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Help With Sameness vs Difference

2 posts in this topic

I'm not offering help but asking for it.

This video flew a bit over my head.  Being 4 hours long, I'd imagine it's a very important concept and yet when working with it (admittedly quite briefly), it doesn't really seem to have any impact on me.  Unlike the other videos, which often leave me feeling a lot more wise and seeing reality differently.  Just one example, the video on perception... I noticed a huge shift just listening and considering all experience as external.  And this counter-intuitive video has me inspired af.

But with sameness vs difference... what's the big deal (cue the "IT'S THE MOST IMPORTANT CONCEPT THERE IS!!! REALITY IS MADE OF DISTINCTIONS!!!" freak out)...  I mean, I can look at two pens, maybe one red and one blue and yeah... they have differences and similarities.  I know/understand/believe that ultimately everything is relative, and in a way I am generating these differences.  I've even in a way experienced this before, all distinctions collapsing.  But in that moment... it's just two pens with some similarities and some differences.  What's been more beneficial for me is to just let go and appreciate the raw existence and experience and presence of a pen.  Or maybe getting out of my head and being the pen.

So what's the big deal with this?  I mean, everything is the same in that everything is different from everything else.  And for something to be the exact same as something else, it has to literally be that thing itself.  And reality is made up of all possible (and impossible?) differences that can be perceived of from an infinite singularity of nothingness.  So that's kinda cool....

What can I do to grok this more and have some direct experience?  Any hints as to a path to go down in contemplating "What is sameness and what is difference"?  (Tbf I've spent maybe 10 minutes total on this).  Maybe I should rephrase it as "what is a distinction"?  Is this just me and everyone else was like wow this changes everything when watching this video, or what?

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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Don't worry, videos can't make a difference :D

Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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