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Tony 845

Enlinghtenment vs. awakening I wish we could all get on the same page

11 posts in this topic

Some people say they are the same, some people say they are different, personally I feel they are different.

 I feel like awakening is when you are on a journey to become enlightened, you are a seeker of the truth & you can feel it deeply within, that there is no self or "I" or maybe you are in a kundalini stage of the game that I'm currently dealing with.

just wish us seekers & those who are enlightened could all get on the same page with this topic.

it tends to get confusing, especially when talking to people in this line of work. 

Its also hard because enlightenment/awakening/liberation is such a deep rabbit hole, so really who the fuck knows...?‍♂️?‍♂️

So what are you're thoughts, the same or different??? I think leo may have told me once they are the same, but I could be wrong..

Edited by Tony 845

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Yea, people do use those terms with various meanings. At the deeper levels, I consider them the same. Yet, I’ve noticed most people new to the practice are more familiar and comfortable with the term awakening than enlightenment. 

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17 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

One day you'll get to the point where you give less of a sh*t about issues like this.


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Awakenings are glimpses of your true nature, usually not yet assimilated into ones daily life. Meaning, the tendencies to continue to identify as the mind/body are still strong. Therefore, you are still as bound as ever.

Enlightenment or liberation  (freedom), imho, is when one no longer "identifies" with the mind/body as "I", but identifies "I" with their true nature, which is awareness (or the Self). Once this happens, one still is "associated" with the body/mind, until the death of the body.


“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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Awakening and enlightenment are the same. Don't over-complicate this.

You will never get everyone on the same page, but that doesn't matter. It's like trying to get everyone to agree that red and crimson are the same thing.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 hours ago, Tony 845 said:

Some people say they are the same, some people say they are different, personally I feel they are different.


So what are you're thoughts, the same or different??? I think leo may have told me once they are the same, but I could be wrong..

They are the same since they are merely ideas.

'They are the same since they are merely ideas.' is an idea, too.

=> 'awakening' = 'enlightenment' = 'They are the same since they are merely ideas.'

Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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@Joseph Maynor it's more of an understanding of what they are saying thing for me. Let's be honest it's a little confusing.

Edited by Tony 845

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The self seems to be fixed to identify in some way or another.

The self will disidentify with thought :)

Then turn around and identify with its “true nature”. :D

The self doesn’t seem to notice this fixed pattern and how it will systematically recreate an identity for itself. It seems that if there is identifying of any kind then that is still a movement time continuity(divison).  :(


Edited by Jack River

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