousness. It takes my mind effort of concentration and letting go to enter nondual and I can't always do it on demand. Yet, it's getting easier and more common year after year. . . 

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How can you possibly say that your ego is not you,you are  all egos you experience, to say that you are not part of them you should completely forget about all egos and all experiences you ever had, what good does that give to God, he is here to experience all these lives.

Today was thinking about dreams and how we can become observer over there, one particular dream came in my mind that I had long forgotten, about other life, full of suffering, but no physical suffering and not mental suffering you can experience here, it was feeling you can not access in this realm, at least I think you can't, feel of such hopelessness you can't probably even get with severe depression and this feeling itself is of a kind that you never get to experience here, anyway , that was not the interesting part of this dream, as it is normal to experience feelings that you never get here at dream state, what was interesting was that I lived his whole life, maybe even more then one life, anyway , it was hell of a long time I was experiencing him, even though it might have been only few ours here, for me it was like many, many years.

What difference does it make if it is just dream, you experience dreams every day. 




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1 hour ago, purerogue said:

How can you possibly say that your ego is not you,you are  all egos you experience, to say that you are not part of them you should completely forget about all egos and all experiences you ever had, what good does that give to God, he is here to experience all these lives.

There is a transpersonal (no-self) level and a personal level. At the no-self level, the story dissolves. And yes, as you stated all memories, beliefs, experiences etc. can dissolve away. There are different degrees of self dissolution, yet the self can completely dissolve into nothing, yielding a deep nondual state of consciousness.

At this level, there is no self - there is no personality. So, your questions about how are "you" no longer part of your experience - no longer applies (since there is no "you" anymore). This perspective is unimaginable to a self. As well, the little personal "you" dissolves and the Big infinite "You" emerges. There is no god entity separate from You. You become God. You are God. (not the little personal "you", the Big Infinite You).

This no-self state of being is unimaginable, ineffable and beyond extraordinary. 

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through the earth & the will

if the words and actions are not from the earth you'll spin around forever.

if the teacher is not resonating with you, find another.

All things can be a lesson, be wise, means you never know.

You'll have greats insights even while putting a cake out

Edited by Strikr

We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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