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Waves of chills???

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I don't really know much conceptually about vibratory states, energy transfer, chakras, etc. but I imagine I may have just had an experience that could somehow be explained in this way. I was just listening to some ambient music and a short segment of a lecture by Alan Watts. I had heard the lecture before, but prior to any significant awakening, which turned out to be quite a surreal experience. I found the lecture profound before, but this time it was like every word made so much more sense, and I connected with it deeply. I couldn't help but just smile and laugh as I listened and contemplated life and existence, even grinning as he talked about death and mortality.

At one point I closed my eyes while I was listening and just basking in being, and that is when I began to have my experience. I got the "chills" all over my body--goosebumps with the hair on my arms standing up, but I actually felt quite warm instead of cold or shivering, and my heart rate seemed to remain the same (calm). Instead of this happening once and fading like it typically does, it happened over and over again. At least 10 times in a row, back to back, over the course of a minute or two, and then several more times after the fact. Like pulsations of energy. I just felt it again now as I type this... And again. It's like I can almost evoke it at will. It seems to start in my back, coming up my back and out into my arms, and ending in my neck and head. Its happened probably 5 more times as I have been trying to figure out how to describe the feeling. It feels very pleasant, but more so arousing as if it is a flow of energy throughout my body. Its been coming in waves but seems to have subsided now, and I am just left with a subtle vibratory buzz in my ears.

Any idea what this could be? Such an odd physical experience, but quite intriguing. 

Edited by ZZZZ

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I get similar chills on psychedelics, but I don't know what it is 

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