
Why do I get random laughs and tears during meditation?

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Hello everyone. I am a 14 year old boy who started meditating 2 months ago. The last few sessions I have had random laughs and tears. I have no clue why really.

The laughs might be explainable. Recently I got many insights and by every insight I just laugh. 

The tears however: I don’t know. I never am really emotional or laugh so much that tears roll down my eyes. It just happens randomly and stops after the first or second tear.

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I think any age is good to start meditating! More and more schools are teaching students to meditate from kindergarten.

Hey @Ampresus , how are you doing? Tell me more about what made you start your meditation practice :)

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2 hours ago, Ampresus said:

Hello everyone. I am a 14 year old boy who started meditating 2 months ago. The last few sessions I have had random laughs and tears. I have no clue why really.

The laughs might be explainable. Recently I got many insights and by every insight I just laugh. 

The tears however: I don’t know. I never am really emotional or laugh so much that tears roll down my eyes. It just happens randomly and stops after the first or second tear.

When you meditate, you open your mind up to experience things that might be beneath your mind's surface. It's just like when you're about to fall asleep, or when you're dreaming -- you experience a different state of mind than usual.

So you might be tearing up because you're feeling emotions that you don't normally allow yourself to feel because you block them out or are focused on other stuff.

Website/book/one-on-one spiritual guidance: Sifting to the Truth: A New Map to the Self

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@FredFred Wauw never seen someone showing so much interest in me.

It all started when I looked up “meditation” on Netflix. I came to “The Secret”, and when I looked that up on YT I came on Leo’s channel. 

I didn’t understand his latest videos and exactly then came to the video called: “What Is Misunderstood About Islam”. I was raised up as a sunni and therefore was interested in what he had to say. I loved how Leo talked about it and decided to watch more of his videos. 

I have always been interested in Buddhism after I learnt about meditation. One day I want to research Buddhism, but before that I wanted to do what Leo said in “Advice For High School & College Students - The Keys To Mastering Life”. Turns out that I already did most of what Leo was talking about, besides finding my life purpose and meditating. 

So I started watching his meditation video and later on his shamanic breathing video. Now I meditate once a day for 30 min (for the last 2 months) and do shamanic breathing every Friday for 30 min aswell (for the last 7 weeks)

You can look up my journal on this forum called “From the perspective of a teen who doesn’t understand” if you are more interested in me or my thought process. Especially the introduction post is interesting to read.

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